
Sunday, August 25, 2019

Hk 2019

在明 佢話不干預香港 在暗 佢借外國勢力 搞亂香港 搞衰香港 嫁禍香港

Sunday, August 11, 2019

mat on youtube

Nature of balance and peace 110819

Nature of balance and peace 110819

Nature and souls, the circle of life is balance and peace until mankind created machines locks plastics which created fear abuse and pain for all souls on earth

Nature is balance and peace

Nature and souls is balance and peace

We created machines locks plastic which created a dark hole of fear abuse pain thirst hunger and poverty of burning up resources on earth

The way is to abandon machines abandon locks and abandon plastics

It is the only way we return to nature of balance and peace.

Thursday, August 8, 2019


Calm violence

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Balance n peace

Balance n peace


中庸之道 物極必反