
Saturday, August 30, 2014

should n expectations 300814

should n expectations 300814

should and expectations originates greed fear and hatred

there are two ‘us’ within everyone of us 
the should and expected us
and the trying to get there us

if we satisfy on how we are, the two us will combine and form one true us

but souls and greed cannot separate, so when our greed decrease, satisfy increase and the distance between the two us would decrease

as our greed increase, satisfy decrease and the distance between the two us would increase

if we look closer, there is no should and expectations would only originates and bring us into endless pain regrets worries greed fear and hatred

things and people comes and goes
treat them in natural manner
and the two of you would be close together providing you with great possible peace.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

fairy tale of a buddha story 230814

fairy tale of a buddha story 230814

there once a buddha wants to find out what is love and to see if there is any mankind without simply exchanging profits on earth

he born in a family full of love at the same time comes with full of greed fear and hatred

in the first 18 years of his life, he looks handsome and he was pursue by many beautiful females in school

he thinks to himself, by this he cannot see the true side of humanity

his will is to see the true humanity and see when he becomes the poorest and ill, what would human be treated him in what manner

from 19 onwards to just yesterday, for twelve years, he found his answer:

humanity is greed and ugly
no one would give for nothing

everyone only willing to give for something in return including absolutely anyone and everyone on earth

mission accomplished.

Friday, August 22, 2014

gifted sparkle centre theory 220814

gifted sparkle centre theory 220814

gifted sparkle centre founded by matthew ma from 2008 in Hong Kong

matthew reckon, every soul is unique
there is no label for souls 

we say one gain one lost
but this gain and lost are labels we put on things matter and souls

there is no compare no difference 
human made up maths, science and schools and all that 

we made up medical but we got worse from there
in ancient times, when human get ill, we die quickly
today, medicine makes our quality of life to the lowest

with medicine we eat more, we eat and drink chemicals that makes us ill and take more chemicals to prevents us from dying 

all the illness there is a graph and curve and standards control by the greed for cash of medical merchants providing medical goods and services

education is not much better, west created a system of certification and universities and the whole system is like lose sands and we are falling in this trap of chasing qualifications and certifications

we should do what we enjoy without harming others
but this world is corrupted by cash which are in place to help us exchange everyday needs to survive really.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

enjoy 210814

enjoy 210814

we would do what we enjoy
if we dont enjoy, we would not do it

let alone we enjoy the results or the process
usually when we enjoy the process there would be good result

if we enjoy the result without enjoying the process, it would mean pressure and pain to ourselves and ones around us

education nowadays are for certificates

medicals are for peace of mind but does the opposite

i found out that i do not enjoy with more than 3 friends at  a time, it is best to have one on one chat with a close mate

i simply do not enjoy with a large group of people as i find as the number of people in the group increase, the topics of chatting is more and more on the surface and never get deep-simply speaker-its a waste of time money and energy

i cannot and i do not enjoy is different
it is easy to get in a big group with all the social events in the city but if you look deeper, everyone is selling their products or services in big groups social events
i have the ability but i simply do not enjoy pick up or chat up as i found pressure and too excited and too simulative as you can never get enough once you started like a vampire sucking blood

if you enjoy pick up doesnt mean you enjoy dating or relationship or marriage, they are all different things 

if you enjoy a relationship doesnt mean you enjoy marriage etc

some just stays at the pick up stage and even if they in a relationship and or even after marriage, they still practice pick up and one night stand ending up family tragedies

differentiate what you can and what you do not enjoy is one of the key to peace.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


medical 190814

medical 190814

health is peace all round
souls can never peace
peace can only be without souls

illness and problem is non peace 
we say physical, psychological, spiritual peace inner and outter all round

western has body checks on all index and measurements: heart beat, blood pressure, cancer cells, glucose rate, potassium etc

these body checks results then put against different scales and measurements to diagnose and certify client’s illness and actions advice to be taken

we do body checks because either we feel non peace physically or psychologically 

today under media advertisements financed by medical industries and different promotions on medical products and services and free body checks, citizens are trapped firstly by free body check and by lack of knowledge and fooled by the body test results

we are not robots, fluctuations and off scale is a must
the scales average and safety line is made up to get more consumers consuming medical products and serivces...we paid to make ourselves more and more unpeace

western doctors diagnose by body test results, asking questions and observing

body test can show virus, bacteria, cancer, blood presure etc

doctors study in university and some old doctors are graduate from post war and hardly update ever since except their license

doctors use the knowledge in theory for practice and they never experience and experiment themselves

there are common cases in wrong reports transfer leading to tragedies

doctors learn eg sore throat use paracetamol in university, when a client comes to him, he sees ask client how he feel, open your mouth and prescribes paracetamol

for more complicated case doctor simply write you a slip for body checks, then reads the report-if luckily its the right report, he either prescribe medication or operation

all they do is practice what the books and reports tells them without thinking, testing and analysing

many doctors and patients cannot communicate well lead to false diagnose and false treatment

i reckon, communication is key to peaceful diagnose and treatments for conditions 

patients are ill mostly because they cannot communicate well

it is up to the doctors to communicate the distance and difference is made to a peaceful treatment than an irritates one.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Peace handwriting me

Peace me handwriting

communication 160814

communication 160814

replacing illness and problems we say condition
everyone is unique
everyone and everything has unique conditions made up of unique factors

good and bad are labels only
medical and education originally in place to solve problems but end up creating endless problems

medical and educational goods and services creates problems for mankind and these two industries is two main industries generating most income for the west

illness and problems are conditions that irritates and affects our life and prevent us reaching peace

but there are so many tricks medical industries does to irritates us, one is with body checks and tell us we have cancers

even though we feel no physical pain, hearing such report irritates our peace of mind

medical products and services never cures
medical products and services lengthens our pain period to the maximum and squeeze every cent out of the family and makes everyone greed fear hatred and worries 

this world is full of pains anyway, so if anyone gets a cancer report, my suggestion is enjoy the rest of your time without medical and without worries

cancer time would be no more than 6 months, that would be and make it the best 6 months of your life on earth without worry greed fear and hatred and have a happy funeral

western medical creates pain for you and makes you pay them and you have for dribbles of bits of your peace

f that i say
if someone has to make me pain to earn a living
i have the responsibilities to make them stop on me and go no further to my love ones and the rest of the world

for money, the medical and educational industries turns evil and devil

medical makes us and our love one worst than death and cannot die

actually dying is peace, its eternal peace
do not be scare of dying and dont be greed to live
quality of life is the most important
no how long we live
its how peacefully we live...

Monday, August 11, 2014

Cancer true peace










Tuesday, August 5, 2014

peace 050814

peace 050814

satisfaction is peace
peace of mind is satisfaction of heart

from kid we greed, we curious to find solution for problems we come across

education is the worse thing created to turn off our curious

education turns curious into pain

education final by exams, test and exams means no faith and no respect and no appreciation

we greed for more marks 
we fear and hate for low marks

aim of education is certifications
aim for learning is solution
education is the graveyard for learning

education shape us into greed fear and hatred
but we truly need is satisfaction

with satisfaction, there is no greed fear nor hatred
for a healthy heart healthy mind and a healthy person

from kid we would remain them curious and curious would drive them to research for solutions

at the end, we would find peace by satisfaction
satisfaction of heart is peace of mind.

Monday, August 4, 2014



satisfaction is the factor for peace

a person with satisfaction has no wish because he/she is peace and at his/her best and he/she needs no more and no less

no matter how much or how little you have, you have the right and ability to be satisfy

fate controls what we have and who we meet but fate can never completely control how we look at everyone, everything and every matter

satisfaction is enjoy now

satisfaction is not looking for anything

satisfaction is peace

satisfaction is how we look at everyone everything and every matter