Saturday, September 30, 2017
Mental saigon seafood v2
Mental saigon seafood
Friday, September 29, 2017
點解 想加入黑社會 故事 我都曾經年輕過 點解想加入黑社會呢 因為佢哋形囉 有多靚仔靚女 好多臭*任我隊 而最緊要係 喺屋企裏面 無論我做得幾好 父母諸多挑剔 喺佢哋嚟講 我點做都係錯嘅 成日搵位入嚟教我 大佬就唔同啦 無論我做親乜嘢 佢都只會讚我 搵到錢一人一半 咁樣嘅筍工 喺邊度搵呀 問題就係當初自己窮 屋企唔係冇錢 但係老豆好孤寒 阿媽有永遠唔會畀錢我使 可以一家 四個人 去飲茶 只叫四個點心 老豆 話咗嘅嘢 好少對現 佢話呢啲係 隨機應變 阿媽對人好有原則 佢啲原則 只係要你遵守 佢自己永遠唔會守 阿媽對人硬頸 對自己靈活 總之有佢著數就乜都得 父母對我嘅要求 係高度 神都冇辦法達到 我嘅父母 佢哋好精 亦都好蠢 精雕細琢 只在枝葉 人哋都係割禾青 對於黑社會 幾個字講曬 欺負欺凌欺騙 要人哋對自己有義氣 自己上位就不擇手段 其實義氣仔呃人嘅 大家識樂廣利益咋嘛 總之都係嗰幾個字 欺負欺凌欺騙 耶穌話 你想人點對你 你就點對人
我都曾經年輕過 點解想加入黑社會呢 因為佢哋形囉 有多靚仔靚女 好多臭*任我隊 而最緊要係 喺屋企裏面 無論我做得幾好 父母諸多挑剔 喺佢哋嚟講 我點做都係錯嘅 成日搵位入嚟教我 大佬就唔同啦 無論我做親乜嘢 佢都只會讚我 搵到錢一人一半 咁樣嘅筍工 喺邊度搵呀 問題就係當初自己窮 屋企唔係冇錢 但係老豆好孤寒 阿媽有永遠唔會畀錢我使 可以一家 四個人 去飲茶 只叫四個點心 老豆 話咗嘅嘢 好少對現 佢話呢啲係 隨機應變 阿媽對人好有原則 佢啲原則 只係要你遵守 佢自己永遠唔會守 阿媽對人硬頸 對自己靈活 總之有佢著數就乜都得 父母對我嘅要求 係高度 神都冇辦法達到 我嘅父母 佢哋好精 亦都好蠢 精雕細琢 只在枝葉 人哋都係割禾青 對於黑社會 幾個字講曬 欺負欺凌欺騙 要人哋對自己有義氣 自己上位就不擇手段 其實義氣仔呃人嘅 大家識樂廣利益咋嘛 總之都係嗰幾個字 欺負欺凌欺騙 耶穌話 你想人點對你 你就點對人
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
感恩者無求 便安得幸福 越追求完美 便越渴求 感恩心便越少 便越貪 越嗔 越癡 便越多要求 便越難滿足 便越不安 便越不幸福 幸福的人沒要求 所以安 因有感恩 心 當人追求完美到極 感恩心完全消失 便稱之為走火入魔 便成了瘋子 但如果慢 慢練習感恩 便可變回幸福而安的人 所有敏感 包括情緒敏感 焦慮 不安 兩極分 裂 屈燥 chur 都可用這感恩之法醫治 敏感症者 全因由 不懂感恩 感恩者無求 便 安得幸福 小馬
Saturday, September 16, 2017
感恩者無求 便安得幸福 越追求完美 便越渴求 感恩心便越少 便越貪 越嗔 越癡 便越多要求 便越難滿足 便越不安 便越不幸福 幸福的人沒要求 所以安 因有感恩 心 當人追求完美到極 感恩心完全消失 便稱之為走火入魔 便成了瘋子 但如果慢 慢練習感恩 便可變回幸福而安的人 所有敏感 包括情緒敏感 焦慮 不安 兩極分 裂 屈燥 chur 都可用這感恩之法醫治 敏感症者 全因由 不懂感恩 感恩者無求 便 安得幸福 小馬
Friday, September 15, 2017
Fucked ones always deny others n thinks one is always right
Fucked ones always deny others n thinks one is always right
Saturday, September 9, 2017
green data device 090917
green data device 090917
green data devices is a series of devices sharing data on green healing of souls and harmony of living and nature
present year 2017, green is the issue with the big leap of pollution since after 1945 earth is filled with man made poison chemicals, plastics and many more
computers and mobiles are data devices can help and harm
we can use data devices for sharing and exchanging green healing data
in china and plenty countries already using computer data aid eco system on fish breeding and food and plant growing
we can use data to stay green, to stop pollution
we are all unique, with data aid, we can fulfill our needs
with green healing data exchange, all problems would fall
but with me article said, all thing has half good half bad
may be we lose our freedom of anonymous and control by minority central power.
Friday, September 8, 2017
thankful for what i net and get 080917
thankful for what i net and get 080917
everyone everymatter and everything is consist of yin and yang, basically means half good and half bad
we go through deals big and small in our live and everytime and no matter how we exchange, we give and get the same values
key is to be thankful for what we have and be thankful for what we net in our pocket and be thankful for whatever we get
remember no matter what we get and give, it is the same value and has half good and half bad
understood this, we have nothing to greed fear nor hatred for
everyone everything everymatter is equal deep inside our hearts
we are thankful for what we net and get.
Leadership is about Communication is about Understanding feelings 領袖學 就是溝通就是明白感受
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Notes exchange Data exchange Solution exchange Creations exchange Experience exchange The exchange Exchange Records exchange Audio exchange Video exchange Photo exchange Text exchange Files exchange Learning exchange Earning exchange Healing exchange Fun exchange Tips exchange Peace exchange Joy exchange Toys exchange
Notes exchange
Data exchange
Solution exchange
Creations exchange
Experience exchange
The exchange
Records exchange
Audio exchange
Video exchange
Photo exchange
Text exchange
Files exchange
Learning exchange
Earning exchange
Healing exchange
Fun exchange
Tips exchange
Peace exchange
Joy exchange
Toys exchange