
Friday, August 31, 2018

machines aided trade 310818

machines aided trade 310818

machines tough not good as greens

mat for food rest release with nature greens

machines is another extreme let us flash there now

machines is best for trade

mobile device best use as wisdom glass

when we point our mobile device camera lens at things matter person, information comes up about that item and how to grow or get them directly

anything through mobile lens appears on screen

let it be a skin problem
lens for full body scan with heart rate, sweat and moist smell chemicals analysis
we point our mobile device at anything unknown to us become known

it helps us to get trade instant

we need to get from A to B, all super computer calculated with the most casual easy way for us to food rest release at ease

with minimum trouble and maximum ease
we trade with no repeat no duplicate but safely backup timeline calendar map and identity

with no trouble of losing, everyone is fully enjoy their priviledge and responsibility

auto copyright to creations solutions with learn earn heal without effort

healing is fun with universal calendars maps and identity


food rest release
with green nature

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Story 请大家耐心看完一个铜钱的故事,看懂它!用心和不用心看完,收获是不一样的! 有个年轻人,因家境贫寒,辍学回家照顾体弱多病的双亲。 他虽然年少,但是,他做啥都很专心,比如:他看景时,不走路,因为分心,故,他专心观景,尽情的欣赏;他走路时,不看景,只观路,因为忽略了脚下,就容易摔跤;于是,有一天他行走在路上,专心观路,却捡到了一枚铜钱。 在他走过花园旁,听花匠们说口渴,他有了想法。他当下就用这枚铜钱买了一些茶水送给了花匠们喝。 花匠们喝了,非常感激,便一人送了他一束鲜花。他得到了这些花,路过集市的时候,把花分送给了爱花的人,于是,得到花的人,非常感激他,每人给了他一个铜钱,于是,他拥有了八个铜钱。 一天,一阵狂风过后,果园里到处都是被狂风吹落的枯枝败叶。 年轻人对园丁说:“我愿意帮助你们把果园打扫干净,这些断枝落叶能让我拿回去做柴火吗?” 园丁很高兴:“可以,可以,你都拿去吧!” 年轻人捡柴火时,附近有一群小孩为了争抢几粒糖,闹别扭,于是,年轻人用这八个铜钱买了一些糖果,分给这群玩耍的小孩,并教育孩子们要团结,小孩们非常感激他,看见他一个人正在捡柴火,于是,纷纷帮他把所有的残枝败叶给捡拾的一空……。 年轻人正准备把这些柴火拉回家的时候,这时,走过来一位帮大户人家做饭的厨工,厨工说:这柴火很好,烧火不冒烟,我们东家有哮喘病,最怕烟了,年轻人听后,说:那您拿去吧!厨工说:怎么可以白拿呢?于是,厨工付了16个铜钱拿走了这堆柴火。 年轻人拿着这16个铜钱,心想这么多的钱,可以做好多善事,于是,他想在自家不远处开个茶水摊,正值炎热的夏季,路人们都很口渴,一来可以廉价的卖点茶水贴补家用,二来可以免费给附近500个割草的工人提供茶水,解决喝水问题。于是,500个割草工人,每天都向他点头微笑,并竖起夸赞的大拇指。 不久,一个路过的商人,也停下来喝水,当商人听附近的人们说:这个年轻人真傻,不仅茶水卖的便宜,而且,还天天在这里免费给割草的工人供应茶水时,商人露出了赞许的目光,告诉他:“明天有一帮马贩子带400匹马要经过你这里,你多准备一些茶水吧。” 听了商人的话,年轻人想,这多马匹,肯定要吃草的,于是,他把这个意思对割草的工人说了,于是,每位割草的工人都很慷慨地送了他一捆草!这样,年轻人有了500捆草。 第二天,马帮队伍来了,在茶摊歇脚,看到这么多的好草,于是,便提出要买,年轻人说:这些草,我没有花钱,你们需要就拿去吧,马帮们笑笑,喝完了茶,便丢下了1000个铜钱拉走了年轻人的500捆草。 几年后,这个地方出了一位远近闻名的大富豪……! 【编后语】故事很简单,年轻人的成功不是偶然的,因为他具备了善根和慈悲心。他明白要想得到就一定要付出;他明白大地不生无用之物,断枝落叶也可以为众生所用;他明白成就一件事情,众生的力量是不可估量的;他更加明白掌握机遇的人,才是成就事业的人。 我们每个人都梦想成功,而且机缘就在我们面前,财富就在我们身边。但,有的人却抱怨财运不佳;有的人却埋怨社会不公;更有的人甚至怪罪父母无能……! 其实,我们真正缺乏的正是先人后己的无我心;缺乏的是先舍后得的慈悲心;缺乏的是珍爱大地万物的惜福心;缺乏的是当下就行、就做的实践行动。 这就好比看到此文后,有人转了,把这个正面的信息分享给了有缘人,使这个世界多了一些爱;有人不但转了,而且还留下了自己的善言善语;当然,也有人既不转,也不留下只字片语,甚至看都没看完这篇文章,于是,这个人就中断了善知识的传播,中断了善缘的相结,那么,福报怎能青睐他呢? 我很感恩我的朋友发给我这么好的文章,我 也要把这么充满正能量的好文章发给我的群友们![微笑][微笑]


本人一直相信 人生係冇得揀 最近先發現 心態可以選擇 我哋可以選擇樂觀或者悲觀 去看待我哋遇到嘅嘢 悲觀令我哋唔開心 樂觀或者可以令我哋開心 點解唔試下呢 當你準備好 或者久唔久 嘗試下樂觀看待你遇到嘅事情 同埋人生呀


Monday, August 27, 2018

Balance green

Balance mum dad mat

Don't put all eggs in one basket 分散投資 分散風險 Balance is peace Peace is balance Balance is not absolute Absolute is not balance Balance is the way The way is balance Spread invest, spread risk If we put all eggs in one basket, it may saves us some trips when we win, we win everything which the price is we lose everything if anything goes wrong Our family is either drought or flood Especially mum, when she thinks water is no good for u, she keeps u dehydrated When she thinks water is good for u, she drowns u with eternal floods She exhaust herself in keeping absolute floods or absolute drought till everyone is anxious obsess n breakdown one by one in the family including herself It's the matter of time of she exhausted or her men exhausted first n the set would change She is anxious when things not absolute In her mind, absolute flood or absolute drought is peace of mind n perfect which is a jail for her n her love ones Absolute means jail, pain n madness Absolute is fear greed hatred abuse bully con pain poverty thirst hunger Absolute is control Absolute is not love X One may need some moist to grow a forrest for eternal life, u think keeping absolute flood or drought is good but fact tell u green just don't grow in absolute extreme environment, not till u learn n practice moist u won't have greens Absolute is poison X Balance is not absolute Absolute is not balance Balance is the way The way is balance Target good, result pain Target balance, result peace Balance is peace Peace is balance

Sunday, August 26, 2018


Target good, result pain Target balance, result peace


Don't put all eggs in one basket 分散投資 分散風險 Balance is not absolute Absolute is not balance Balance is the way The way is balance Spread invest, spread risk If we put all eggs in one basket, it may saves us some trips when we win, we win everything which the price is we lose everything if anything goes wrong Our family is either drought or flood Especially mum, when she thinks water is no good for u, she keeps u dehydrated When she thinks water is good for u, she drowns u with eternal floods She exhaust herself in keeping absolute floods or absolute drought till everyone is anxious obsess n breakdown one by one in the family including herself It's the matter of time of she exhausted or her men exhausted first n the set would change She is anxious when things not absolute In her mind, absolute flood or absolute drought is peace of mind n perfect which is a jail for her n her love ones Absolute means jail, pain n madness Absolute is fear greed hatred abuse bully con pain poverty thirst hunger Absolute is control Absolute is not love X One may need some moist to grow a forrest for eternal life, u think keeping absolute flood or drought is good but fact tell u green just don't grow in absolute extreme environment, not till u learn n practice moist u won't have greens Absolute is poison X Balance is not absolute Absolute is not balance Balance is the way The way is balance


Balance is not absolute Absolute is not balance Balance is the way The way is balance


Don't put all eggs in one basket 分散投資 分散風險 Spread invest, spread risk If we put all eggs in one basket, it may saves us some trips when we win, we win everything which the price is we lose everything if anything goes wrong Our family is either drought or flood Especially mum, when she thinks water is no good for u, she keeps u dehydrated When she thinks water is good for u, she drowns u with eternal floods She exhaust herself in keeping absolute floods or absolute drought till everyone is anxious obsess n breakdown one by one in the family including herself It's the matter of time of she exhausted or her men exhausted first n the set would change She is anxious when things not absolute In her mind, absolute flood or absolute drought is peace of mind n perfect which is a jail for her n her love ones Absolute means jail, pain n madness Absolute is fear greed hatred abuse bully con pain poverty thirst hunger Absolute is control Absolute is not love X One may need some moist to grow a forrest for eternal life, u think keeping absolute flood or drought is good but fact tell u green just don't grow in absolute extreme environment, not till u learn n practice moist u won't have greens Absolute is poison

Saturday, August 25, 2018


意義 就係令自己覺得 自己做緊嘅嘢好有意義 呢個就係最有意義嘅嘢 Meaningful is to make yourself feel what you pursuing is most meaningful, that's the most meaningful thing to us


周林頻譜真善美 神燈飛氈聖水機


周林頻譜真善美 神燈飛氈聖水機

Thursday, August 23, 2018

balance is key of healing 230818

balance is key of healing 230818

key of healing is balance

illness and sickness is created by imbalance of food rest release

balance is healing

any illness and sickness means imbalance of food rest release

food is stimulation and energy intake entry our body mind soul

rest is settle

release is stimulation and energy outgo exit our body mind soul

healing must be release of negative energy

a soul is sick or ill because it intake too much negative energy

it has to release negative energy to the nature to return to balance of energy

balance of energy is balancing positive and negative energy

when a soul is ill or sick, it has most negative energy and little positive energy

we can practice exercise in nature to release negative energy in nature and intake positive energy from nature greens

medications and therapy must base on balance yin yang balance positive and negative energy in time place and identity

if any medications is suppress rather than release, then its going the wrong way

a volcano needs to erupt, let it erupt

it erupt because the area is between slices of earth and plains and we have no way to change that

if we suppress the volcano by laying concrete over it means larger area will suffer

we need to let the volcano erupt and it will sleep for another period before erupt again

if we release the energy bit by bit, then it wont save up enough energy to give it a big one

save up energy and balance of energy is like our pocket money

if we blow it all at once, it will take us long to give another big blow

if we release our pocket bit by bit, then we never save up for a super big blow

thats the theory for balance of energy

the theory for balance of health

the theory of healing

balance is health

health is balance.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


Gold Release Healing trade



healing trade

healing trade

healing trade

Healing trade

Solution platform Creations platform Healing data exchange Healing tips trade Healing data trade Data trade Trade Healing Healing trade One US dollar per day 30 dollars per month 365 dollars per year

Monday, August 20, 2018



善意無知 害死咗人 該當何罪 真心請教 因果報應,絲毫不爽!




healing data trade

Solution platform

Creations platform

Healing data exchange

Healing tips trade

Healing data trade

Data trade



One US dollar per day
30 dollars per month
365 dollars per year

Food rest release therapy

Food rest release therapy

patients of any illness of sickness especially mood mental psychological

the healing is food rest release healing

food rest release healing is a healing created by matthew ma shek hung in August 2018 in Hong Kong

mat whom is a long term patient in plenty kinds of illnesses include mood since childhood

current western healing with pills suppress our true feelings and mood make us worse

for mood patients, we got episode because we set too many rules for ourselves and by others, when all the ventilations is blocked we explode

pills and hospital further suppress and controls our mood like a volcano explode and we lay concrete on top of the volcano and try to stop it explode, what happens is it will explode and errupt even more

what we need to do is to let the hot air release

food rest release healing is we suggest balance food meals and good ways to calm rest relax and enjoy release of pain fear greed hatred anxiety sorrow and anger

when we have too much in life we need to release we need to rest and we need to food balance intake

when we balance food rest release and settle and calm gifts will sparkle bright from within us and we are not only healed but we can heal others too with our experience



善意無知 害死咗人 該當何罪

Saturday, August 18, 2018

First aid pack

小馬急救包 First aid pack from mat Chat and play with your kids Grow some plants Go to the library Go swimming in public pools Go to the park 練氣Contact me for free sessions Shop for food and do some cooking Have clock hotel trips with wife once a month with condom Chat with friends or chat on forum Helping others Volunteering Creating records of audio video photos notes Creating articles sharing on Google blogger Create and run your own blog Food rest release Buffet Outlet Hotel Travel Local tour Short tour One or two nights tour 美食團 煎牛扒 Yogurt and cheese from supermarket Shopping in supermarket or market Drawing Sketching Music Apple music best with WiFi Radio rthk radio 4 and radio 2 can revise on rthk website for free with WiFi Taking photos taking notes with Google keep 蒸咸肥豬腩肉 蝦醬蒸豬腩肉 蒸鹽香五花腩 Massage Creating solutions Creating notes Chat on forum Reading Release Creating 大悲咒 by 黄慧音 Relaxing in nature with greens in park Hiking Beach Shek O Sharing Jazz music Blues music Soul music New age music Piano music Classical music White noise Yoga music Ocean sounds Thunderstorms and raining sounds YouTube search for Johnnie Lawson Wikipedia Google search Google images Listening to radio Rest release Notes with pen and paper Doodling Noodles Bread and butter with salt and vinegar Fresh fruits and greens Vegetables 冰糖檸檬普洱茶 橄欖油鹽陳醋飯 柴米油鹽醬醋茶 Contact me for more information Matthew Ma

失信最貧賤 得信最富貴

欺 沒欺則天堂 有欺乃地獄 天堂沒重覆 地獄則無間 天堂很隨便 地獄多規則 天堂無所謂 地獄很凝重 天堂很輕型 地獄重負擔 天堂不要緊 地獄很緊要 天堂只欣賞 地獄只批評 天堂沒有欺 地獄只有欺 Poem

5G goals

5G goals Timeline map identity

Friday, August 17, 2018

善意有知 善意無知 惡意無知 惡意有知

善意有知 善意無知 惡意無知 惡意有知


5G must solutions 3 keys below Duplicate Backup Repeat





Prince ea

The Buddha was once asked a question by a very frantic disciple. He asked… “Buddha! Buddha! Just give me the secret, just please, just give me the answer; how do I become enlightened? I gotta go, I just need something quick! Please, can you just give it to me right now?” The Buddha replied, “No, no, no. It can’t be done.” The disciple begged, “I gotta go, I gotta go! Please, please just tell me. Just tell me, I gotta go, please!” Then the Buddha said, “Ok, I will give you the secret. Here it is: When you eat, eat. When you drink, drink.” That was it. The most powerful practice you can do every day. To be here now. To only focus on what you’re doing.  When you walk, walk. When you’re with somebody, be with them. Don’t be thinking about a million things, don’t be stressing about the past or the future, just be with them.  Just be here now. Love,  Prince Ea


講嘢畀你聽 同你分享秘密 係因為我認為你可以幫到手 係因為我認為 同你分享咗我嘅私隱之後 你可以幫到手 為我減輕痛苦 但係如果你失信於我 喺你知道咗我嘅秘密之後 你嘅行為令我更加痛苦 咁你就好危險喇 好可能變咗燒鵝或者叉燒包 一個好重要嘅訊息 知道或者打聽別人嘅秘密 除非你可以為當事人減輕痛苦 減輕痛苦係要當事人感受到真正減輕痛苦 以絕對並非係你認為 如果你嘅行為 只要你嘅行為 係令當事人感受到增加痛苦 而當事人又覺得你係有目的咁樣做嘅 咁你就會變咗燒味

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

First aid pack from mat

小馬急救包 First aid pack from mat Chat and play with your kids Grow some plants Go to the library Go swimming in public pools Go to the park 練氣Contact me for free sessions Shop for food and do some cooking Have clock hotel trips with wife once a month with condom Chat with friends or chat on forum Helping others Volunteering Creating records of audio video photos notes Creating articles sharing on Google blogger Create and run your own blog Food rest release Buffet Outlet Hotel Travel Local tour Short tour One or two nights tour 美食團 煎牛扒 Yogurt from supermarket Shopping in supermarket or market Drawing Sketching Music Apple music best with WiFi Radio rthk radio 4 and radio 2 can revise on rthk website for free with WiFi Taking photos taking notes with Google keep 蒸咸肥豬腩肉 蝦醬蒸豬腩肉 蒸鹽香五花腩 Massage Creating solutions Creating notes Chat on forum Reading Release Creating 大悲咒 by 黄慧音 Relaxing in nature with greens in park Hiking Beach Shek O Sharing Cheese Jazz music New age music Piano music Classical music White noise Yoga music Ocean sounds Thunderstorms and raining sounds YouTube search for Johnnie Lawson Wikipedia Google search Google images Listening to radio Rest release Notes with pen and paper Doodling Noodles Bread and butter with salt Fresh fruits and greens Vegetables 冰糖檸檬普洱茶 橄欖油鹽陳醋飯 柴米油鹽醬醋茶 Contact me for more information Matthew Ma

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

精神病 情緒病 心理病 太乖太聽話太敏感 太純真 太清純 轉數太快 太有禮貌 太有知識 太守規矩 太完美 太少犯錯 太戇居 太浪費 太可惜 太無奈 太好 太優秀 太絕對 太精神 太善良 太清白 太無辜 太可憐 太悲慘 太強求 太強迫 太兩極 太焦慮 太緊張 太不幸 太專一 太咸濕 太了得 太了解 太投契 太扭曲太變態 太抑壓 太貪嗔痴 太欺負太欺凌太欺騙 太欺太極 太極端太偏激 太非黑即白 太清澈太透徹 太靜 太文靜 太溫文有禮 太被逼太逼害 太無辜 太冤屈辱 太八卦太可惡太抵死 太冇禮貌 太冇規矩太冇家教 太兩極 太透徹 太精簡 太容易 太棒 太清真純 太真善美 太精簡易 太威太叻太勁 太一朝得志 太受傷 太單純 太容易被騙 太容易信人 太有錢 太窮 太疏忽照顧 太忽略 太被忽略感受 太被浪費糟蹋 放錯地方 時間地方人物完全配合錯 太冇默契 太唔夾 太唔開心 太唔平安 太失平衡 太無知 太短視 顧慮得太多 想得太多

Thursday, August 9, 2018

keys for data machines 090818

keys for data machines 090818

data machines has a few keys summary by mat for ability and functions in common

communication networking search trade create solution learn earn heal food rest release games fun enjoy relax audio video photo text statistics sharing publish sparkle bright gifts funds circles gold keys timeline calendar map identity memories experience connection easy casual keep music youtube blogger download whatsapp wechat facebook google apple ms green health data watch bulk one action multi functions

Friday, August 3, 2018

Happy birth month to darling Candy bb

Happy birth month to darling Candy bb

Thursday, August 2, 2018

mad or dull

mad or dull

9am-3pm 020818

9am-3pm 020818

we must only work from 9am-3pm mondays to fridays for all working class if for food rest release industry can vary but work same amount of hours per week

from 1995-2018 present creation of computer and data machines open us into a time energy relax enjoy fun darkhole

computer was made to help us but it harms us

our back, our eyes, our families friends everyone is facing the monitor

before computer we work from 9am-3pm

after computer created we work around 15-20hours daily

a share of wage for a worker who takes up 5 to 10 persons workload

one person works till breaks down, 10 others fight for the job

workers is competing to get the suicide job

boss is competing to give lower wage

computer more powerful, one man can takes up 100 or even 1000 jobs for a share of wage

and there goes the spiral down to hell

we need to enjoy relax fun not the machines

we need to use our senses to harmony with nature

machine help us to flourish nature and stop pollution

africa tribes are the riches with nature till modern machines cut their rainforrest down

we need to learn from africa tribes

back harmony with nature

there are still tribes left around the world with untouched ancient wisdom harmony with nature which we must cherish and is what we got left from test of time

anxious 020818

anxious 020818

alerts alarms bells makes our brain anxious

amygdala is the part of our brain for alerts alarms bells us for fight or flee when we sense danger of flashing red signal

but this system has varies degrees of reactions sensitivities and sensitive to different stimulations in different dimensions

when our alert alarm bell easy goes off ones call us have a short fuse but never short circuit

we have a balance system which help us flowww practice balance

a mentally sensitive person always gives out alerts on tiny things
a mentally dull person only gives alerts when needed

but mentally sensitive ones are just sensitive and their sensitive can use for all other good deeds

creators are sensitive
prime example steve jobs and google geeks
light bulb and engine creators
confucious and tao creator
tai chi creator

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

3 steps to peace

平安三步曲: 順水,習練,平衡 3 steps to peace: flowww practice balance

keys for the next generation data machines 010818

keys for the next generation data machines 010818

flowww practice balance

circles trade funds

memories experience power network

connect create trade

trade connect create

solution tips

learn earn heal

share message peace


backup duplicate easy auto

relax enjoy fun

wear take stay move

outlet buffet hotel mix ku li app

food rest release

gold circles triangle

trip pay bank trade exchange

day night 24hours

calendar map identity

data stats







audio video photo text



upload download

alarm alert bell

family friends work








food rest release




peace to all souls


network communicate

own hire

no worries no regrets no pain

memories experience power network
