
Wednesday, October 31, 2018


快啲過嚟驗身呀免費驗身呀 你心肝脾肺腎都 全部壞曬死得 不過你行運啦 你遇到我未死得住 畀曬你啲錢我就死得 起碼拖你幾年 咁你就驚恐懼怕 貪嗔癡 痛苦絕望多幾年喇喎 冇曬錢你就可以死得㗎喇

Monday, October 29, 2018




Observing nature time space n souls, we can recover any long lost wisdom n cultures


Blessing is to pass away peacefully naturally quickly

Kind reward

善有善報 時辰未到

Sunday, October 28, 2018

The lesson

One sec Breath Balance



reward good deeds 281018

reward good deeds 281018

reward good deeds would be heaven
reward bad deeds would be hell

education and university are from the evil west where the wicked smart bad deeds and abuse is rewarded, thats why we are living in hell nowadays

reward good deeds
punish bad deeds
not the other way round

why are there evils, because we reward them
why are there no good deeds, because we punish them

if we punish good deeds and reward bad deeds, would be hell
if we punish bad deeds and reward good deeds, would be heaven

education medical securities government trade all run by abuse culture where the kind ones has no choice

funny thing is the abuse ones would stick together and saves each others ass

this is a world of fools where everything is wrong way round and upside down

we are living in hell where abuse is the practice, until we can drop abuse together we fall deeper and deeper into hell together

Saturday, October 27, 2018

mankind and animals 271018

mankind and animals 271018

mankind must learn from animals

we can find our long lost ancient wisdom from animals

some say animal never evolved

mat say mankind ever recess from ancient till 2018 mankind fall behind

we lost ability to heal to balance food rest release

key for souls to peace is to balance food rest release

animals has no trouble balance food rest release themselves

but mankind have trouble balance food rest release

mankind is going the wrong way by creating and rely on machines and plastic

a world without machines locks and plastic is a nature world

nature world is peace with balance souls for food rest release.

reward and award 271018

reward and award 271018

reward and award
profit and honor

we must be thankful to whoever good to us
we must reward and award ones good to us
we must profit and honor ones good to us

we must punish whom abuse us
we must terminate abuse
we must flourish balance and peace

circles solution platform is for reward and award profit and honor ones introduce us to good deeds and terminate ones practice abuse

soon there will be no market for abuse and everyone would only practice good deeds thats the aim of circles solution platform to end abuse and to flourish balance.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Peace solution 060117

Peace solution 060117 Peace solution 060117 Peace is easy to reach without profit Profit gets in the way of peace Profit originates greed fear hatred World’s problems and solution is like a circle We started on a spot on the circle facing the same direction and way we round the circle Centuries later we find the only thing we used to do is to turn our way round On our way we pollute our green and ill the nature for profit Many provide meanwhile solutions, some provide fatal solutions, ones with good heart provide vital solutions Many good hearts creations and solutions is buried by the dark hearted by laws and regulations Some said the solution for cancer, aids and mental illness is long found and created but is held up by profit parties because many would loss their jobs if a pill can heal us all So we live in pain for others to make profit? We earn profits for others pain? One funny thing is computer Computer is made for stop us to reach the key Computer only allow us to do one task at once Is like we are allow to pick up a straw at any one time No matter how hard we work, it is useless We get the bad of computers but not the good We no need to press like and share on facebook Because what where when who how we browse on internet is recorded by the big data Big data is currently use to rob our money If we own our own big data, we can learn earn heal with big data, to create solutions We own more than one device but we can function one device at any one second All device we own must link to our passport with true identity with face and voice recognition All device must use our unique face and voice recognition to login and function Our every creation and solution is big data is recorded and broadcast on our timeline Everyone can purchase anyone’s big data and timeline since everything is legal All communication is recorded and broadcasted for learn earn heal and for stop bully All communication is identified person place and time so there is no bully and no con Everyone must be honest, no one would be silly to commit crime because no one can hide If one commit bully his or her identity would be suspended with all his/her property suspended, he/she has no money and no identity for meal, for shelter, for communication.

the key 241018

the key 241018

as so call civilization develop, its harder and harder to find the key

the key is bury deeper and deeper and lost in the pile of junk

we are graining the key up into sands of dust as knowledge explosion era

we lost the key of balance and the key to our own true self

we need nothing but the key

there is one correct key

the key is balance

balance is the key

mankind and nature 241018

mankind and nature 241018

mankind have healing education trading insurance travel abuse bully con pain greed fear hatred history museum libraries computers machines plastic

nature has none of these above

mankind is moving further away from peace

nature harmony balance peace need none of these above

all animals except human mankind are in peace with nature

mankind need to trash all these above and return to nature

if not we are like building a hyper car super car without a key

balance harmony with nature is key

key of peace is balance

balance is key of peace

notes key

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

circles solution platform 231018

circles solution platform 231018

circles solution platform is a data system for balance healing for souls in circles presentations of solution trade platform

anyone and anything is made up of endless factors, each factor represent by a circle

whom with that factor shares that circle and everyone or everything belongs to endless circles

we record data of circles that everyone belongs to

we may be good or poor in some circles but some other circles that we havent had chance to meet we may be gifted brilliant and excellent at

key of circles solution platform is for everyone and everything reach balance

balance of food rest release and trade

we finds what we need is next door

until this platform mankind creating junks that dont fit

key is to balance food rest release

animals need no healing no education no trade so is mankind

best is for human to live harmony with nature just like animals on each where food rest release of mankind is part of nature but not something extra

we do not need machines nor plastic

machines and plastic are creations by fools for follies

we need nature

we need harmony and yin yang balance with nature.


表哥 任何人,包括姑丈,安為首要,安者平安自在,身安心安,心足舒適也 醫生首要目的賺錢,病者及家人首要身安心安 其實癌細胞只是人體細胞的一種每人都有,癌細胞分佈在身體各部份,會隨著基因,年齡,環境與飲食,增加或減少 姑丈需要安,癌細胞只是一個名稱形容詞給醫生和醫藥商人賺錢借口 近年美國人已明白及流行"安為本",因大家明白病徵,病症只是花錢及搵錢工具而不會被病名誤導而花錢在自己不需的醫學產品和服務,因"自己本安"而給報告恐嚇而"為安心"而"接受治療"最後用巨額"買身心受苦" 千萬不要因驚和貪安而令自己或家人包括姑丈不安,不尋貪求便安,凡人"不尋求,便自在" Matthew



Monday, October 22, 2018

Thinking too much

depression anxiety OCD 221018

depression anxiety OCD 221018


balance peace
flowww practice balance
food rest release

no label
the factor

solution platform

depression anxiety OCD
pack of three

repeat checking
exhausted drained wasted
failed to rest

jason leslie danny
macau cn staff

DNA ancestors family parents environment childhood constant abuse by close one


abuse bully con
lack love and care
ignore deny suspect
respect faith appreciate cherish communicate values

food rest release
balance yin yang

nature harmony green fruits vegetables yogurt juice water
music hike sex cook
create market trade
audio video photo text
relax enjoy

radio classical radio
classical music
yoga music
white noise
ocean sound
soul music
jazz music
cafe music

impaired and gifted
twice exceptional
flexible adapt communication

depression anxiety OCD

depression and anxiety 221018

depression and anxiety 221018

jason leslie danny
macau cn staff

DNA ancestors family parents environment childhood

abuse bully con
love and care
ignore deny suspect
respect faith appreciate cherish communicate values

food rest release
balance yin yang
peace pain

nature harmony green fruits vegetables yogurt juice water
music hike sex cook create market massage
audio video photo text
relax enjoy
radio classical radio
classical music
yoga music
white noise
ocean sound
soul music
jazz music
cafe music

impaired and gifted
twice exceptional
flexible adapt communication

depression anxiety OCD

Sunday, October 21, 2018


如果覺得好辛苦 經常覺得好辛苦 就係患咗抑鬱症 同埋焦慮症 我可以介紹醫生 食咗藥雖然係鈍啲 但係唔會覺得好辛苦

Saturday, October 20, 2018


listen to the radio, classical radio is relaxing n fun

Thursday, October 18, 2018


Balance is the key The key is balance


healing is to lessen pain Fake healing increases extends pain

healing is to lessen pain

healing is to lessen pain

kids protect 181018

kids protect 181018

we have to protect our kids, protect them and prevent them from competition

competition is trashing gifts

there is no point to compete on unique gifts

we can never compare and compete on unique gifts

we all made up of unique gifts and factors

key is to connect and network our gifts so souls can benefit from our wisdom and gifts

we can never compete a rabbit and a turtle, it is foolish

we can ask them to join forces to search for balance and peace

souls need balance and peace

with aid of machines, may be we can find balance and peace

mat is for the nature way of balance and peace

the balance and peace of yin yang is for all souls.

Sunday, October 14, 2018


溝通鎖匙 降低要求


Less critical is key to communication


行家 係一群不幸嘅人 每個行家 都擁有無限 咁多樣嘅天才 但係行家身邊嘅人 只係常常挑剔行家缺點 久而久之令到行家最終崩潰 避免變成行家 或者 救助 行家只有 欣賞行家嘅長處 優點強項 缺點係人都有 我哋要著眼喺 行家 嘅優點強項長處 當行家發揮 當行家可以發揮佢哋嘅長處優點強項 行家就會建立自信 不過一切係需要靈活彈性溝通 需要順水習練平衡 同埋一點好運

Saturday, October 13, 2018


有料嘅人係唔出名 出名嘅人係冇料


點解呢個世界 越嚟越衰 一代不如一代呢 因為啲有吉士嘅有能之士 畀啲小人整蠱 死得七七八八 淨返落嚟嘅 係冇吉士 只係識得整蠱人 又好怕畀人整蠱 嘅人 結果淨返落嚟啲垃圾 你整蠱我整蠱你 我怕畀你整蠱你怕畀我整蠱 個個得個驚字 不求有功但求無過 人人自危人自保 不思進取 就係我哋今日嘅垃圾社會 剩下 貪嗔癡欺及痛苦

Thursday, October 11, 2018

we all have different talents 111018

we all have different talents 111018

we are all with unique gifts and keys to life

some keys are common, some keys are rare

there is no point compete nor compare

we cannot compete nor compare on our unique gifts

schools and education fools us on certifications and trophies

how can we compare a fish and a dog

how can we compete a snake and a tiger

we are all gifted, our gifts are all unique

key is to connect and network and share our gifts by trading through solution platform

although no machine is a good choice but if we have to have machines, solution platform is a good way to trading healing solution and trade healing data with circles system