
Saturday, July 21, 2018

help not harm 210718

help not harm 210718

help not harm
heal not ill
peace not pain

this world is easy if we ask these three questions before pursue

this world is a shit place because we are going against each other

we are wrong way round and upside down

if we drop abuse

if we help not harm
heal not ill
peace not pain

everything is easy
world is a place where we fools ourselves and each others

we fools for we think profits, tokens and papers call money
we earn for harm ill pain self and others and not give the key

key is easy
key is drop abuse
key is help heal peace

flowww practice balance

mat is building a place where we can help heal peace, flowww practice balance

balance includes yin and yang
if we have no negative we soon forget ways to peace and will broken by other world dark force

so yin and yang
so balance

flowww practice balance

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