
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

苦力鴨 Move app Ku li app

苦力鴨 Move app 

Ku li app

Monday, June 26, 2017

投資會 funds club

投資會 funds club



Sunday, June 25, 2017

Saturday, June 24, 2017

辦法平台 solution platform Funds for gifts Gifts for funds Gifts for fun Fun for gifts

辦法平台 solution platform 

Funds for gifts

Gifts for funds

Gifts for fun

Fun for gifts

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Balance 220617

Balance 220617

Everyone is unique 

We all tries to balance 

Symptoms is process of balance 

Process of balance do us good

Except the irritation is outrage we should let the balance process done naturally 

Medicine is chemicals and poisons to interfere disturb delay shorten or stop our self balance and self healing process 

We and our body has to pay for the price of long term and permanent damage that medicine poison done

Our body has natural cycles of cleaning healing balancing and self peace 

If natural self balance cycles is interfered, we our body will fall into a never ending cycles of external poison trap where one medicine solves one problem and generated plenty problems and each demands more pills to solve on and on till your wealth and health is dehydrated 

The solution is keep natural self balance cycles without interfere with any add on input 

If symptoms go can't bear, we should pursue natural solutions 

Doctors must never provide treatments with permanent damage 

There are doctors from hell around, do remember what goes round comes round, treat others as you like to be treated 

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Planning is the con of the century 

Computers is the fool tool

No one has control, ones pursue control are being controlled 

Nothing is eternal 

Everything is meanwhile 

Experience like everything are in circles 

Computers should displays planets and things in circles 

It's fun to collect things in circles

It's fun to collect green

Green round Chinese collars

Carrot potato pumpkin sweet potato in sauces n dips

Tuesday, June 20, 2017



Monday, June 19, 2017

Lunatic is no terror, true terror is no one have faith in you including your own true self.

Lunatic is no terror, true terror is no one have faith in you including your own true self.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

當 now


Hotel and thirst 180617

Hotel and thirst 180617

Mat's solution platform, creation platform, experience exchange and healing data exchange is about sharing and exchange experience and solutions

Mat see pity of mankind repeating and duplicating creations solutions and experience, time and effort is wasted like playing a CD, we hardly gets to the songs near the end, every time we play from beginning

What a pain and pity computers is made to create problems rather than killing problems

If we can share and exchange solutions for learn earn heal through data exchange

Data is store on timeline calendar and map with identities of creators

Data must be save safely day by day and hour by hour with no effort wasted on backup and duplication

Duplication is powerful if we can manage it well

We need to have a data creations timeline for every identity

We can easily tagging factors and circles of every data and circles chosen can be summary and duplicated for unique backups for unique tasks and jobs

The original data timeline is unique and kept forever, the master of original data is backed up on servers round the globe

Solving the problem of duplication and repeat and messy folders

We need data management with a easy to understand and easy to operate system 

With data creations store in forms of timelines factors circles identities calendar and map showing creators identity device time and place location

Things are best displays in circles

Devices and systems and app is best in circles and round in shape with everyone of us putting our unique gift into the creations and solutions in the history of time with modern and ancient solutions.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The glass sphere computer 130617

The glass sphere computer 130617

The coming computers are all in shape of glass sphere like the glass magic ball in Harry Potter

Plenty ancient stories about ancient civilization on the magic glass balls with endless power

Coming is the age of glass sphere computers

Round ball and circles has the power

All planets and stars are round, plenty fruits and food and parts of creatures is round

Balls is round

Social circles is round

Sphere glass computers comes in different sizes

Some small as the deco as ring on finger or necklace

Some can be watches we wear

Mobile we carry, some can fit in hand or desktop ones are bigger or fit in our sitting room like tv or fish tank

We can communicate and exchange with the spheres

We are learn earn heal with exchange experience through the sphere

Current problem that created by computers is everyone is shut in their own cell of device and we are exchanging experience only on the other side of the glass, the rule is no touching, no skin ship

We can choose to solve this problem by experience real skin touch meetings groups or by the glass sphere

The glass sphere is not quite the solution but it comes second

We can exchange experience in circles of unique combinations of factors

Learn earn heal groups

Love ones, family friends and teams

The key is to eliminate boredom

Around and before 1970s, we all share houses beds and we social, there were no problems because every problem is tackled by groups wisdom

With computers from 1990s, we are jails in devices

We seems so near but so far

We are chatting to ones around the world yet we don't know who we dine with

Though not sure sphere is the way out 

If we have a choice, we would return to sharing housing and solutions with sun bright shining upon our face.

Monday, June 12, 2017

We are trying hard to do impossible things where the thing is possible to do by one.

We are trying hard to do impossible things where the thing is possible to do by one.

Stop hunger stop foolish

Stop hunger stop foolish


Parents for seconds of joy and for selfish and foolish will of accompany and care from children, bringing children to this world of pain sorrow greed fear hatred and endless thirst, the least parents can do is to give children care love n the best they can to keep them less pain possible on earth to lessen the sin you created for your children.

Seconds of joy for parents, a hundred year of pain for children.


Privacy is about giving up all your rights for free after paying the full price.

Privacy is an excuse to stop you from protecting yourself

Privacy is an excuse for you to help others to harm yourself

Privacy sounds like help but harm

Privacy is hiding your head in the sand with your huge ass sticking high up in the air

Privacy is a foolish trick that fool the fools

Privacy is the classic west con

Privacy is for you to tie yourself up and jump into the sea and drown

Ones claims to be unable as you harvest their aid Ones claims to be disable as you willing to provide charity Ones claims to be extremely able as you plan to invest in them

Ones claims to be unable as you harvest their aid 

Ones claims to be disable as you willing to provide charity

Ones claims to be extremely able as you plan to invest in them

Why things breaks easily 120617

Why things breaks easily 120617

Things breaks easily because of greed fear and thirst

In 1970s, cotton clothes and plastic ware my dad is still using today

Why from the 1980s things become more and more fragile

Because creators want to feed, they create your product and service with faults and breaks easily creating junks and pollution for cash power and sex

The light bulb that created over 150 years ago is still lighting up in a museum in USA means things can be made hard wearing 

Things and relationship, anything everything anyone anyone breaks easily because they are made to

Present year 2017, we cannot afford to create junk for earth and for our children

We must solution and creation green and clean

Green and clean.

Sunday, June 11, 2017


mankind is slavery 110617

mankind is slavery 110617

mankind is the only species on earth with slavery systems

modern world is slavery to investment, brands, cash power and sex

priviledge means slavery

mankind is greed and polluting the world with selfish and ugly greed fear hatred with learn earn heal

modern age has companies and brands creating fear greed and thirst

like computers and mobile devices, it is greed to have endless choice

we are burning our own stock

when we feel good on a practice, we are burning quotas for innocents and for our children and we have no right 

the foolish system is made up where things break easily and go out date in a flash with tonnes of junks on the other hand we are promoting green

foolish ones are getting cash in between but it comes in a price of poisoning all of us

if such foolish burning stock behaviour not stop mankind will soon come to real thrist of clean water

we need water food air light soil

we need to share green solutions and green creations to solve pollution problem

clean water food air light and soil is key.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Candy Cantonese 懂得全部 200 句就可以算是精通廣東話。
這 200 句廣州話歇後語和其他更多的歇後語一樣,如不繼承傳誦,很快會失傳 …… 慢慢睇 🤓

   1. 阿茂整餅:
   2. 屙尿入盅:
   3. 半夜食黃瓜:
   4. 扁鼻佬戴眼鏡:
   5. 陳年中草藥:
   6. 城樓跑馬:
   7. 豉油撈飯:
   8. 廚房階磚 (豉油樽蓋):
   9. 單眼佬睇老婆:
  10. 賣布唔帶尺:
  11. 番鬼佬月餅:
悶極 (Moon cake 的諧音)
  12. 番薯跌落灶:
  13. 飛機打交:
  14. 飛機火燭:
  15. 非洲和尚:
  16. 肥佬着笠衫:
  17. 肥婆坐屎塔:
  18. 墳場發電機:
  19. 風吹雞蛋殼:
  20. 閉眼射靶:
  21. 棺材鋪拜神:
  22. 棺材頭燒炮仗:
  23. 跪地餵豬乸:
  24. 深海石斑:
  25. 航空母艦/新澤西號:
  26. 和尚擔遮:
  27. 黑白天鵝:
  28. 黃皮樹鷯哥:
  29. 白鱔上沙灘:
  30. 火燒旗杆:
  31. 棚尾拉箱:
  32. 無耳茶壺:
  33. 屎坑三姑:
  34. 老公荷包:
  35. 老公撥扇:
  36. 老婆擔遮:
  37. 老鼠尾生瘡:
  38. 甩柄士巴拿:
  39. 落雨擔遮:
  40. 賣魚佬:
  41. 南無佬跌落屎坑:
  42. 牛皮燈籠:
  43. 年三十晚謝灶:
  44. 年晚煎堆:
  45. 撒路溪錢:
  46. 筲箕兜水:
  47. 山草藥:
  48. 神仙放屁:
  49. 神仙過鐵橋:
  50. 神檯貓屎:
  51. 生蟲拐杖:
  52. 隔夜痰盂/隔夜茶:
  53. 屎忽生瘡:
  54. 石灰鋪路:
  55. 屎坑關刀:
 文(聞)又唔得 武(舞)又唔得
  56. 屎坑石頭:
  57. 濕水欖核:
  58. 濕水棉花:
  59. 十月芥菜:
       起晒心 (形容恨嫁姑娘)
  60. 十月蔗頭:
  61. 壽星公吊頸:
  62. 甩頭筆:
  63. 海軍鬥水兵:
  64. 死人燈籠:
  65. 抬棺材甩褲:
  66. 除褲放屁:
  67. 成吉思汗蒙打仔:
  68. 水瓜打狗:
  69. 灶君跌落鑊:
  70. 阿崩叫狗:
  71. 賣鯇魚尾:
  72. 橋上倒涼茶:
  73. 冇尾飛陀:
  74. 牀下底破柴:
  75. 投石落屎坑:
  76. 亞聾送殯:
  77. 狗上瓦坑:
  78. 紙紮下巴:
  79. 鼎湖上素:
  80. 亞婆食粥:
  81. 隔夜油炸鬼:
  82. 老火炆鴨:
  83. 鷄食放光蟲:
  84. 潮州二胡:
  85. 貓咪洗面:
  86. 亞蘭嫁亞瑞:
  87. 冇耳藤篋:
  88. 隔年通勝:
  89. 幡桿燈籠:
  90. 三元宮土地:
  91. 陸雲庭睇相:
  92. 秀才手巾:
  93. 倒掛臘鴨:
  94. 雷公劈豆腐:
         搵軟嘅嚟 “蝦”。
  95. 魚生粥:
  96. 火麒麟:
  97. 亞超着褲:
  98. 屙尿射竹筒:
  99. 有早知:
100. 泥菩薩過江:
101. 陳村碼頭:
102. 閻羅王探病:
103. 閻羅王請人:
104. 酒樓例湯:
105. 鐵拐李踢波:
106. 船頭尺:
107. 太監騎馬:
108. 天堂尿壺:
109. 細佬哥剃頭:
110. 床下底踢毽:
111. 火燒豬頭:
112. 牛頭唔搭馬嘴:
113. 裁縫度身:
114. 朱義盛:
113. 唔食羊肉一身羶:
114. 單料銅煲:
115. 電燈膽:
116. 掘尾龍:
117. 生仔姑娘醉酒佬:
118. 二叔公割禾:
119. 挖肉攞瘡生:
120. 火燒城隍廟:
121. 食咗成擔蒜頭:
122. 冇掩雞籠:
123. 上香打噴嚏:
124. 大石砸死蟹:
125. 大花臉抹眼淚:
126. 水溝油:
127. 炮仗頸:
128. 豬頭骨:
129. 瓦風嶺:
130. 上好沉香當爛柴:
131. 香蕉樹影:
132. 跑馬射蚊髭:
133. 冇檳榔嚼唔出汁:
134. 指天椒:
135. 閻羅王開攤:
139. 二叔公煎糕:
140. 出爐鐵:
141. 十二點半鐘:
142. 大良阿斗官:
143. 二打六:
144. 大花筒:
145. 大肚婆行鋼線:
146. 馬騮臭狐:
147. 飛機運茶壺:
148. 上山捉蟹:
149. 狗咬賊仔:
150. 土地燈籠:
151. 三行佬做門:
152. 一隻筷子食豆腐:
153. 問和尚借梳:
154. 牛皮燈籠:
155. 密底算盤:
156. 乾隆皇契仔:
157. 盲公開眼:
158. 田雞過河:
159. 菠蘿雞:
159. 關公細佬:
160. 烏蠅摟馬尾:
161. 冇米粥:
162. 扭紋柴:
163. 神仙過鐵橋:
164. 市橋蠟燭:
165. 茅根竹:
166. 剃刀門楣:
167. 豬籠入水:
168. 蛋家雞見水:
169. 戥穿石:
170. 冰跌落醋酲:
171. 賊佬試沙煲:
172. 大姑娘做媒:
173. 火燒石灰船:
174. 茶樓搬家:
175. 廣東涼茶/王老吉:
176. 火燒燈芯:
177. 瓦荷包:
178. 菜刀剃頭:
179. 水浸塔頂:
180. 公用電話:
181. 打齋鶴:
182. 打爛沙盆:
183. 石地堂對鐵掃把:
184. 石灣公仔:
185. 石罅米:
186. 光棍佬教仔:
187. 奶媽湊仔:
188. 冬前臘鴨:
189. 早知燈係火:
190. 番鬼婆大肚:
191. 護照照片:
192. 茶瓜送飯:
193. 劉備借荊州:
194. 曬菲林:
195. 神檯桔:
196. 皮鞋筋:
197. 冷巷擔竹竿:
198. 細佬哥玩泥沙:
199. 番鬼佬睇榜:
200. 珠璣路尾:
註:珠璣路尾有一間 “多如茶樓” 因而得名。

The exchange to end junk creations and solutions 070617

The exchange to end junk creations and solutions 070617

Most creations and solutions on earth is junk and pollution for greed fear hatred

Why computers creates endless problems before they can solve a problem

Learn earn heal industries creates endless problems and pollution before they can solve a minor thirst

Problems and thirst is created by ones with greed for cash and free slavery workforce

Greedy leaders creates laws and rules for its citizens to work for them for free like slaves

Why the public work their ass off just can keep their bills 

Most problems and pain and i mean over 99.999999999% of problems is created on purpose by the system and game creator for providing solutions to feed their family

Why there are so many political problems, law problems, IT problems, learn earn heal problems?

All because of foolish greed, ones thinks they are smart, clever but never wise because we created pollution and no matter how wealthy you are, how many slave you have, you are going to drown in your own poison 

The way out is to green from source

We must action now and live green lives

Green lives starts from closing down factories and non green organizations 

Poisons must be stop using on earth

Poisons includes radioactive, plastic, drugs and emissions of light, sound, heat

Fact is what we need is tiny little but what we greed is endlessly drowning

From source all green and natural

There are plenty natural solutions


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Healing data exchange 060617

Healing data exchange 060617

How to heal:

The story: 

Around year 2009, mat came across a television documentary on an old lady in Hong Kong who care for cats and dogs on the street, when the camera crew interview her, she explained that she has a good heart but she has pains all over her body and nerve and headaches for over 20 years

She explained she go to doctors in hospitals for 20 years and she takes more than ten types of pain killers daily but pain persist

The camera crew follow her home because its dinner time, i noticed she practice a smart but stupid way, she cover the internal of the rice cooker and all her bowls and dishes with plastic bags because it saves her from cleaning and washing them and i say this originates her pain 

No doctor would follow her home nor visit her during her dinner time nor has this knowledge and education to stop her 

What if all patients have cameras capturing their daily life and share on the healing data platform

All their friends family even the world can view their daily practice and ones with common experience or common knowledge can leave them a message for the solution and tips 

I am sure plenty kind people would succeed this project rather than current doctors meet the patient for 3 minutes without long term stay home visit and current diagnose over 99.99% is wrong and for us to go over fault wrong and primitive healing making us pain rather than peace.

Price n benefit:

The full price of using healing data exchange would be five US dollars monthly

The benefit of using healing data exchange is the right to exchange healing data for learn earn heal

There are 6 billion people on earth in 2017 

Half that twice to be conservative make it 1.5 billion for platform monthly income

Half that again for deducting cost for all parties make it 0.7 billion

Times that by five US dollars make it 3.5 billion 

Half that make it 1.5 billion net income monthly for the healing data exchange platform.

Monday, June 5, 2017

The project: healing data exchange 010617

The project: healing data exchange 010617

Learn earn heal are three stages for souls

Healing is the only stage that matters

Everyone and everything we learn and earn are for healing self and others

Solutions and creations are for healing only

Healing is peace

Souls in search of peace from pain is call healing

Passing away is call rest in peace

Healing can be done through data exchange

Through the years before year 2017, healing is done individually 

Data technology can help mankind to exchange healing data and healing solutions on cloud

Healing cloud data exchange can provide all parties with a low cost honest and reliable healing, exchanging and sharing all healing solutions and healing data of mankind

We wear a device recording our daily life and sharing on the platform, we can discuss like a forum and exchange data on cloud servers

Healing has been a con industry for long and this is about to change

No doctor knows more than the database, and doctors only see us for 3 minutes, no matter how good i can communicate, i only have 3 minutes for hours of travel and waiting time for some unknown pills, scans and jabs

We can replace the current bully healing system by data exchange

Current healing means simply, don't get ill or you will fall into hell, you have no right to die, your pain is drag on and drag until all your money is transferred 

We deserve a honest and reliable healing data exchange where mankind can help each other out through healing data exchange with a minor cost for a major peace.

The creator: matthew ma shek hung

The blog:


Mat educated in Hong Kong and United Kingdom from 1982-2007

Settled in Hong Kong from 2007-present into charity with creating and sharing articles and info on healing and IT

With discoveries of mat on healing, IT and philosophy, mat found:

Problems and pain originates from greed

Greed originates from labels of fear and hatred

Pain is form when feeling is paired up with labels of reactions and foolish standards of morals of should and should not

Souls is peace without labels

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Labels including respect faith appreciation cherish communication n values originates pain n thirst

Labels including respect faith appreciation cherish communication n values originates pain n thirst

Friday, June 2, 2017



求則痛苦,不求則安,過去悔咎,當下煩惱,未來擔憂,一切皆空,當下圓滿,不 求則空


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Healing cloud exchange forum 010617

Healing cloud exchange forum 010617

Respect is key for peace

We may not faith in everyone but we must respect every soul

Learn earn heal are three stages for souls

Healing is the only stage that matters

Everyone and everything we learn and earn are for healing self and others

Solutions and creations are for healing only

Healing is peace

Souls in search of peace from pain is call healing

Passing away is call rest in peace

Healing can be done through data exchange

Through the years before year 2017, healing is done individually 

Data technology can help mankind to exchange healing data and healing solutions on cloud

Healing cloud data exchange can provide all parties with a low cost honest and reliable healing, exchanging and sharing all healing solutions and healing data of mankind

We wear a device recording our daily life and sharing on the platform, we can discuss like a forum and exchange data on cloud servers

Healing has been a con industry for long and this is about to change

No doctor knows more than the database, and doctors only see us for 3 minutes, no matter how good i can communicate, i only have 3 minutes for hours of travel and waiting time

We can replace the current bully healing system by data exchange

Current healing means simply, don't get ill or you will fall into hell, you have no right to die, your pain is drag on and drag until all your money is transferred 

We deserve a honest and reliable healing data exchange where mankind can help each other out through healing data exchange with a minor cost for a major peace.