Saturday, October 31, 2015
IT innovations 311015
IT innovations 311015
the new apple games controller can replace wireless mouse as the controller for all apple and non apple electronic devices
problem arised last year when my mac storage is full and i have to back up my i phone i pad and music with video photos and documents
recommend apple and electronics suppliers:
minimum physical storage with maximum electronics data storage with destroy proof for heavy duty, easy carry for mobility global travellers
physical storage means lots of cash especially in hong kong and japan, once we stored data files many stays there permanently
for magic tv and apple devices the internal memory can be replace by micro sd card slots, with buy in bulk we could get cheap and reliable micro sd memory cards along the production line
micro sd card must increase in stoarage size electronically but stays the same in physical size
if we could have 1T or 2T micro sd card even the price is bit dear but it can save the physical storage cost
for electronics devices it is not how powerful it is on its own, its it is powerful when compatible with other supported and back up devices
for electronics devices for magic tv apple google microsoft, we must support external storage or add on memory storage cards.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Monday, October 26, 2015
Saturday, October 24, 2015
1c one cent 241015
1c one cent 241015
one cent is the smallest unit in coins
in the digital world, we could transfer units in points, for example-one dollar equals a hundred points or even a dollar could equals a thousand or a million points
digital data can be collected and exchanged for points
digital data are in numbers in audio video photo or text forms, data could solution for problems
learn earn and heal solutions are in data, solutions are in data eg the ingredients of food or medical recipe, measurements in designs and creations in arts and science, numbers and figures in exchange market etc, everything and anything is data
once these data is created and stored, they are be exchange for endless times only some data has expiration time
if we could exchange data for a cent each, there are plenty data that are valuable and clients would love to purchase
from our smart phones digital devices and computers we are creating endless useful data but we could not yet get hold of and utilise
we have the rights for getting a copy and have the right to avoid or allow our own data from falling into strange hands.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
masturbation 221015
masturbation 221015
masturbation leads to hallucinations and insomnia
masturbation leads to greed fear hatred and guilty in mood mental and psychological traps
masturbation can be stopped by praying to God, praying to Buddha and Guan Yin Goddess
proper relationship or use of prostitution can replace masturbation
the porn websites are sponsored by viagra and durex
semen is the best and concentrated nutrients in our body, over produce semen leads to sight and hearing problem, dry mouth, inbalance of body and brain chemicals leads to malfunction brain wave leads to mood mental and psychological problems and triggered DNA weak points
most health problems in men originates from over produce of semen and masturbation
women has same issues if over use body fluids for over sex practices.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Tips salt grand 鹽和鹽水,三大奇效:降火,消炎,殺菌,對應皮膚病例如暗瘡,香港腳,腳氣,喉嚨發炎,上火感冒,陰部炎,皮膚炎症,如情況嚴重,請向醫院求診
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
google eyes and google ears buy now button 201015
google eyes and google ears buy now button 201015
things started with we read the paper of the buy now button for twitter new function
every exchange originates from our receptive senses, two main ones are our eyes and ears
the buy now button must work with google eyes and google ears as an aid for us to recept audio and visual information data and ads
the buy now button is when we experience any audio video photo text or any electronic data info, there is a buy now button for everything, eg i like the suit that the actor is wearing, i press buy now and it is delivered to me at my door within 12 hours
if i watch porn and i like the actress, i press buy now and she be pressing me doorbell in 12 hours
what if we watch the same screen as a family or share the same audio in a cafe speaker listening to songs
thats when google eyes and ears comes alive, we wear google eyes and google ears, visual and audio aid devices, what ever we see and hear there is buy now buttons
for example i am walk on the street, i see buildings through my google eyes, it detects my eyesballs retina and sights it then gives data of what services that buildings provides and how to get there near and far
when i see a taxi, i can buy now to order one, when i in a cafe i listen to any songs from the cafe speaker google ears seach for me and i can buy now
when i see who ever wearing whatever clothes google eyes search for me and my sizes scan for my body sends to the fitters and i can buy now or for particular tailors
i see whatever food is nice house is good, girl is hot, we can social right now and book hotel rooms buy now, there is a function where when i am bored, i can turn on my boring google eyes and ears signal and turn on my filter
the filter can filter out and in what just i want eg i need girls, then when i walk on street some girls with suitable criteria we can sit down for coffee and see if our schedules fits and pursue more from dust till dawn.
Monday, October 19, 2015
autism and gifted 191015
autism and gifted 191015
everyone is partly impaired and partly gifted, same to people with autism
people with autism has communication and social obstacles, they failed to communicate to the outside world and failed to social with others, so they invest all their time in particular hobbies and the success is top of the world if others can understand them
people with autism is like a giant treasure, why they failed to communicate because there is too much treasure and they give up to transport to the outside world whereas normal people all the treasure can be fit in a truck
put it in words by computer and sharing in a blog is a good aid for communication obstacles, plenty successful stories and articles creators around the world cannot communicate themselves well without expressing themselves in writing
successful artist and creators has autism, some found what they love like drama or creating arts of audio video photo or text, some finds their life extremely hard doing things they hate and some end their life in tragedy
may i bravely say, all creators and all artists has autism, why God created the world some ask, because God has autism.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
autism 181015
autism 181015
autism spectrum includes communication obstacles and social disabilities, pyschological mental and mood disorders
todays Hong Kong put most resources in kids, adults autism service is lacking creating a huge problem for the society
using service of prostitution, gambling, consuming alcohol and exploiting drugs and all crimes in our society starts and originates from autism
if we can communicate well, we would have no troubles of dating, no troubles in learning earning and therefore no mood no psychological and no mental illness which much less medical bills for the society
communication is the key for autism, people with autism has the main obstacles of communication and social troubles
when others don’t know what they mean they would find them funny and bully them
autism people have the trouble of sychronizing and have obstacles of understanding others feelings so they are no welcome by others
many people successful in the society because they knows how others feels and they can control others by playing what others likes and hates
autism only brought to light after year 2000 in Hong Kong, which means for adults during and after the year of 2000 the society has no resources to take care of, leaving crime and violence in families and societies to grow, many of the autism people grow up and have children, some are so poor they keep creating troubles for their love ones and the society
therefore i call upon the Hong Kong and the world’s society to aware and take actions in caring for the autism adults in the society, resources are needed for adult autism in our society and the money spent here would save huge social and medical bills and even you would find you will decrease numbers of prisoners
why people go drinking alcohol, take drugs, crazy sex and gambles and fighting and bully or join the black society, it is because they lack communication and social abilities and the bad guys communicates with them and care for them, so they go the bad way
everything starts from communication and social obstacles in which we call autism.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Friday, October 9, 2015
Gifted peace gold 360 doc 天才得精神病的比例為何這麼高?
曾获诺贝尔奖的华人科学家丁肇中说过:“一个天才,和一个神经不正常人中间的距离是非常短的。”而大哲学家亚里· 士德也曾讲过:“没有一个天才不是带有几分疯癫”。被誉为如爱因斯坦那样的天才数学家小约翰·福布斯·纳什,因在博弈论等领域的巨大贡献在1994年荣获了诺贝尔经济学奖。他的名字时常会出现在经济学课本、进化生物学论文、政治学专著及数学杂志等多个领域。然而使大家想不到的是,这位被《财富》周刊评为最耀眼的新生数学家,竟是个患有“妄想型精神分裂症”的疯子。纳什在小时候就很孤僻内向,稍大些人们对他的评价是“古怪”或“离经叛道”。他有时认为自己是上帝的一只左脚,有时告诉人们他是南极洲帝国的皇帝,在他30岁事业走到顶峰时却患上了精神疾病。
英国科学家巴龙· 科恩近期研究发现,伟大的科学巨匠牛顿实际上也是个抑郁症患者。他在《新科学家杂志》上发表文章指出:牛顿除了在科学领域取得惊世成就之外,他还是个自私、陕隘及好斗的怪人。牛顿几乎从不爱开口说话,就是对屈指可数的几个朋友也是表现出冷漠或坏脾气。有时既使没人听课,他也会对空无一人的教室讲课。在牛顿50岁那年,终因抑郁与偏执而导致精神失常。另外根据种种迹象表明,在大科学家中患此病的还有哥白尼、安培和爱因斯坦。据有关部门统计:一般在1000人中平均只有4个患有轻度躁狂抑郁症,而在天才中则是这个比例的十倍以上。
据英国《每日电讯报》网站报道,著名的精神病学专家迈克尔· 弗茨拉德教授在研究后指出:奥地利音乐家沃尔夫冈·阿迈兑斯·莫扎特、德国音乐家路德维希·凡·贝多芬、俄罗斯作曲家彼得·伊里奇·柴可夫斯基;西方哲学泰斗康德,以及英国大文豪乔治·奥威尔、作家安徒生、巴尔扎克;诗人拜伦、雪莱、普希金、罗伯特等在文史领域曾独领风骚的大师,在生前都患有抑郁或精神分裂症。而疾病在导致他们行为怪异的同时,也激发了他们的创作潜能。这正如巴尔扎克所言:“天才就是人类的病态,它就如同珍珠是贝的病态”。
另外患有这类疾病的天才人物还有:法国思想家布莱斯· 帕斯卡尔、德国哲学家黑格尔、意大利小提琴演奏家尼科洛·帕格尼、波兰伟大钢琴家肖邦、俄国大音乐家华西里·康定斯基、德国作家约翰·克里斯托弗·席勒、法国作家小仲马、俄国作家列夫·托尔斯泰、德国著名作家歌德、英国著名女作家维吉尼亚·吴尔夫、法国象征主义典范诗人阿尔蒂尔·兰波、奥地利精神分析学的创始人弗洛伊德、德国画家阿尔勃莱希特·丢勒等。
●法国现代派的著名诗人夏尔·波特莱尔(《恶之花》作者) :失语症及半身不遂
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
memory utilization 071015
memory utilization 071015
we need to revitalize our memory and digital memory for mankind’s future
memory stick goes smaller in size and larger in memory as time goes
but present 2015, 20 years after computers launched, we still gets memory obstacles
for mobile devices we store data on micro sd cards
for computers we use memory cards, clouds and discs
if we could utilize memories and store transfer and safe data between public servers and private memory cards
there are valuable datas and solutions stores in public data banks and private memory cards
if we could exchange our data and solutions for one cent each on public servers and private memory cards to target for solutioning problems
there are audio and video education and entertainment programmes on tv and radio, photos and text in books and magazines, if we could store all of these data in public servers for one cent download for each solution, more of us would be educated and healed and earned easily and casually, the world would be more peaceful as a result.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
data search 061015
data search 061015
from year 1995 personal computer was introduced to the public started the data era
data are in forms of audio video photo text and numbers
google was introduced shortly after to solution for searching data
personally reckon all electronic devices must have choices for search and platforms for datas
datas is stored in memory cards and we could choose and change platforms eg windows macOS linux and other platform, there is more than one platform on each device and there is multi versions of apps running parallel on each device
the trouble of current system is we are force to update and we only can keep on version of one system on each device
as the world become more diverse, we must have choice and possibilities to mix and match what suits us and each factor provider is compete against each other and the popular ones gets to stay rather than now the big asses companies with no creativity and without innovation always controls the market
the market and the consumer have the power to decide who stays and who leave by paying one cent per day license fee for each app they use, every little bits counts and sands becomes the world.
Monday, October 5, 2015
peace the solution 051015
peace the solution 051015
one thing all souls pursue is peace
one thing all things pursue is balance
two things about peace is problems and solution
three things about problems is greed fear and hatred
three things about solutions is learn earn and heal
everyone everything and every matter is made up of factors
souls can never reach completely peace until eternal peace
key is to get peace and solutions along the way of up and down, the more peace the better
in which we know peace we can never get until we are dead, at least heart beats pulse and breath never peace until we lost our life
we pursue solutions for solving problems in life by learn earn and heal
learn earn and heal is all life long, some lucky ones no need to learn earn and heal but some unlucky ones learn earn and heal all life long
sooner or later or for some time in life we need to learn earn and heal
if we could casually learn earn and heal by sharing our solutions, we could live with less pain more peace and this is the concept of solution platform created by matthew ma
you can search for solution platform articles by seaching the word solution in the seach box on this blog.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
peace and fear 041015
peace and fear 041015
all souls pursue peace and exchange fear for peace
learn earn and heal are about peace and fear
yesterdays world use fear to control consumers and drain cash from them no matter charities, religions, organisations, businesses, schools, hospitals
where there is souls, there is interest and profits and there is fear and peace
avoid fear and pursue peace is the most natural and basic machanism of souls
todays and tomorrows world, we become more and more aware of the power of peace rather than just the power of fear
solution platform is a creative solution pricing at one cent per solution, one cent is next to nothing but can brings you eternal peace
one cent shows your interest and support for the solution creator and each one cent add together counts as billions and trillions for the solution creator in which all parties gives the minimum input for the maximum output
where everyone can benefit from peace and fear, the users must accept a term where one cent is for a solution per person per time, if illegal pirated materials penalties is double factoring the cent for every second until all penalties and price is cleared and cash to the creators hand.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Thursday, October 1, 2015
computer tomorrow 011015
computer tomorrow 011015
computers and mobile devices are made up of:
the body-the case
camera and display, sound receiver and producer
power unit, long and short term memory unit, data processor
cables connecting and conducting units
operating system, data and apps
as the world becoming more environmental friendly and more divese in creation production and solutions, all parts of the device will be able for purchase and assemble to help save the environment and also catch up with the fast changing data world
current electronic device problems:
security-i cloud and bank info always got stolen and hacked
memory-becomes full but impossible to add memory or replace memory card like i phone
power-battery become dead but cannot replace or too expensive to replace
environmental pollution on bits and parts broken or outdate and has to bin the whole device
we would be able to choose and there should be all versions and companies of operating systems on each device ready for us to choose, the apps and data and system are stored on different removable memory cards and could mix and match.
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