
Sunday, June 29, 2014

adult autism association



communication is fatal and vital for every soul

communication can help us to fulfilling and exchanging needs with other souls

communication can ease out and vital in balancing ourselves

communication is key for learning and performing and working in groups

we need to learn the values and the communication styles of the majorities in our interest groups for blending in and reaching comfort and peace with self and others as a group

we need communication to find out and fulfill needs of self and others.



we all have different values, everyone is made up of unique combinations of values

our values controls our aims and targets
our aims and targets controls our behavior 
our behavior controls the results of how we end up

values could be similar and could be divided in groups, eg we love music but we can subdivided into vocalist, pianist, guitarist etc and can also divided into country music, rock, pop etc

wise men would choose their our groups and be the majority, getting into the groups of your interest is vital and fatal

no matter in learning or performing, we need to find, try and get into your interest groups and be the majority

Saturday, June 28, 2014

autism ted talk

The world needs all kinds of minds 
Speaker: temple grandin
Must see 
About autism
scroll down in the link

Friday, June 27, 2014

solution platform proposal

solutions platform

dear all, i am matthew ma-the ideas creator, my Hong Kong mobile phone number with whatsapp, wechat applications is (+852 9194 0869), i accept text messages only and i do not accept calls

if you are interested to work with me on this project, please send me messages to arrange a meeting with me, talents from over the world is welcomed

solutions exchange platform:

i have a silly and ultimate wish which may bring myself into pains and troubles but may also bring a solution to all problems on earth

i wish-peace to all souls.

“no matter how success a person is, he/she must have problems

no matter how failure a person is, he/she must have solutions”

we would like to create a platform for everyone to exchange and share solutions to problems

every solution is priced at one cent

“we work on an idea of one cent hardly cost anything but it adds up and can make the solution provider become a billionaire over night

the solution provider which did you a favor is only asking for one cent, i bet no one would be that cold blooded not to reward someone that helped you with a good solution to your problem”

there are many youngsters stays at home and in front of computers these days, i now tell them that they can be rich and they can be valuable to others on earth and no one can ever look down on them from now on

i (matthew ma) is the creator of ideas, and we need many different experts in our team, so if you are interested in this project, no matter who you are, what you are, where you are, how you are and when you are, we have got a career for you, part-time or full-time or one off basis all upon negotiation

we can work together and share the profits when the money comes in, all you need is to invest your time and expertise with us, as i believe everyone and everything is useful and if we could work as a team for big goals, that would be great.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

microwave fatal



     首先令我们好奇的是何以微波炉有害?倘若有害,为什么政府不回收呢? 有个很有意思的比喻,或者可比拟这个情况,当你将一只青蛙放上一个开着大火的热锅时,牠会立刻跳走,但如果你用一根蜡烛慢慢加温,刚开始时,青蛙并不觉得有任何烫感,但逐渐的等到牠觉得热了,再也无力气跳走。
     如今微波炉就像那根蜡烛,使用它的人就像那只青蛙,什么时! 候! 会被困住,或许是十或二十年之后,但迟早有可能被困住。 

    (a) 肉类微波后会产生一种致癌物  d-NitroSodienthanolanines。
    (b) 微波过的牛奶、水果、麦片,会将其中的氨基酸转化为致癌物。
    (c) 蔬菜微波后,会将植物生物碱(Plant Alkaloids)转化成致癌物。




  1991年,由于一场公众瞩目的官司,人们开始意识到微波食品是不安全的。一位名叫Norma Levitt 的妇女的家人为她的误死起诉。


  瑞士的实验在瑞士,瑞士皇家科技协会的Hans Hertel博士和Bernard Blanc博士经过实验发现,微波加热破坏了食物的营养成分。他们还测量了吃微波食品志愿者血液的病中理变化。




  Lita Lee博士是《微波辐射对健康的影响--微波炉》一书的作者,也是我的广播节目的嘉宾。她在书中写道,每台微波炉都会泄漏辐射。微波烹饪的食物会产生有毒和致癌的附加物。
  3、蔬菜微波后,会将植物生物碱(Plant Alkaloids)转化成致癌物。

life saver shared by others

【 救你的 14 招方式 】


01. 永远记住,你的胳膊肘是你身上最强硬的地方。如果有机会,一定要用。

02. 如果强匪问你要钱包,不要递给他。拿起钱包向远处丢。一般情况下,他会对你的钱包比对你更有兴趣。等他往那个方向 转的时候,你要向相反的方向拼命地跑。

03. 强匪抢包的时候,你不要舍不得。你包里再贵的东西都可以再买一次。但是你的生命买不来。

04. 强匪入家门抢东西,你最好不要废话罗嗦,保持清醒。不要想和他说话分散他的注意力。他知道你想干什么。往往这样会 让他更反感。也不要言语刺激,不要很多眼神接触。总的来说,一般强匪入室抢劫,他只是求财,而且越快越好。可是如 果你言语刺激或者不合作,那么他就会用"他的方式"告诉你,是谁有主动权?

05. 但是,如果你可以到你的阳台,或者一切可以和外界联系的 地方, 或者听见门口有人等等,请你用上所有能发声的东西, 大声呼救。一般如果强匪发现有别人知道了他的行为,会匆忙离去。

06. 如果你被丢进了后车厢。那么你要使劲踢后车灯的地方。等后车灯被踢掉以后,把你的胳膊从那个洞伸出去挥舞。开车人看不到你,但是别的车能看到。

07. 如果你喜欢买东西,吃饭,下班以后回你车里坐那算账,记事等等,请你改掉这个习惯。这是罪犯最完美的时刻跳进附驾驶的位子或者后座,拿枪对着你的脑袋让你开车去他方便犯罪的地方。所以请你上车以后就锁上车门离开。

08. 如果有人已经跳进你的车子拿枪对着你,不要开车去他叫你去的地方。千万不要。你应该发动你的车子,然后以最快的速度开向离你最近的任何墙,树等等。你的气囊袋会救你。

09. 几条关于停车场的忠告:
A. 记住上车前观察你的车子周围,附驾驶座以及后座。
B. 如果你的车子是停在一个大的面包车边上,而且面包车是停在驾驶座这边的,那么请你从附驾驶这一边上车。
C. 小心停在你车两边的车。如果有男性一人坐在靠你车的这一面。请你务必小心。




13. 门口听见婴儿哭声,不要开门,直接报警。大多是录音带和一个强奸犯。

14. 买完东西以后,数清楚你的钱。曾经有过这样的案子。女人在加油站加油以后付过钱回到车上。这时有个男人走过来敲打她的玻璃窗,手里一张5元钱,说她掉的。这个女人就感谢他,开窗/开门,然后发生的事情就我们无法想象的了!


eternal peace

eternal peace

eternal peace is ultimate comfort, four stages of life-born, grow, ill, passing away

passing away is the only comfort out of the four, its the only stage we can get long rest and eternal peace

medicine keep us alive but ill, the least quality and most quantity of days on earth, it is silly

so if a person did something bad to you, the best is to wish him/her has a difficult and long passing away, best over at least 20-30 years...just kidding

it is best to wish peace to all souls

it is more best not to have any wish.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

none no one nothing



originally i made a wish, i wished peace to all souls, but soon i found this wish is silly

a peaceful person has no wish
a peaceful person has no self and no others
a peaceful person has nothing and no one on heart mind soul and body

buddha is peaceful because it has no body, no heart, no mind and no mood

we need to forget about our body, forget our heart and mind, forget about self and others, forget about difference and compare, forget about anything and everything, forget about anyone and everyone

we are nothing and we are everything, we are no one and we are everyone

i thought about pursuing a solution business but now to me everything and everyone is nothing and no one so there is no problems and therefore no solutions needed

i make no difference to nature, with me and without me the nature is the same, i am part of nature, i am part of time space and dimension, i am no one and i am nothing, i have not existed in time space and dimension

nothing and no one of peace is buddha.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014



every soul consists of experience factors to form its unique character timeline

every soul experience lives after lives in different time space and dimensions in different forms of living

in human form where body is jail and heart is lock, our soul got trapped in our body and heart

what we can do is limited with our body, our body and heart would get ill and gives us bad and ill feelings

when we pass away, we are release from this jail, our soul is free again

soul is a form of energy
energy cannot be created or destroyed but energy can be transferred and transformed

every soul has its own unique gifts, our gifts brings with us solutions to solve different problems

if we are wise, we would exchange and share our gifts and solutions and free each other from pain

gifts are within every soul, we should not, need not and must not contaminates our pure soul

sit down and express freely through arts, pursue something you favor would help you to find peace with your gifts.

Monday, June 16, 2014

exchange v2

exchange v2

we live in a world of exchange, to survive and trying to reach peace, we need to exchange, in other words-all souls need to exchange

in stone ages, our ancestors exchange a fish with a chicken, some exchange a fuck for food for the purpose to live on

soon substitutes call money in form of coins and paper are made to substitutes values for exchange good and services

very soon, these substitutes are being exploited to exploit workforce of people, many become slaves and store zeros in banks, some created shares and stocks exchange with many finance products to escalate the level of exploitness of substitutes by financial crisis and crocodiles in the wall street

we now found out except and rather being exploited by these substitutes we can exchange goods and services directly in one on one or in a group basis, there are many ways to exchange

everyone of us has solutions and everyone of us has problems, we can exchange solutions

we all look for peace, problems exists prevents us from reaching peace

as we experience life, we learn different solutions, if we could exchange our solutions with others solutions, then most problems could be solved in the world

everyone can sparkle their own gifts and shine in the world because everyone is a missing piece from the long lost magic crystal ball. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014



from ancient times our ancestors exchanges goods and services

now in year 2014 we begin an age of exchange
exchanging solutions, solutions of exchanging eg cooking and peace formulas and other solutions formulas, exchanging goods and services

in 2014 where we gone through many global financial crisis where some silly people play around with currencies and gold

currencies and gold were made up to control and exploit people, in ancient times our ancestors look for animals and farm for food without these substitutes

when currencies and gold and other factories junk luxuries are created, most being controlled and drained for these things we dont need and store them in banks and we all burn by our greed fear and hatred with no time for our families and love ones nowadays

we now call a new age of solutions, solutions of exchange where we can exchange what we need and no more than that

we exchange formulas from our gifts and learning abilities, we exchange goods and we exchange services to get by in life

may we exchange our abilities and solutions for problems solving and live happily with peaceful and fulfilled lives in a natural environment for ourselves and our coming generations.

Saturday, June 14, 2014



kids has least values in his/her life timeline
learning put values in kids cognitive and some labels are  healthy and some are ill

as parents teacher and coach, we should let our kids shine their brightness from their very inner self through the universe

every soul has its values, we need to give it time and room to shine and express itself peacefully

the very best of our own true self is our pure soul and its true values, we has got everything to be peaceful, but most of us after we are born, we are being forced to learn and being forced to contaminates our inner self with outer pollutants and sadly this pollutants fights with our pure soul and makes us ill

we need time, space and room to sit down peacefully, settle and express and shine our gifts and talent through  time space and all dimensions

finally we would find settling down in peaceful eternity is the peace of nothing and no one where we are dissolved into time space and dimensions without our own self and we are everywhere, everything and everyone

we does not exist and anything and everything will do for peace.

Friday, June 13, 2014



everyone of us is made up of endless values since the history of time

our souls experience different experience along our souls pathways of life living through different ages and times, with different places and people forming our own unique character with all these different factors and spices of life

one of the key value is our cognitive values and labels to exchange

in the beginning, every soul need to exchange to find peace, no matter in our learning gaining or earning process we need to exchange different things including what we use and what we creates

to exchange wisely and reach peace and help other souls to reach peace is target of our soul pathways 

if we are able, we would find helping self and others to reach peace is our ultimate goal, because peace is the ultimate comfort and peaceful feeling which we all ultimately look for and need

but one step further is to delabel all values and not look for anything and anyone because we are fulfilled and peace, so no values and no labels is what we call the state of enlightenment reaching the state of buddha.

Thursday, June 12, 2014



there is a reason for everyone to meet and everything to happen, the reason is call ‘the factor’

chinese has ‘the factor’ concept to explain things since ancient times and it is one of the foundation of eastern wisdom

for every crime happen, we must look at behind reasons, from the family background to the DNA, from the brought up to how he/she is treated, from trauma to his/her understanding and cognitive to the world in his/her inner and outer self

how we understands the world and how the world understands us is completely different

how we reckon the reasons and reasons to our knowledge and the true reasons of our behavior could be a big variable

for everything to happen, there is only one reason, this reason is ‘the factor’ and we should not blame anyone or anything for things happening and we should not feel guilty about actions and behavior or self and others 

it is all about ‘the factor’
no one and nothing can control the factor, it is like water flowing in the sea since the history of time.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014



innocent and guilty, right or wrong are labels only
human created labels to help us to group things and simplified things but ended up creating endless problems

labels are adjectives and none can describes someone or something completely to their true self

in court we labels things and end up with either guilty or innocent, this is bi-polar, black or white, not true, not right and not correct and by all means creating endless problems rather than ending one.

to solve problems, we must understand how problems are formed, to understand the limitations of everyone 

to understand we all tried our best and no one is doing less than their best since the history to time

to understand we have no choice and we cannot control the factor which controls our actions in which no one is responsible for their own actions

if you reckon killing is wrong, then may be you have missed out on history of all successful leaders killed at least more than one person

if you think killing is guilty, you should go and find out why chairman mao is a saint.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


medical sorrow

we call passing away eternal peace, medical services and products keeps us alive but in deep pain with devastating quality of life

we look for peace, eternal peace and peace of life, living  is never peace with worries and pains

eternal peace is a release from pain but most of us being silly and greed for living

illnesses except brings us pain, it would also brings us eternal peace

in the old days in china, we always hear, that who or this who got an unknown illness and pass away in 3 days, people keep on working and soon forgot about sorrows

but in the west, medical services and products extends humans pain period to the maximum

we need to know what we look for
i look for peace, eternal peace if i could
how about you?

Monday, June 9, 2014

dear readers

dear readers

this is mat from gifted sparkle centre, i have been writing and sharing since 2007

lately just had a thought of-why so critical? for my views and writings

just as a friend ask me for me views on her sending her son to school in uk from answer is:

uk teach us critical thinking, if your son has ability to change the world then with critical thinking would lay a strong foundation for him and his life

if he can’t make a change to the world, then critical thinking would bring him into deep pain and sorrow, defeat deny and jail of mood

few days ago when i announced that i was taking a rest on writing i got a comment on my blog, i would like to say thank you for your support

i now would like to ask you-my readers to feedback for me please, if you are reading my articles, please drop me a line from your true heart commenting and sharing your views on my articles

although i enjoy writing, but all these years i was like posting and reading myself without much feedback, i got so tired and lost from time to time...if you would drop me line or paragraphs would mean a lot to me and would be much appreciated.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

comments many thanx for supporting

What i do not understood is in truth how you're no longer actually a lot more well-liked than you might be now.

You're very intelligent. You recognize therefore significantly on the subject of this topic, made me in my view consider it from so many varied angles. 

Its like women and men aren't fascinated except it is one thing to do with Girl gaga!

Your personal stuffs nice. At all times care for it up!
alice: how come you write so fast? each message can lead us thinking. what is your viewpoint about discipline?

Hi Mat, 唔駛客氣! 你好有心機地寫下不同的分享!你有否開微博?我想你會有Fans!尤其是你用英文形式分享,微博多數是國內的讀者, 你的分享一定有educate thinking 作用!

Matthew, 謝謝你的blog sharing, 剛到此一遊, 這是令人引發思考的小天地 !

  1. AnonymousMay 7, 2011 at 5:07 PM
    simple language with clear concept

  1. AnonymousMay 7, 2011 at 6:44 PM
    Author has opened up a new path for thinking at a simple but deep topic

thank you for supporting comment

What i do not understood is in truth how you're no longer actually a lot more well-liked than you might be now.
You're very intelligent. You recognize therefore significantly
on the subject of this topic, made me in my view consider it from so
many varied angles. Its like women and men aren't fascinated except it is one thing to do with Girl gaga!
Your personal stuffs nice. At all times care for it up!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Why so critical?


Why so critical?

Sunday, June 1, 2014





