
Friday, July 22, 2011



mr. is a hard working and responsible boy from young age, he went to school and don’t want to let his parents down.

When he force himself too hard on study he became mysterious.

When the majority of this world does not accept mysterious, mr. finds there are many mysterious mr. ms. miss. and mrs. young and old in this world and united all can create a mysterious force which as there are increasingly mysterious food and drinks which enlarges the mysterious force and when the mysterious force becomes the majority and the minority are truly hopeless...

Mr. mister ma

Mr. mister ma

Some thoughts flow, some thoughts rush, some thoughts blow

To express my feelings and thoughts is my job, as to bring you to my mysterious world of thoughts and ideas is what i like to do and what i enjoy doing.

In the world of English, i can express simply, thoroughly, totally, wholly and explosively...leading you to a world of mister ma, more inclusively than 3 dimension but as many di-mension as i can mention in my mansion of mystery, cool full of temptation and desire yet with peace and balance, whole and quiet piece of land...or shall i call it the holy land of mister ma...

Zen curl

Zen curl

When we are in pain we are feeling pain now and feeling pain at present and feeling pain always, how can we practice zen? Because now is pain, we have no way out.

Solution is like a metaphor, we are surfing on the curl, our speed must be higher and faster than the curl in order to stay on it.

Key is to keep ourselves on the curl and ahead of the curl, when the curl shows we show, when the curl grows we grow, when the curl slows we slow.

We need to always be focus on one, focus on now, when we can focus on none then we are done.


We tends to praise the success and neglect the failure.

What truely needs support and praise are the failure ones and not the successful ones.

To a rich person, an extra dollar seems an extra weight in his pocket but to the ones in need, a dollar may mean the world to a group of people.


There are endless able people in this world, key is to find the right person at the right place in the right time.

Many talents are buried, there are endless powerful treasures buried and within everyone of us, we need to find out and let them shine.

Key is to find out out talents as early as possible, study bury talents, we must be aware and beware not to force our kids to learn, as they know what they like, we need to give them room to do what they like to do.

A mum once said ‘it does not matter if my kids cannot study well, as long as they can earn lots of money’.

Friday, July 15, 2011

label 15-7-11


We put label on things, people and matters from before we were born.

We create labels to help ourselves to learn and prevent injuries and avoid harm done to ourselves.

But when we reached a stage of saturation, we need to de-label.

Things (living or not), people and matter is how they are, they represent themselves, any other description to and for them would make them not true.

Some may ask, if we stop labeling and de-label all labels would we put ourselves in risks and harm?

The answer is no.

It is because in order to de-label successfully we must know the truth of every thing, people and matter

It is like when we learn a language or learn martial arts

At the beginning we have to repeat every word we learn, every move we punch or kick, but for a person who already learnt the language or martial art, he / she no need to think in order to respond or react.

Or put it like that some teachers are very forgetful, he needs his students to wear name labels in order to know their name to ask them questions but some name label are too small to read as the classroom is so big.

Some teachers can remember every of his students names and can remember every students background so his students no need to wear labels, when the teacher chat to his students he do not need to call their names as he can remember, respond and react due to that students background.

By de-labeling we no longer need the help of the labels for us to get to the truth of others and ourselves as every thing, person and matter represents themselves and we can respond and react most naturally without thinking and without recalling any history as we are in the state of none, done, one, empty and some may call this enlightenment.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ten stages of difficulty

Ten stages of difficulty

We assume all living creatures have different wants and needs

The one and only and the ultimate need we pursue is comfort

In order to gain comfort we need to pass through ten stages of difficulty

We all have ten stages of difficulty within us on different things, peoples and matters, some we find easy but some we find difficult

Key is to achieve the key ones which are easy to us, as difficulties would not change but we can change what we look for

Some’s difficulties is to gain comfort and that’s the most difficult one for all of us

Some found comfort in success, in power, in love but some just found comfort in health

Can we be comfort without health?

Somethings are difficult for others but may not be difficult for me...vice versa

We have to learn to let go and not hold onto our needs, we do not need anything to gain comfort...we can be comfort without anything

It is because we put an equal sign between comfort and health so we can never reach comfort before achieving good health

Do not put an equal sign
Do not label comfort with labels

Comfort is comfort on its own and comfort does not need any labels to represent itself

Respect comfort
No labels

comfort 10-7-11

comfort 10-7-11

comfort is our one and only ultimate eternal target aim and goal

from birth we try our best to obtain comfort
comfort can be gained by temperature, humidity, brightness, mood, physical, mental, psychological state

our every thoughts, speech and action are targeted to reach comfort for ourselves and for our love ones

we earn money, power because we think they are bring us comfort

we believe in religions and friends because they can provide us with comfort

we wear nice clothes, lives in luxury house and drive nice car because we think they can bring us comfort

we are in love because we can exchange comfort

comfort is one, the one and the only one, the ultimate and the eternal one thing we need and we look for

we can give up anything and everything to earn or to gain comfort, heaven and buddha’s world we are told can provide us with eternal comfort and peace so many nuns and monks gives up many things to try to gain this promised comfort after this life which may or may not even exist as no one can be sure of so far in human’s history
no one wants to harm others, all we want is comfort, some in order to gain their own comfort they sacrifice others, they are willing or some not willing to harm others but they have no choice.

selfish is a noun, we are selfish, we would put our own comfort in front of even the ones we love and care.

we need comfort, we would do anything and everything needed to gain comfort

all living creatures are in search of comfort, balance and comfort, all things (living and non living) are in search of balance

a balance diet can provide us with a balance physical, mental and psychological health which can provide us with comfort and peace all round

some comfort are short term, some comfort are long term
taking fries can provide us with a meal time comfort but then cause us a week discomfort of pain in our tongue and mouth hall.

working over time makes us tired and discomfort for a few hours but exchange with money which if we use it well can exchange with some other comfort to compensate

wise people use short term discomfort to earn long term comfort

dull people use short term comfort exchange with long term discomfort

having sex with a different partner every night can bring us with short term comfort but also comes with virus and disease which causes long term pain and discomfort

taking unprescribed drugs can bring us with a few seconds high but brings with it brain damage which cause us to have to be a long term drug taker which is a life time discomfort exchange with a few seconds of high.

gambling, drinking are pretty much same as drugs and sex abuse.

Friday, July 8, 2011

短語細讀 source from the net





3、現實中人們用真名講假話; 虛擬中人們用假名講真話。



6、感情經得起風雨,卻經不起平淡; 友情經得起平淡,卻經不起風雨。






12. 當你覺得保守一個秘密比傳播一個秘密更有價值時,你就成熟了。

13. 智力测验就是看你笨到什么程度。

14. 偷一个人的主意是剽窃,偷很多人的主意就是研究。

15.兩個男人追一個女人,用情淺的那個先放棄; 兩個女人追一個男人,用情深的那個先放棄。


17. 女人應該注意這些信號:他殷勤,那是他剛剛愛上你; 他笨拙,那是他深深愛著你,他從容,那是他已經厭倦你。

18. 婚姻的難處在於我們是和對方的優點談戀愛,卻和他的缺點生活在一起。

19. 旅行就是从自己呆腻的地方到别人呆腻的地方去。







