Sunday, December 11, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
‘life is all about QnA, where the smart answers and the wise asks’
‘life is all about QnA, where the smart answers and the wise asks’
Quote by Matthew S H Ma
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Matthew Ma the Communicatist
溝通專家 馬碩鴻
communication trainer
communication coach
電話 ∕ SMS / whatsapp / 留言
telephone / voicemail / text messages mailbox:
9194 0869 (Hong Kong local calls)
+852 9194 0869 (international calls from outside Hong Kong)
對象:子女 父母
資優啟發 Gifted sparkling:
佢未識同你溝通 你未明白佢 唔等於佢傻
你唔識貨 唔代表佢無價值
懂得欣賞 才是富有
助己助人 自利利他
世上不存在瘋子 只有未學懂與他人溝通 而未成功讓別人明白了解知道其思想語言行為的人。
任何關係著重 尊重 信任 溝通
這世界不存在正常人 更沒有所謂大部分人 因正常和大部分只是歧視別人的借口 而兩者皆沒有一個統一確實的定義。
There is no lunatic on earth, there is only people that do not know how to communicate with others so others cannot understand them.
no one is mad or crazy, just because you do not understand them
When you have not yet understood a person:
Does it mean you are stupid and silly?
Or do you pretend to be stupid and silly?
Or would you say he is crazy and mad?
Or he is pretending to be crazy and mad?
Any relationship needs faith respect and communication
Communication makes us understand each others’ thoughts, speeches and actions, limitations and needs.
Poon: 肯替別人想
立即行動 不期望 不代表 不等於
Adj noun
互相溝通 忌認叻
欣賞珍惜 忌貪威
尊重信任 不用欺負
發揮價值 不需自卑
互相俾機會表現 發揮 發展
尊重信任 不用欺負
發揮價值 不需自卑
互相俾機會表現 發揮 發展
佢未識同你溝通 你未明白佢 唔等於佢傻
你唔識貨 唔代表佢無價值
要求高 達不到 感不安
學懂 心安 與 互相溝通 小福星
欣賞 珍惜
尊重 信任
鼓勵 支持
體諒 認同
肯定 接納
體諒 認同
肯定 接納
互相俾機會表現 發揮 發展
罪只有一種 就是不懂欣賞
福只有一種 就是懂得欣賞
The only sin is without Thankfulness
The only bless is with Thankfulness
多情病 Passionate disease
is named on 9th nov 2012
fees and charges by phone enquiry:
+852 9194 0869
special services upon negotiation
you will be amazed in what 'you can' do:
助您 : 避過障礙 發揮天才 :
助人自助 vs 自利利他
欣賞 珍惜 尊重 信任 溝通 是任何關係基礎
思想 vs 語言 vs 行為
藝術 vs 語言 vs 哲學 vs 醫學 vs 科學 vs 文學 vs 教育 vs 科技
真心 真意 真誠
you can not teach a fish to walk : you need not teach a fish to swim.
Matthew Ma the Communicatist
溝通專家 馬碩鴻
communication trainer
communication coach
電話 ∕ SMS / whatsapp / 留言
telephone / voicemail / text messages mailbox:
9194 0869 (Hong Kong local calls)
+852 9194 0869 (international calls from outside Hong Kong)
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Concept of importance
Concept of importance
Everyone is unique, before birth we bring with us concepts from past lives, what we seen, heard, smelt, tasted, felt, incept, intake and learn, colors, sounds, temperatures, moods and feelings controls our every thoughts, speeches and actions thereafter and shape us into ‘us’ today.
Concept determines success and failure for every living things.
We think something or someone is good to us because we experienced it or learnt it from our experience in our history present or past lives of ourselves.
Advertisement and salesman who targets for the dollars in our bank accounts do whatever needed to “educate” us and track us towards our final action of handing over our cash and this is immoral or shall we say business has never been moral since the history of men especially under exploitation of modern mankind evolving and mutating more and more so from the past.
Concept can heal and concept can kill.
To heal we need to correct mistaken concepts, although we cannot draw a clean line between right and wrong but the rough guide is ‘what goes round comes round’ ‘treat others as you like to be treated’.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Education in ancient China is not popular, only the wealthy can afford to study, paper and books are expensive so only a tiny portion of population is educated.
After Sun Yet Sin revolution reform China, China opened its door from the age of Tang Xiao Ping and the launch of the internet, knowledge from outside world pours into China.
Chinese knowledge emphasis on morals and ethnics where western knowledge emphasis on money and power without any base on morals and ethnics.
The less educated a person is the less morals he / she practices on his / her life, although under western education system many completed university but western education without any knowledge on morals making so call western well educated adults clever / smart but never wise.
They are equipped with weapons of knowledge, a bunch of uncivilised without moral yet well educated people use their advantages in law, business, finance and technology to control the world and they judge their success on money wealth and power to control over others weaker then them.
The system of strong beats the weak and weak beats the weaker in the raw jungle of man and disasters of immoral has begun causing lack of confidence, shamefulness and health imbalances upon the second generation of the world war two and beyond.
In the teachings of ancient Chinese masters of moralness there are many things we ‘can’ do but we ‘should not’ do, because eg we ‘can’ harm others feelings and sleep with endless woman but we ‘should not’ do it because by doing so would bring with it many negative consequences to who we love and the ones who loves us.
We ‘can’ harm the weak but we ‘should not’ do so because if we accept the concept of harming the weak, we are accepting the concept of we being harmed by the stronger.
‘What goes round comes round’, ‘treat others as you would like to be treated’ is the key to moralness of the Confucian Chinese teachings which is above any laws and bibles.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
True strong would care for the weak, no one would stronger than them.
Fake strong would bully the weak and bully by the stronger in return.
Can and should not
Can and should not
There are many things we can do and within what we can do there are many we should not do. Although we have the ability to harm others in different way, shape or form but we should not do so.
‘Treat others as you would like to be treated’ is the key to most problems and crisis in our modern, “civilized” and yet immoral world of today.
Monday, November 7, 2011
‘Treat others as you would like to be treated’ is the key to financial disaster
Moral, ethnics and Confucianism
‘Treat others as you would like to be treated’
Confucianism is the solution to the global finance problem in the US and Europe and moral disaster of fake goods in China.
‘Treat others as you would like to be treated’ is above any laws and bibles.
If we can apply ‘Treat others as you would like to be treated’ on everyone we met and everything we do then our world would be better than heaven.
During the time I spent in the western part of the world I feel un-safe, unsettled and non-security as everyone mis-use their smartness and cleverness to trick and con others because in the west has no moral, no ethnics and without Confucianism, without exchanging role play with others.
In the west thoughts, speeches and actions are base on profits and for profits people can do anything and everything including harming others knowingly it is wrong and because everyone does it so it seems all right to do so.
As in the parliament and court who ever won the debate or won the argument is right even if he harmed others eg the Opium war, the stolen goods in the British museum and the fair trade and free trade.
One of my mate was being sued because during he was drunk one night he injured others with a knife.
He felt he is innocent because he said when he was drunk he was in a confused state and should not be responsible for all actions he was not able to control knowingly.
What would you say to him if you are me.
I said, lets exchange the role play, now you are the one badly injured under a drunken man’s knife and the drunken man said he is innocent and is not entitled to any punishment, how would you feel?
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Doctors, drugs / medicines and illnesses
Doctors, drugs / medicines and illnesses
Life has four main stages-birth, growing old, illnesses and death and only illnesses means pain to us.
All kinds of illnesses and imbalances to human today is yet a ‘myth’.
Doctors, medical people, tools and drugs are thought to help by creating a short term effect and many with hypnosis effects for a short period of time.
Some drugs can decrease pain for a period of time, some brings with them side effects which give ways to a even worse quality of life and lengthens the time where patients suffers from pains and others side effects ways of pain.
Please bear in mind:
There are many things are yet myths to human including health and illnesses where no one knows how to be healthy, how to heal and what causes the illnesses directly in the first place.
All we know is extremely limited, the only ones who knows the solutions are the cons.
Or shall we say ‘this is a world of myths...where only the cons knows the truth’.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Choice, do we have it and can we choose?
Choice, do we have it and can we choose?
We choose whats best for ourselves and for our love ones but can we actually choose and even do we have a choice in the first place?
Would you or anyone in the history of mankind would like to choose to be a failure, to be a patient, to be a criminal, to be someone humiliated and insulted by others?
Or would you choose to be the opposite extreme?
But why are there so many failures, patients and criminals exists on earth we might wonder.
The answer is ‘we do not have a choice’, there is no choice but Hobson’s choice.
We have the choice of to eat or not to eat and to breath and not to breath...what would you choose?
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The quest of mental health
The quest of mental health
Dr. Chu believes, food and drink is the key to the wonderland of health.
What we eat and drink everyday controls our physical health including our brain functions in which controls our psychological and mental health.
Matthew Ma believes in the ‘factors theory’.
Ronald Ma gave an example of a horse racing gambling game...he stated: in order to win a bet on horse racing many ‘variable factors’ are took into account e.g. the wind speed and wind direction, the health of the horse, the breed, the training, the conditions of the horse, the length of the race, the ground conditions of the track, the number of track the horse is on etc, plus the most important factor is what we call ‘luck’ in which is uncontrollable.
Matthew apply ‘Ronald’s theory’ on life, especially on health and he came into a conclusion below:
Everyone and everything is unique because we all have a different history in which make us all consist of and made up of different / not identical factors, so that’s why we are all different and no matter how hard we try, we can never be sense of health, success and all other dreams and wishes.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Does God exists?
Does God exists?
Compare and contrast born everything we know.
Enlightenment is one, one means no yin and yang, no dad and mum, no sperm and egg, nothing is born or die, nothing exists or non exist.
God, Buddha once appeared on earth and left to us whats seems to us holy testimonds to help us purely because and purely due to and purely means there is pain and discomfort on earth.
Who brought these pain and discomfort to human and other living things on earth?
The answer is what we known as devil, devil is the opposite side / the dark side of God, Buddha and Allah.
Why is there a cure, why is there a medicine exist? It simply because and simply means there is something wrong, some illness and discomfort exist in the first place.
Think of it this way boys and girls: would there be a drug made to cure an illness or a disease that is non existance?
Or would there be a doctor specialise in / successful in / famous for curing patients that have nothing wrong in the first place.
Would there be any need of any God or religion of any sort if there is no pain or irritations on earth.
Who created these pain, irritations and discomfort on earth to earn our respect, faith and belief?
We may call it devil or we can call it God.
The catch is God, Buddha, Allah and devil are one.
Simply speaking we have good mood and bad mood, when we comfort we are God, when we discomfort we are devil...its all depends on us.
There is no God and no devil, so why are there so many miracles we might ask?
It is because when we believe God does exist we have created it, empowered it and power credited it out of nothing, if one of us believe in God exist one brain power has been credited to the so call God thing out of nothing.
If one million brains believe God does exists, that so call God thing has one million brain power and thats why it does seems so real to us. Vice versa for the fear of any God in any religion and the fear towards devil and dark arts of any sort.
We love to blame, we do not like to be responsible for our own actions, we are not confident thats why many of us created God to be responsible for us...we created it to bring away our sin (so you wish), to give ourself a reason to pursue what we pursue and to support what we do and execute, to fail, to ill, to come across any discomfort and difficulties, some created God to excuse themselves for their evil behaviour.
Because we would like something that has endless power to stand on our side, to look after and care for us, to support us no matter what we do...
We wish we are not responsible for any sin and we wish we are credited for and counted in for every joy because we would love to believe / belief God is with us against whatever we are facing even if we know what we are doing is wrong.
But the fact is and to conclude: everyone of us has to be responsible for all of our actions, there is a price to pay for everything, sooner or later, we have to pay up for everything we have done and consume...
Think of it like this: you open a restaurant for living and you are faithful to God sends his children to you for meals and after they consumed the food and drink they point to the heaven and say to you: thank God for the meal and he pays the bill. How would you then feel? Bill?
Compare and contrast born everything we know.
Enlightenment is one, one means no yin and yang, no dad and mum, no sperm and egg, nothing is born or die, nothing exists or non exist.
God, Buddha once appeared on earth and left to us whats seems to us holy testimonds to help us purely because and purely due to and purely means there is pain and discomfort on earth.
Who brought these pain and discomfort to human and other living things on earth?
The answer is what we known as devil, devil is the opposite side / the dark side of God, Buddha and Allah.
Why is there a cure, why is there a medicine exist? It simply because and simply means there is something wrong, some illness and discomfort exist in the first place.
Think of it this way boys and girls: would there be a drug made to cure an illness or a disease that is non existance?
Or would there be a doctor specialise in / successful in / famous for curing patients that have nothing wrong in the first place.
Would there be any need of any God or religion of any sort if there is no pain or irritations on earth.
Who created these pain, irritations and discomfort on earth to earn our respect, faith and belief?
We may call it devil or we can call it God.
The catch is God, Buddha, Allah and devil are one.
Simply speaking we have good mood and bad mood, when we comfort we are God, when we discomfort we are devil...its all depends on us.
There is no God and no devil, so why are there so many miracles we might ask?
It is because when we believe God does exist we have created it, empowered it and power credited it out of nothing, if one of us believe in God exist one brain power has been credited to the so call God thing out of nothing.
If one million brains believe God does exists, that so call God thing has one million brain power and thats why it does seems so real to us. Vice versa for the fear of any God in any religion and the fear towards devil and dark arts of any sort.
We love to blame, we do not like to be responsible for our own actions, we are not confident thats why many of us created God to be responsible for us...we created it to bring away our sin (so you wish), to give ourself a reason to pursue what we pursue and to support what we do and execute, to fail, to ill, to come across any discomfort and difficulties, some created God to excuse themselves for their evil behaviour.
Because we would like something that has endless power to stand on our side, to look after and care for us, to support us no matter what we do...
We wish we are not responsible for any sin and we wish we are credited for and counted in for every joy because we would love to believe / belief God is with us against whatever we are facing even if we know what we are doing is wrong.
But the fact is and to conclude: everyone of us has to be responsible for all of our actions, there is a price to pay for everything, sooner or later, we have to pay up for everything we have done and consume...
Think of it like this: you open a restaurant for living and you are faithful to God sends his children to you for meals and after they consumed the food and drink they point to the heaven and say to you: thank God for the meal and he pays the bill. How would you then feel? Bill?
Friday, July 22, 2011
mr. is a hard working and responsible boy from young age, he went to school and don’t want to let his parents down.
When he force himself too hard on study he became mysterious.
When the majority of this world does not accept mysterious, mr. finds there are many mysterious mr. ms. miss. and mrs. young and old in this world and united all can create a mysterious force which as there are increasingly mysterious food and drinks which enlarges the mysterious force and when the mysterious force becomes the majority and the minority are truly hopeless...
mr. is a hard working and responsible boy from young age, he went to school and don’t want to let his parents down.
When he force himself too hard on study he became mysterious.
When the majority of this world does not accept mysterious, mr. finds there are many mysterious mr. ms. miss. and mrs. young and old in this world and united all can create a mysterious force which as there are increasingly mysterious food and drinks which enlarges the mysterious force and when the mysterious force becomes the majority and the minority are truly hopeless...
Mr. mister ma
Mr. mister ma
Some thoughts flow, some thoughts rush, some thoughts blow
To express my feelings and thoughts is my job, as to bring you to my mysterious world of thoughts and ideas is what i like to do and what i enjoy doing.
In the world of English, i can express simply, thoroughly, totally, wholly and explosively...leading you to a world of mister ma, more inclusively than 3 dimension but as many di-mension as i can mention in my mansion of mystery, cool full of temptation and desire yet with peace and balance, whole and quiet piece of land...or shall i call it the holy land of mister ma...
Some thoughts flow, some thoughts rush, some thoughts blow
To express my feelings and thoughts is my job, as to bring you to my mysterious world of thoughts and ideas is what i like to do and what i enjoy doing.
In the world of English, i can express simply, thoroughly, totally, wholly and explosively...leading you to a world of mister ma, more inclusively than 3 dimension but as many di-mension as i can mention in my mansion of mystery, cool full of temptation and desire yet with peace and balance, whole and quiet piece of land...or shall i call it the holy land of mister ma...
Zen curl
Zen curl
When we are in pain we are feeling pain now and feeling pain at present and feeling pain always, how can we practice zen? Because now is pain, we have no way out.
Solution is like a metaphor, we are surfing on the curl, our speed must be higher and faster than the curl in order to stay on it.
Key is to keep ourselves on the curl and ahead of the curl, when the curl shows we show, when the curl grows we grow, when the curl slows we slow.
We need to always be focus on one, focus on now, when we can focus on none then we are done.
When we are in pain we are feeling pain now and feeling pain at present and feeling pain always, how can we practice zen? Because now is pain, we have no way out.
Solution is like a metaphor, we are surfing on the curl, our speed must be higher and faster than the curl in order to stay on it.
Key is to keep ourselves on the curl and ahead of the curl, when the curl shows we show, when the curl grows we grow, when the curl slows we slow.
We need to always be focus on one, focus on now, when we can focus on none then we are done.
We tends to praise the success and neglect the failure.
What truely needs support and praise are the failure ones and not the successful ones.
To a rich person, an extra dollar seems an extra weight in his pocket but to the ones in need, a dollar may mean the world to a group of people.
There are endless able people in this world, key is to find the right person at the right place in the right time.
Many talents are buried, there are endless powerful treasures buried and within everyone of us, we need to find out and let them shine.
Key is to find out out talents as early as possible, study bury talents, we must be aware and beware not to force our kids to learn, as they know what they like, we need to give them room to do what they like to do.
A mum once said ‘it does not matter if my kids cannot study well, as long as they can earn lots of money’.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
label 15-7-11
We put label on things, people and matters from before we were born.
We create labels to help ourselves to learn and prevent injuries and avoid harm done to ourselves.
But when we reached a stage of saturation, we need to de-label.
Things (living or not), people and matter is how they are, they represent themselves, any other description to and for them would make them not true.
Some may ask, if we stop labeling and de-label all labels would we put ourselves in risks and harm?
The answer is no.
It is because in order to de-label successfully we must know the truth of every thing, people and matter
It is like when we learn a language or learn martial arts
At the beginning we have to repeat every word we learn, every move we punch or kick, but for a person who already learnt the language or martial art, he / she no need to think in order to respond or react.
Or put it like that some teachers are very forgetful, he needs his students to wear name labels in order to know their name to ask them questions but some name label are too small to read as the classroom is so big.
Some teachers can remember every of his students names and can remember every students background so his students no need to wear labels, when the teacher chat to his students he do not need to call their names as he can remember, respond and react due to that students background.
By de-labeling we no longer need the help of the labels for us to get to the truth of others and ourselves as every thing, person and matter represents themselves and we can respond and react most naturally without thinking and without recalling any history as we are in the state of none, done, one, empty and some may call this enlightenment.
We put label on things, people and matters from before we were born.
We create labels to help ourselves to learn and prevent injuries and avoid harm done to ourselves.
But when we reached a stage of saturation, we need to de-label.
Things (living or not), people and matter is how they are, they represent themselves, any other description to and for them would make them not true.
Some may ask, if we stop labeling and de-label all labels would we put ourselves in risks and harm?
The answer is no.
It is because in order to de-label successfully we must know the truth of every thing, people and matter
It is like when we learn a language or learn martial arts
At the beginning we have to repeat every word we learn, every move we punch or kick, but for a person who already learnt the language or martial art, he / she no need to think in order to respond or react.
Or put it like that some teachers are very forgetful, he needs his students to wear name labels in order to know their name to ask them questions but some name label are too small to read as the classroom is so big.
Some teachers can remember every of his students names and can remember every students background so his students no need to wear labels, when the teacher chat to his students he do not need to call their names as he can remember, respond and react due to that students background.
By de-labeling we no longer need the help of the labels for us to get to the truth of others and ourselves as every thing, person and matter represents themselves and we can respond and react most naturally without thinking and without recalling any history as we are in the state of none, done, one, empty and some may call this enlightenment.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Ten stages of difficulty
Ten stages of difficulty
We assume all living creatures have different wants and needs
The one and only and the ultimate need we pursue is comfort
In order to gain comfort we need to pass through ten stages of difficulty
We all have ten stages of difficulty within us on different things, peoples and matters, some we find easy but some we find difficult
Key is to achieve the key ones which are easy to us, as difficulties would not change but we can change what we look for
Some’s difficulties is to gain comfort and that’s the most difficult one for all of us
Some found comfort in success, in power, in love but some just found comfort in health
Can we be comfort without health?
Somethings are difficult for others but may not be difficult for me...vice versa
We have to learn to let go and not hold onto our needs, we do not need anything to gain comfort...we can be comfort without anything
It is because we put an equal sign between comfort and health so we can never reach comfort before achieving good health
Do not put an equal sign
Do not label comfort with labels
Comfort is comfort on its own and comfort does not need any labels to represent itself
Respect comfort
No labels
We assume all living creatures have different wants and needs
The one and only and the ultimate need we pursue is comfort
In order to gain comfort we need to pass through ten stages of difficulty
We all have ten stages of difficulty within us on different things, peoples and matters, some we find easy but some we find difficult
Key is to achieve the key ones which are easy to us, as difficulties would not change but we can change what we look for
Some’s difficulties is to gain comfort and that’s the most difficult one for all of us
Some found comfort in success, in power, in love but some just found comfort in health
Can we be comfort without health?
Somethings are difficult for others but may not be difficult for me...vice versa
We have to learn to let go and not hold onto our needs, we do not need anything to gain comfort...we can be comfort without anything
It is because we put an equal sign between comfort and health so we can never reach comfort before achieving good health
Do not put an equal sign
Do not label comfort with labels
Comfort is comfort on its own and comfort does not need any labels to represent itself
Respect comfort
No labels
comfort 10-7-11
comfort 10-7-11
comfort is our one and only ultimate eternal target aim and goal
from birth we try our best to obtain comfort
comfort can be gained by temperature, humidity, brightness, mood, physical, mental, psychological state
our every thoughts, speech and action are targeted to reach comfort for ourselves and for our love ones
we earn money, power because we think they are bring us comfort
we believe in religions and friends because they can provide us with comfort
we wear nice clothes, lives in luxury house and drive nice car because we think they can bring us comfort
we are in love because we can exchange comfort
comfort is one, the one and the only one, the ultimate and the eternal one thing we need and we look for
we can give up anything and everything to earn or to gain comfort, heaven and buddha’s world we are told can provide us with eternal comfort and peace so many nuns and monks gives up many things to try to gain this promised comfort after this life which may or may not even exist as no one can be sure of so far in human’s history
no one wants to harm others, all we want is comfort, some in order to gain their own comfort they sacrifice others, they are willing or some not willing to harm others but they have no choice.
selfish is a noun, we are selfish, we would put our own comfort in front of even the ones we love and care.
we need comfort, we would do anything and everything needed to gain comfort
all living creatures are in search of comfort, balance and comfort, all things (living and non living) are in search of balance
a balance diet can provide us with a balance physical, mental and psychological health which can provide us with comfort and peace all round
some comfort are short term, some comfort are long term
taking fries can provide us with a meal time comfort but then cause us a week discomfort of pain in our tongue and mouth hall.
working over time makes us tired and discomfort for a few hours but exchange with money which if we use it well can exchange with some other comfort to compensate
wise people use short term discomfort to earn long term comfort
dull people use short term comfort exchange with long term discomfort
having sex with a different partner every night can bring us with short term comfort but also comes with virus and disease which causes long term pain and discomfort
taking unprescribed drugs can bring us with a few seconds high but brings with it brain damage which cause us to have to be a long term drug taker which is a life time discomfort exchange with a few seconds of high.
gambling, drinking are pretty much same as drugs and sex abuse.
comfort is our one and only ultimate eternal target aim and goal
from birth we try our best to obtain comfort
comfort can be gained by temperature, humidity, brightness, mood, physical, mental, psychological state
our every thoughts, speech and action are targeted to reach comfort for ourselves and for our love ones
we earn money, power because we think they are bring us comfort
we believe in religions and friends because they can provide us with comfort
we wear nice clothes, lives in luxury house and drive nice car because we think they can bring us comfort
we are in love because we can exchange comfort
comfort is one, the one and the only one, the ultimate and the eternal one thing we need and we look for
we can give up anything and everything to earn or to gain comfort, heaven and buddha’s world we are told can provide us with eternal comfort and peace so many nuns and monks gives up many things to try to gain this promised comfort after this life which may or may not even exist as no one can be sure of so far in human’s history
no one wants to harm others, all we want is comfort, some in order to gain their own comfort they sacrifice others, they are willing or some not willing to harm others but they have no choice.
selfish is a noun, we are selfish, we would put our own comfort in front of even the ones we love and care.
we need comfort, we would do anything and everything needed to gain comfort
all living creatures are in search of comfort, balance and comfort, all things (living and non living) are in search of balance
a balance diet can provide us with a balance physical, mental and psychological health which can provide us with comfort and peace all round
some comfort are short term, some comfort are long term
taking fries can provide us with a meal time comfort but then cause us a week discomfort of pain in our tongue and mouth hall.
working over time makes us tired and discomfort for a few hours but exchange with money which if we use it well can exchange with some other comfort to compensate
wise people use short term discomfort to earn long term comfort
dull people use short term comfort exchange with long term discomfort
having sex with a different partner every night can bring us with short term comfort but also comes with virus and disease which causes long term pain and discomfort
taking unprescribed drugs can bring us with a few seconds high but brings with it brain damage which cause us to have to be a long term drug taker which is a life time discomfort exchange with a few seconds of high.
gambling, drinking are pretty much same as drugs and sex abuse.
Friday, July 8, 2011
短語細讀 source from the net
3、現實中人們用真名講假話; 虛擬中人們用假名講真話。
6、感情經得起風雨,卻經不起平淡; 友情經得起平淡,卻經不起風雨。
12. 當你覺得保守一個秘密比傳播一個秘密更有價值時,你就成熟了。
13. 智力测验就是看你笨到什么程度。
14. 偷一个人的主意是剽窃,偷很多人的主意就是研究。
15.兩個男人追一個女人,用情淺的那個先放棄; 兩個女人追一個男人,用情深的那個先放棄。
17. 女人應該注意這些信號:他殷勤,那是他剛剛愛上你; 他笨拙,那是他深深愛著你,他從容,那是他已經厭倦你。
18. 婚姻的難處在於我們是和對方的優點談戀愛,卻和他的缺點生活在一起。
19. 旅行就是从自己呆腻的地方到别人呆腻的地方去。
3、現實中人們用真名講假話; 虛擬中人們用假名講真話。
6、感情經得起風雨,卻經不起平淡; 友情經得起平淡,卻經不起風雨。
12. 當你覺得保守一個秘密比傳播一個秘密更有價值時,你就成熟了。
13. 智力测验就是看你笨到什么程度。
14. 偷一个人的主意是剽窃,偷很多人的主意就是研究。
15.兩個男人追一個女人,用情淺的那個先放棄; 兩個女人追一個男人,用情深的那個先放棄。
17. 女人應該注意這些信號:他殷勤,那是他剛剛愛上你; 他笨拙,那是他深深愛著你,他從容,那是他已經厭倦你。
18. 婚姻的難處在於我們是和對方的優點談戀愛,卻和他的缺點生活在一起。
19. 旅行就是从自己呆腻的地方到别人呆腻的地方去。
Friday, June 24, 2011
Good girl Bad girl...source from internet
Good girl Bad girl
Good girls say "thanks for a wonderful dinner"...
Bad girls say, "what's for breakfast?"
Good girls never go after another girl's man...
Bad girls go after him AND his brother.
Good girls wear white cotton panties...
Bad girls don't wear any.
Good girls wax their floors...
Bad girls wax their bikini lines.
Good girls loosen a few buttons when it's hot...
Bad girls make it hot by loosening a few buttons.
Good girls make chicken for dinner...
Bad girls make reservations.
Good girls blush during bedrooms scenes in movies...
Bad girls know they could do better.
Good girls never consider sleeping with the boss...
Bad girls never do either, unless he's very, very rich.
Good girls believe you're not fully dressed without a strand of pearls...
Bad girls believe that you are fully dressed with JUST a strand of pearls.
Good girls love Italian food...
Bad girls love Italian waiters.
Good girls say "thanks for a wonderful dinner"...
Bad girls say, "what's for breakfast?"
Good girls never go after another girl's man...
Bad girls go after him AND his brother.
Good girls wear white cotton panties...
Bad girls don't wear any.
Good girls wax their floors...
Bad girls wax their bikini lines.
Good girls loosen a few buttons when it's hot...
Bad girls make it hot by loosening a few buttons.
Good girls make chicken for dinner...
Bad girls make reservations.
Good girls blush during bedrooms scenes in movies...
Bad girls know they could do better.
Good girls never consider sleeping with the boss...
Bad girls never do either, unless he's very, very rich.
Good girls believe you're not fully dressed without a strand of pearls...
Bad girls believe that you are fully dressed with JUST a strand of pearls.
Good girls love Italian food...
Bad girls love Italian waiters.
Mat's i pad quotes 2
Mat's i pad quotes 2
不立文字 見性成佛
Speech 50
Thoughts counts for nothing
Speech counts as 50%
Action counts for the other 50% which adds up to 100%
Dummies only benefit others
Smarties only benefit themselves
Wise men benefits all parties
Air, food and drink
Self dependent
All we need is comfort and peace all round.
Zen is being comfort and peace all round.
Comfort and peace
Bite size targets matters
Expectation = disappointment
Zen is to do one thing at a time
Zen is to practice fully focus
Zen is to enjoy the present moment
Zen is not to reach or gain anything in order to gain or reach comfort and peace, we all can sustain ourselves for comfort and peace, no need to depend on anyone or anything to reach or gain comfort and peace all round.
Zen is satisfy at present
Zen is not look for and not demand of / on anyone / anything
Zen is having no expectation, hope, wish, plan or schedule
Zen is where we are, who we are, what we are, when we are and how we are.
Zen is being ourselves
Zen is not to plan for the future and not to regret about the past nor think about what you are doing at present.
Zen is to practice, not to talk nor to think.
Zen is to practice
Zen is a condition
Zen is a state of mind
Zen is being our own true self
Zen is not to judge
Zen is not to question
Zen is not to argue
There is no conflict or differences in zen
Zen is one, the one, the only one
Zen is whole
Zen is complete
Zen is to follow yin and yang naturally and not to go against it
Zen is to reach comfort and peace all round
Zen is to be balanced
Zen is to reach enlightenment
Zen is not to worry or care about anyone or anything.
Zen is no need to do anything or please anyone to be achieved.
Zen can be achieved where we are, who we are, what we are, when we are and how we are.
Be comfort
Become 佛
Comfort is here and now
Comfort 即自在
Zen is be comfort
Comfort is being enlightened
Dummies and smarties' trousers only fits themselves
Only wise men's trousers fits everyone.
A true perfectionist is lazy
A true don't give a shiter is busy
Sent from my iPad
不立文字 見性成佛
Speech 50
Thoughts counts for nothing
Speech counts as 50%
Action counts for the other 50% which adds up to 100%
Dummies only benefit others
Smarties only benefit themselves
Wise men benefits all parties
Air, food and drink
Self dependent
All we need is comfort and peace all round.
Zen is being comfort and peace all round.
Comfort and peace
Bite size targets matters
Expectation = disappointment
Zen is to do one thing at a time
Zen is to practice fully focus
Zen is to enjoy the present moment
Zen is not to reach or gain anything in order to gain or reach comfort and peace, we all can sustain ourselves for comfort and peace, no need to depend on anyone or anything to reach or gain comfort and peace all round.
Zen is satisfy at present
Zen is not look for and not demand of / on anyone / anything
Zen is having no expectation, hope, wish, plan or schedule
Zen is where we are, who we are, what we are, when we are and how we are.
Zen is being ourselves
Zen is not to plan for the future and not to regret about the past nor think about what you are doing at present.
Zen is to practice, not to talk nor to think.
Zen is to practice
Zen is a condition
Zen is a state of mind
Zen is being our own true self
Zen is not to judge
Zen is not to question
Zen is not to argue
There is no conflict or differences in zen
Zen is one, the one, the only one
Zen is whole
Zen is complete
Zen is to follow yin and yang naturally and not to go against it
Zen is to reach comfort and peace all round
Zen is to be balanced
Zen is to reach enlightenment
Zen is not to worry or care about anyone or anything.
Zen is no need to do anything or please anyone to be achieved.
Zen can be achieved where we are, who we are, what we are, when we are and how we are.
Be comfort
Become 佛
Comfort is here and now
Comfort 即自在
Zen is be comfort
Comfort is being enlightened
Dummies and smarties' trousers only fits themselves
Only wise men's trousers fits everyone.
A true perfectionist is lazy
A true don't give a shiter is busy
Sent from my iPad
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Mat's i pad quotes
Mat's i pad quotes
More than one go
Many tries
Midland stationeries
There are always spares
Make some room for spare space, leave some room for accidents, leave some room for improvements
Give yourself some space and room to breath
Give yourself some room
Not perfect but enough to keep me satisfied
Enjoy the process, enjoy your journey as the journey takes up to over 99.99999999999999% of the time, the destination is not important, only the process counts
Life is fun coz it's not done
Unknown is what's challenging
Solving problems and overcoming difficulties gives us meanings to life
不偏不倚 享受人生
His name is poon pak wing
IT computer programs n 陣法
System os Linux
Pleasure is without boredom
悶悶不樂 不悶則樂
單一 一元 無善 無惡 無喜無 無頭無尾
了一 不了二
一了百了 了了一 了一了了百事了
At any one spot = no compare
Fully focus on / at now = no compare = peace of mind = done
Tom boy
事的實相就是事實 事實是無真無假 事實就是事實
不偏不倚乃中庸 但中庸只是在所有的人與事的組合中的中庸並不代表事實或事實的全部
煩惱因有 有生煩惱因怕無 怕失去 想無煩惱就要無不要有 無比較無有無無無煩惱
Dumpties are with most confident
Smarties are without confident
Hard workers don't gives a shit about what they do
Lazy buddies actually care most
More than one go
Many tries
Midland stationeries
There are always spares
Make some room for spare space, leave some room for accidents, leave some room for improvements
Give yourself some space and room to breath
Give yourself some room
Not perfect but enough to keep me satisfied
Enjoy the process, enjoy your journey as the journey takes up to over 99.99999999999999% of the time, the destination is not important, only the process counts
Life is fun coz it's not done
Unknown is what's challenging
Solving problems and overcoming difficulties gives us meanings to life
不偏不倚 享受人生
His name is poon pak wing
IT computer programs n 陣法
System os Linux
Pleasure is without boredom
悶悶不樂 不悶則樂
單一 一元 無善 無惡 無喜無 無頭無尾
了一 不了二
一了百了 了了一 了一了了百事了
At any one spot = no compare
Fully focus on / at now = no compare = peace of mind = done
Tom boy
事的實相就是事實 事實是無真無假 事實就是事實
不偏不倚乃中庸 但中庸只是在所有的人與事的組合中的中庸並不代表事實或事實的全部
煩惱因有 有生煩惱因怕無 怕失去 想無煩惱就要無不要有 無比較無有無無無煩惱
Dumpties are with most confident
Smarties are without confident
Hard workers don't gives a shit about what they do
Lazy buddies actually care most
Thursday, June 9, 2011
meaning of life
problems and difficulties keeps us alive, they give us targets in and meaning of life.
mat quotes
Quotes by mat
This is why/how I occupy my time
All that matters is how it occupy my time
'Works' is all that matters
Imaginations only matters when it becomes fact
Imagination is leader of facts
Nothing will always work
There is exceptions to everything
There must be difficulties in everything, how u overcome or tackle them is all that matters
Need or want
Take your time to prevent boredom
The purpose of Discipline is for achieving high standards and quality
Politics is dirty
As long as it, lao
when you are whole you are dead
when its done there is no fun
there is no fun when its done
there is time for everything, no need to hurry
work is in place to prevent boredom
慢慢做 出world class life time career services n goods
心想未必事成 you are not so important
Don't worry, the world won't collapse with or without you
1% a year for 100 years
100% a year for a year
Hockey captain politics
World is like toilet: 充沖衝
The ugly duckling
Reaction is what counts
Degree of adaptation
Response and reactions
Missing a leg
Take it seriously, affect decisions making
Admit to the truth and fact of illness and disability
Prevent over expectation and over wild imaginations hopes and dreams
When the truth and fact cannot keep up with imaginations hopes and dreams, disappointment and despair would form
Motive, interpretation and Understanding
we are playing the game of life
life is fun coz its not done
life is fun coz its hard
life is hard/ challenging to prevent boredom
if you are complete you are dead
if you have no regrets you are in heaven
difficulties and problems always exists and appears in our life, they are whats fun and whats keeps us going and makes us feel good and success after we’ve conquered them
when you enjoy the process thats call success
when you enjoy success thats call failure.
problems and difficulties keeps us alive, they give us targets and meaning in/ of life.
the meaning of life is to solve problems and overcome difficulties, the more the problems and the greater the difficulties the more meaningful life becomes.
This is why/how I occupy my time
All that matters is how it occupy my time
'Works' is all that matters
Imaginations only matters when it becomes fact
Imagination is leader of facts
Nothing will always work
There is exceptions to everything
There must be difficulties in everything, how u overcome or tackle them is all that matters
Need or want
Take your time to prevent boredom
The purpose of Discipline is for achieving high standards and quality
Politics is dirty
As long as it, lao
when you are whole you are dead
when its done there is no fun
there is no fun when its done
there is time for everything, no need to hurry
work is in place to prevent boredom
慢慢做 出world class life time career services n goods
心想未必事成 you are not so important
Don't worry, the world won't collapse with or without you
1% a year for 100 years
100% a year for a year
Hockey captain politics
World is like toilet: 充沖衝
The ugly duckling
Reaction is what counts
Degree of adaptation
Response and reactions
Missing a leg
Take it seriously, affect decisions making
Admit to the truth and fact of illness and disability
Prevent over expectation and over wild imaginations hopes and dreams
When the truth and fact cannot keep up with imaginations hopes and dreams, disappointment and despair would form
Motive, interpretation and Understanding
we are playing the game of life
life is fun coz its not done
life is fun coz its hard
life is hard/ challenging to prevent boredom
if you are complete you are dead
if you have no regrets you are in heaven
difficulties and problems always exists and appears in our life, they are whats fun and whats keeps us going and makes us feel good and success after we’ve conquered them
when you enjoy the process thats call success
when you enjoy success thats call failure.
problems and difficulties keeps us alive, they give us targets and meaning in/ of life.
the meaning of life is to solve problems and overcome difficulties, the more the problems and the greater the difficulties the more meaningful life becomes.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
encouragement from my first non family supporter-Alice
Matthew, 謝謝你的blog sharing, 剛到此一遊, 這是令人引發思考的小天地 !
你好有心機地寫下不同的分享!你有否開微博?我想你會有Fans!尤其是你用英文形式分享,微博多數是國內的讀者, 你的分享一定有educate thinking 作用!
你好有心機地寫下不同的分享!你有否開微博?我想你會有Fans!尤其是你用英文形式分享,微博多數是國內的讀者, 你的分享一定有educate thinking 作用!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
impairment and gift
impairment and gift
we are all impaired and gifted in some/ in our own way, shape or form
some call this strengths and weaknesses
no one is totally gifted or totally impaired in every way/ all ways
everyone has their own impairment and gift
impairment and gift is shown when we compare
if we compare to the less able we are gifted and if we compare to the more able we are impaired
also we have to account for ‘not everyone took the test’, test result is only true to those who took the test
the minority at the top is called gifted and the minority at the bottom is called impaired and whats in the middle is called normal.
we are all impaired and gifted in some/ in our own way, shape or form
some call this strengths and weaknesses
no one is totally gifted or totally impaired in every way/ all ways
everyone has their own impairment and gift
impairment and gift is shown when we compare
if we compare to the less able we are gifted and if we compare to the more able we are impaired
also we have to account for ‘not everyone took the test’, test result is only true to those who took the test
the minority at the top is called gifted and the minority at the bottom is called impaired and whats in the middle is called normal.
‘let no limit be your limit’ verse by bruce lee
when we meet something/ someone beyond our knowledge and ability we would deny it, ban it and say it is wrong, say it is impossible
Einstein was told he is a hopeless kid at school
truth shows the teacher is truely hopeless or you can argue the teacher is wise because Albert give ways to atomic bomb which will eventually destroy the world and human race.
if you observe the lifetime stages of human
observe the ‘yin and yang’ symbol and if you learn to play the ‘animal chess’ (both can easily be found in Hong Kong), they will demonstrate to you:
there is no strongest and weakest in this universe, everything and everyone is fitted well together like a puzzle, we all have our own strengths and weaknesses which worth our own existence, the strongest is the start for weak and the weakest is the start for strong.
or in the western world it is known as the circle of life
‘let no limit be your limit’ verse by bruce lee
when we meet something/ someone beyond our knowledge and ability we would deny it, ban it and say it is wrong, say it is impossible
Einstein was told he is a hopeless kid at school
truth shows the teacher is truely hopeless or you can argue the teacher is wise because Albert give ways to atomic bomb which will eventually destroy the world and human race.
if you observe the lifetime stages of human
observe the ‘yin and yang’ symbol and if you learn to play the ‘animal chess’ (both can easily be found in Hong Kong), they will demonstrate to you:
there is no strongest and weakest in this universe, everything and everyone is fitted well together like a puzzle, we all have our own strengths and weaknesses which worth our own existence, the strongest is the start for weak and the weakest is the start for strong.
or in the western world it is known as the circle of life
small matter big matter
we need to start from small and unimportant matters and work our way up the hill and down hill again according and relating to our age which supports our output of work and energy
enjoy what we do, we would do it well and reward would come after
important matter and people are formed and consist of/ rely on the support of less important matters and people
important matter and people would not exist without unimportant matters and people
the top rely totally on the support from the bottom but the bottom can survive without the top.
small matter big matter
we need to start from small and unimportant matters and work our way up the hill and down hill again according and relating to our age which supports our output of work and energy
enjoy what we do, we would do it well and reward would come after
important matter and people are formed and consist of/ rely on the support of less important matters and people
important matter and people would not exist without unimportant matters and people
the top rely totally on the support from the bottom but the bottom can survive without the top.
‘the art of language is communication’
we use voice and words of languages to communicate
most of the time we use languages to describe people, things and situations in different points in time
people, things and situations represents themselves best, no language can describe 100% truth and fact.
‘the art of language is communication’
we use voice and words of languages to communicate
most of the time we use languages to describe people, things and situations in different points in time
people, things and situations represents themselves best, no language can describe 100% truth and fact.
Monday, May 23, 2011
right/ correct
right/ correct
we do whats right, we would not choose to do something that we believe is wrong
we do what we believe is right
we do ‘what we are told and made to believe’ whats right
we like to educate others that hold different views from us because we think they are ‘uneducated’
we like to educate others to do what “we think” is right, right for us and right for them and right for everyone
how we think and what we think is from how we are educated by others from the past and by/ from our own experiences from the past which formed and happened by combinations of variable factors which some are natural and some are with man made/ human factors
we think whats right is we/ the majority benefit from, but to the minority what we think right is actually wrong because they are harmed by our ‘right’ action
right or wrong do not represents the majority or the minority, as the majority and the minority represents themselves
we do whats right, we would not choose to do something that we believe is wrong
we do what we believe is right
we do ‘what we are told and made to believe’ whats right
we like to educate others that hold different views from us because we think they are ‘uneducated’
we like to educate others to do what “we think” is right, right for us and right for them and right for everyone
how we think and what we think is from how we are educated by others from the past and by/ from our own experiences from the past which formed and happened by combinations of variable factors which some are natural and some are with man made/ human factors
we think whats right is we/ the majority benefit from, but to the minority what we think right is actually wrong because they are harmed by our ‘right’ action
right or wrong do not represents the majority or the minority, as the majority and the minority represents themselves
a set
a set
collect a set
we must beware NOT to train ourselves to have the habit and lifestyle of ‘collect a set’
‘collecting’ things and ‘collect a set’, every set and all sets would drive us to endless greed and failure as this trains us to be a perfectionist which would guarantee us failure of ten out of ten.
collect a set
we must beware NOT to train ourselves to have the habit and lifestyle of ‘collect a set’
‘collecting’ things and ‘collect a set’, every set and all sets would drive us to endless greed and failure as this trains us to be a perfectionist which would guarantee us failure of ten out of ten.
education know and told
education know and told
we are controlled by our knowledge, what we know and what we are told
what we know, our knowledge is from what we are told
knowledge is generated by human’s observation to facts and truth but for the same fact and truth to a matter there is always more than one way to look at it, to conclude and to express from it and thats when different voices, opinions and conflicts is formed which leads to imbalance of system
there is always people more/ less educated than ourselves on the road to enlightenment
we help the less educated and learn from more educated but what we know may be wrong which is to be tested by/ in time and experience
many sell their knowledge and experience for what they want and the system of exchange has been in place since man exist
many educate others for the purpose of their own benefits, what they so call ‘knowledge’ ‘education’ ‘rights’ and ‘research results’ is the tools for their evil purposes, income and benefits.
we are controlled by our knowledge, what we know and what we are told
what we know, our knowledge is from what we are told
knowledge is generated by human’s observation to facts and truth but for the same fact and truth to a matter there is always more than one way to look at it, to conclude and to express from it and thats when different voices, opinions and conflicts is formed which leads to imbalance of system
there is always people more/ less educated than ourselves on the road to enlightenment
we help the less educated and learn from more educated but what we know may be wrong which is to be tested by/ in time and experience
many sell their knowledge and experience for what they want and the system of exchange has been in place since man exist
many educate others for the purpose of their own benefits, what they so call ‘knowledge’ ‘education’ ‘rights’ and ‘research results’ is the tools for their evil purposes, income and benefits.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
障礙的天才啟發中心 impaired and gifted sparkle centre
障礙的天才啟發中心 impaired and gifted sparkle centre
資優啟發/gifted sparkling:
you will be amazed in what 'you can' do:
助您 避過障礙 發揮天才 : 助人自助 vs 自利利他 vs 哲學 vs 醫學 vs 科學 vs 文學 vs 教育 vs 思想 vs 語言 vs 行為 vs 藝術 vs 科技:
you can not teach a fish to walk : you need not teach a fish to swim.
telephone and text messages mailbox: 852 9194 0869
資優啟發/gifted sparkling:
you will be amazed in what 'you can' do:
助您 避過障礙 發揮天才 : 助人自助 vs 自利利他 vs 哲學 vs 醫學 vs 科學 vs 文學 vs 教育 vs 思想 vs 語言 vs 行為 vs 藝術 vs 科技:
you can not teach a fish to walk : you need not teach a fish to swim.
telephone and text messages mailbox: 852 9194 0869
all living things look for ‘comfort’
all things (living and non living) look for ‘balance’
all actions of all living things is targeted towards reaching comfort all round
all things moving look for a state of balance
as a good old saying: ‘nothing is permanent but change’
all living things look for ‘comfort’
all things (living and non living) look for ‘balance’
all actions of all living things is targeted towards reaching comfort all round
all things moving look for a state of balance
as a good old saying: ‘nothing is permanent but change’
care is pain
care is sin
care is untieble node and unsolvable problem
we greed on what we care, we care more and more, we overload and collapse
we need to learn to unload, to care less and finally not to care about anyone and anything, by this i mean everyone and everything responsibles for their own actions and existence
correctly speaking when we have learnt not being affected by/not care about anyone/ anything, we reach enlightment.
care is pain
care is sin
care is untieble node and unsolvable problem
we greed on what we care, we care more and more, we overload and collapse
we need to learn to unload, to care less and finally not to care about anyone and anything, by this i mean everyone and everything responsibles for their own actions and existence
correctly speaking when we have learnt not being affected by/not care about anyone/ anything, we reach enlightment.
perfect and perfectionist
perfect and perfectionist
perfect is non existence as there is always room for improvement as time goes on, there is always changes and different mix and matches which breaks the record of old and aged
change is ever happening
nothing and no one is perfect nor best of all times, there is always a record breaker, we invent, we innovate, we change
many pay all they have to try and achieve perfect
perfect seems real but the truth and fact is:
perfect does not exist
what we find what seems perfect is by comparison, we are comparing the majority with the minority at the very top and the illusion we have is: the champion is perfect
there is nothing and no one can be champion of all time, in all ways
what seems perfect is the top at one time, in one situation, in one combination and with one group in one place
does it worth us to give up all we have to try and get something which does not even exist?
compare with perfect, we are always the loser and there is no exception to this
when you see someone is can be pretty sure that you found a perfectionist
as a hard worker does not really give a shit of what himself/herself is doing.
perfect is non existence as there is always room for improvement as time goes on, there is always changes and different mix and matches which breaks the record of old and aged
change is ever happening
nothing and no one is perfect nor best of all times, there is always a record breaker, we invent, we innovate, we change
many pay all they have to try and achieve perfect
perfect seems real but the truth and fact is:
perfect does not exist
what we find what seems perfect is by comparison, we are comparing the majority with the minority at the very top and the illusion we have is: the champion is perfect
there is nothing and no one can be champion of all time, in all ways
what seems perfect is the top at one time, in one situation, in one combination and with one group in one place
does it worth us to give up all we have to try and get something which does not even exist?
compare with perfect, we are always the loser and there is no exception to this
when you see someone is can be pretty sure that you found a perfectionist
as a hard worker does not really give a shit of what himself/herself is doing.
what is illusion? some recept (see, hear, taste, smell, feel) something/ someone which the majority cannot recept so when they express their experience, others call them lunatic, mad, crazy, insane or mentally disable
is God an illusion? does God exist?
we would deny God is an illusion and admit to God’s existance as a vast proportion of us believes in him and we found peace of mind when we follow him, we benefits from him
so we do have a choice after all, let alone whether it is an illusion, if we benefits on something we do believe it does exist and if we irritate by something we better deny its existance, lock it up, shut it down and burn it alive and gets it out of our mind...and we call this illusion
does matters in illusion truely exist?
matters do truely exist to people that can recept them and they do not exist to people that cannot recept them
please remember, majority does not represents the fact or truth...
fact and truth represents themselves.
what is illusion? some recept (see, hear, taste, smell, feel) something/ someone which the majority cannot recept so when they express their experience, others call them lunatic, mad, crazy, insane or mentally disable
is God an illusion? does God exist?
we would deny God is an illusion and admit to God’s existance as a vast proportion of us believes in him and we found peace of mind when we follow him, we benefits from him
so we do have a choice after all, let alone whether it is an illusion, if we benefits on something we do believe it does exist and if we irritate by something we better deny its existance, lock it up, shut it down and burn it alive and gets it out of our mind...and we call this illusion
does matters in illusion truely exist?
matters do truely exist to people that can recept them and they do not exist to people that cannot recept them
please remember, majority does not represents the fact or truth...
fact and truth represents themselves.
once upon a time, an emperor in China has a big problem that he cannot solve
so he called upon all his officials for a meeting to discuss for solution, he said: recently there is a lot of beggars in our country of Great China, they are dirty, without manners more worse is they rob, steal, beg for money which forms a terror to our citizens
a young man suggest to the emperor: lets invite the head of the beggars for a lunch meeting and may be we can understands more from him.
the following day, the head of beggars came to the palace to have lunch with the emperor which during lunch the emperor tried to plea and threat to try and get the problem solved
the head of beggar said: no one would like to become a beggar, no one likes to be dirty, rude, rob, steal, beg or create terror upon innocents...
if every of your citizen has a job and can be well fed, your so called “problem” would no longer exist your majesty.
once upon a time, an emperor in China has a big problem that he cannot solve
so he called upon all his officials for a meeting to discuss for solution, he said: recently there is a lot of beggars in our country of Great China, they are dirty, without manners more worse is they rob, steal, beg for money which forms a terror to our citizens
a young man suggest to the emperor: lets invite the head of the beggars for a lunch meeting and may be we can understands more from him.
the following day, the head of beggars came to the palace to have lunch with the emperor which during lunch the emperor tried to plea and threat to try and get the problem solved
the head of beggar said: no one would like to become a beggar, no one likes to be dirty, rude, rob, steal, beg or create terror upon innocents...
if every of your citizen has a job and can be well fed, your so called “problem” would no longer exist your majesty.
what is fact? what is truth? what truely exist?
when the majority of us were told the truth and fact is the world is flat, the person who said the world is round was burnt alive
when Einstein were in school or even when he was in university he was seen as a hopeless young man
when we do not understand someone or something we would put negative labels on them especially when they are the minority or the only one on their own
fact and truth only exist when we define it
there is no definition to a fact is 100% true as we all from different background, from different group, we are born/ made differently, we are on different sides and cares about different things and persons
everyone recept and express differently, everyone is unique, we are all alike but never exactly the same
we group together in different similarities in different way shape or form
the minorities who called impaired and gifted physically, psychologically, mentally, emotionally, intelligently and spiritually and last but not least economically and financially
the very left and the very right end represents the impaired and gifted
imagine, there is a building/ an obstacle in front of us, if we want to go forward and be on track to treasures we have to go round it either go left or go right to get pass the obstacle and back on track to reach our treasure
because we are standing too close to the glass building, we see treasures on the other side but cannot reach it, we keep on denying and refusing to turn left or right to go round the glass obstacle
who knows the way out?...the impaired and the gifted.
what is fact? what is truth? what truely exist?
when the majority of us were told the truth and fact is the world is flat, the person who said the world is round was burnt alive
when Einstein were in school or even when he was in university he was seen as a hopeless young man
when we do not understand someone or something we would put negative labels on them especially when they are the minority or the only one on their own
fact and truth only exist when we define it
there is no definition to a fact is 100% true as we all from different background, from different group, we are born/ made differently, we are on different sides and cares about different things and persons
everyone recept and express differently, everyone is unique, we are all alike but never exactly the same
we group together in different similarities in different way shape or form
the minorities who called impaired and gifted physically, psychologically, mentally, emotionally, intelligently and spiritually and last but not least economically and financially
the very left and the very right end represents the impaired and gifted
imagine, there is a building/ an obstacle in front of us, if we want to go forward and be on track to treasures we have to go round it either go left or go right to get pass the obstacle and back on track to reach our treasure
because we are standing too close to the glass building, we see treasures on the other side but cannot reach it, we keep on denying and refusing to turn left or right to go round the glass obstacle
who knows the way out?...the impaired and the gifted.
who are the strongest on earth?
they must be God, Buddha and Allah
they have somethings in common:
they don’t need anything including weapons or actions to protect/ defence themselves-no fear
they don’t want/ look for anything as they can create everything-no greed
they don’t hate anything as they don’t need/ want anything so they would not go through the problems, moods and anger of not getting it -no hatred
yet they are most powerful, they are our spiritual leaders
if you are confident you would have no fear-you don’t need to protect yourself
if you are rich spiritually you would not have greed or hate as you have/ can create everything.
who are the strongest on earth?
they must be God, Buddha and Allah
they have somethings in common:
they don’t need anything including weapons or actions to protect/ defence themselves-no fear
they don’t want/ look for anything as they can create everything-no greed
they don’t hate anything as they don’t need/ want anything so they would not go through the problems, moods and anger of not getting it -no hatred
yet they are most powerful, they are our spiritual leaders
if you are confident you would have no fear-you don’t need to protect yourself
if you are rich spiritually you would not have greed or hate as you have/ can create everything.
food and drink
food and drink
eating and drinking correctly is the only way to health and health is the only way to everything else
everyone is born in a different body nature in different places on earth at different time
every region has different habits and norms including food and drink
we all look for comfort, eating and drinking correctly brings us health which brings us comfort
we would face death very quickly without air, food and drink
all living things on earth must be fed in order to carry on living
the only way to comfort is to have physical, mental and psychological health and ‘correct tailor’ of food and drink due to different places, different time, eaten and drunk by different people can help us to reach the state of comfort and health all round.
correct tailor of food and drink brings us world peace, physically, mentally and psychologically when we are healthy all problems would no longer exist.
eating and drinking correctly is the only way to health and health is the only way to everything else
everyone is born in a different body nature in different places on earth at different time
every region has different habits and norms including food and drink
we all look for comfort, eating and drinking correctly brings us health which brings us comfort
we would face death very quickly without air, food and drink
all living things on earth must be fed in order to carry on living
the only way to comfort is to have physical, mental and psychological health and ‘correct tailor’ of food and drink due to different places, different time, eaten and drunk by different people can help us to reach the state of comfort and health all round.
correct tailor of food and drink brings us world peace, physically, mentally and psychologically when we are healthy all problems would no longer exist.
comfort is our one and only need and want
we look for health as we want comfort
we look for knowledge as knowledge can solve problems and bring us comfort
we want clean air, food, drink and toilet also due to the need for comfort
people believes in and pursue religious believes as they look for comfort, as they are discomfort and whatever they believe in they think can bring them short or long term peace of mind.
comfort is our one and only need and want
we look for health as we want comfort
we look for knowledge as knowledge can solve problems and bring us comfort
we want clean air, food, drink and toilet also due to the need for comfort
people believes in and pursue religious believes as they look for comfort, as they are discomfort and whatever they believe in they think can bring them short or long term peace of mind.
positive treat
positive treat
everyone likes positive things
everyone no matter they are good or bad prefer to be healthy due to comfort, knowledgable and well educated due to solving problems
everyone like clean air, water, food, things, places and people
everyone like comfort
everyone like pleasant people and things and matters
everyone like to be able to solve problems
everyone like to understand everything and everyone
even the most selfish and bad people would like positive things
if you find something is bad and you don’t like it, do not give it to/ do it on others
treat others as you would like to be treated.
everyone likes positive things
everyone no matter they are good or bad prefer to be healthy due to comfort, knowledgable and well educated due to solving problems
everyone like clean air, water, food, things, places and people
everyone like comfort
everyone like pleasant people and things and matters
everyone like to be able to solve problems
everyone like to understand everything and everyone
even the most selfish and bad people would like positive things
if you find something is bad and you don’t like it, do not give it to/ do it on others
treat others as you would like to be treated.
self defence and self protection originates from afraid of threats/ fear of getting harmed/ hurt deep within us
if you are strong, you should have no fear where ever you go and with who ever you meet
if you are strong and without any fear in you, self defence and self protection would never cross your mind.
self defence and self protection originates from afraid of threats/ fear of getting harmed/ hurt deep within us
if you are strong, you should have no fear where ever you go and with who ever you meet
if you are strong and without any fear in you, self defence and self protection would never cross your mind.
discover strengths on everything and everyone around you and you would be welcomed by others.
discover strengths on everything and everyone around you and you would be welcomed by others.
can and must not
can and must not
we must make sure that we know ‘what we can do’ and ‘what we must not do’ when we deal with matters and people.
we must make sure that we know ‘what we can do’ and ‘what we must not do’ when we deal with matters and people.
fools are most confident as they only see black and white
fools believe in what they see and hear without questions and queries, without processing informations through their brain or shall we say their brain is not functioning.
fools do as they are told and follow orders without questions or shall we say they don’t know or not even understand what they are doing like pouring radioactive waste water into the sea, follow orders to assassin and to kill.
fools are most confident as they only see black and white
fools believe in what they see and hear without questions and queries, without processing informations through their brain or shall we say their brain is not functioning.
fools do as they are told and follow orders without questions or shall we say they don’t know or not even understand what they are doing like pouring radioactive waste water into the sea, follow orders to assassin and to kill.
there is no such thing as busy or free
there is only in matter of importance and in queue of priorities
would you be too busy to breath or sleep?
too busy to take a piss or too busy to take a shit?
too busy to eat or drink?
equal order of importance and equal order of priorities between two parties keeps a relationship going.
there is no such thing as busy or free
there is only in matter of importance and in queue of priorities
would you be too busy to breath or sleep?
too busy to take a piss or too busy to take a shit?
too busy to eat or drink?
equal order of importance and equal order of priorities between two parties keeps a relationship going.
‘let no limit be your limit’ verse by bruce lee
when we meet something/ someone beyond our knowledge and ability we would deny it, ban it and say it is wrong, say it is impossible
Einstein was told he is a hopeless kid at school
truth shows the teacher is truely hopeless or you can argue the teacher is wise because Albert give ways to atomic bomb which will eventually destroy the world and human race.
if you observe the lifetime stages of human
observe the ‘yin and yang’ symbol and if you learn to play the ‘animal chess’ (both can easily be found in Hong Kong), they will demonstrate to you:
there is no strongest and weakest in this universe, everything and everyone is fitted well together like a puzzle, we all have our own strengths and weaknesses which worth our own existence, the strongest is the start for weak and the weakest is the start for strong.
or in the western world it is known as the circle of life
‘let no limit be your limit’ verse by bruce lee
when we meet something/ someone beyond our knowledge and ability we would deny it, ban it and say it is wrong, say it is impossible
Einstein was told he is a hopeless kid at school
truth shows the teacher is truely hopeless or you can argue the teacher is wise because Albert give ways to atomic bomb which will eventually destroy the world and human race.
if you observe the lifetime stages of human
observe the ‘yin and yang’ symbol and if you learn to play the ‘animal chess’ (both can easily be found in Hong Kong), they will demonstrate to you:
there is no strongest and weakest in this universe, everything and everyone is fitted well together like a puzzle, we all have our own strengths and weaknesses which worth our own existence, the strongest is the start for weak and the weakest is the start for strong.
or in the western world it is known as the circle of life
as long as you don’t mind
we mind because we care
not to mind is not to care
don’t mind is to free yourself and be natural, don’t go look for/demand something/ someone as this act would bring you endless unsolvable problems.
as long as you don’t mind
we mind because we care
not to mind is not to care
don’t mind is to free yourself and be natural, don’t go look for/demand something/ someone as this act would bring you endless unsolvable problems.
look for
look for
if you look for something or someone on purpose, before they are found you would feel irritated
we all have someone that loves and cares for us and something that belongs to us which we are not aware, we have to cherish and make good use of/with them
learn to be thankful on what you have and when you have done this, you would find you don’t look to go finding and looking for others.
if you look for something or someone on purpose, before they are found you would feel irritated
we all have someone that loves and cares for us and something that belongs to us which we are not aware, we have to cherish and make good use of/with them
learn to be thankful on what you have and when you have done this, you would find you don’t look to go finding and looking for others.
there is a price to pay for everything
everything needs practice in order to do well, to do well in order to benefit
if something thats need not practice to do well which would bring you a lot of benefits-behind it there must be a much much dear price to pay
many things seems an easy way out and seems free but please remember a good old saying: ‘there is no free lunch in this world’
if someone offer something free or seems a great bargain for you please ask yourself: ‘what have you done to deserve it’ as if you take the offer you would find in most cases that you becomes the bargain.
there is a price to pay for everything
everything needs practice in order to do well, to do well in order to benefit
if something thats need not practice to do well which would bring you a lot of benefits-behind it there must be a much much dear price to pay
many things seems an easy way out and seems free but please remember a good old saying: ‘there is no free lunch in this world’
if someone offer something free or seems a great bargain for you please ask yourself: ‘what have you done to deserve it’ as if you take the offer you would find in most cases that you becomes the bargain.
afraid is care
if you are afraid of something or someone- there must be someone or something that you care
carefree/ not to care is key to beat scare/ afraid
afraid is care
if you are afraid of something or someone- there must be someone or something that you care
carefree/ not to care is key to beat scare/ afraid
let go
let go
we have 2 hands, if we hold onto something and when our hands are full of things we are holding, we can hold no more and to keep on holding the same thing is very tiring, hands are useful because we pick up and let go endless things every day, when we pick up, we pick up, when we let go, we let go, do not be afraid to let go, when you let go this means that you are available for picking up again...
we have 2 hands, if we hold onto something and when our hands are full of things we are holding, we can hold no more and to keep on holding the same thing is very tiring, hands are useful because we pick up and let go endless things every day, when we pick up, we pick up, when we let go, we let go, do not be afraid to let go, when you let go this means that you are available for picking up again...
process, enjoy the process, enjoy what you are doing, enjoying a glass of coca cola
focus only at now, do not think about the past or future, live zen
there is nothing to compare, there is only one, the one, nothing to compare with, no colors, no sounds, no scent, no taste, no feeling, no rules to compare and contrast with, only one, the one, the one is present, is now, is yourself, is what you are doing, seeing, listening, smelling, tasting, feeling, following, believing and living in, we are how we are, who we are, what we are, where we are
when we like something, there must be something we don’t like to compare and contrast with...beautiful, love, care, clean, bright, fond...all sorts of good, there must be bad to show there are good, we do not, should not have the heart of making things different, all things are neutral
things do not have good bad right wrong we are how we are, things are how they are there is no different, it is how it is, no start, no end, things are all continuous, things are all at now, if we only focus on now, there is nothing to compare, there is only one, the one, the only one...
process, enjoy the process, enjoy what you are doing, enjoying a glass of coca cola
focus only at now, do not think about the past or future, live zen
there is nothing to compare, there is only one, the one, nothing to compare with, no colors, no sounds, no scent, no taste, no feeling, no rules to compare and contrast with, only one, the one, the one is present, is now, is yourself, is what you are doing, seeing, listening, smelling, tasting, feeling, following, believing and living in, we are how we are, who we are, what we are, where we are
when we like something, there must be something we don’t like to compare and contrast with...beautiful, love, care, clean, bright, fond...all sorts of good, there must be bad to show there are good, we do not, should not have the heart of making things different, all things are neutral
things do not have good bad right wrong we are how we are, things are how they are there is no different, it is how it is, no start, no end, things are all continuous, things are all at now, if we only focus on now, there is nothing to compare, there is only one, the one, the only one...
basketball player controls by the hoop
football player controls by the goal
in the game of life where we are players and we are controlled by success...
what is success? what does success mean? what is the definition of success? how to define success? how to gain success?
success depends on many ever changing factors and situations, the combination of different factors and situation, the difference of compare and contrast is where the mighty success is formed
success cannot be counted, cannot be measured, cannot be seen, hear, spoken, scented nor tasted it can only be felt...success is a feeling
does it worth us to give up our time, energy, effort, people we care and people cares for us to gain this feeling
for what we have given up to gain this lightening flash of a feeling...does it worth the price?...
success is priceless but human is willing to pay anything and everything for this mighty feeling of success
we really think we can afford the price of success, many paid the price of not only the life of their own, the life of who they love and who love them but the price of the whole human race, all living creatures on this planet and this planet itself to gain this evil feeling of success
the feeling of success is evil, success will drive us to self diminishing.
when we talk about success, it always about the future, not yet happened, something we expect
once we have expectation there must be disappointment to follow
where expectation is the father and disappointment is the son and the holy ghost...
we annoys, irritates and in pain when things not matches our expectation
we are in pain if we want something and failed to get it
to stop the pain effectively, we have to focus on now and at the present moment
if we focus 100% on now, we would have nothing to compare with and when comparing is stopped, pain would disappear...
basketball player controls by the hoop
football player controls by the goal
in the game of life where we are players and we are controlled by success...
what is success? what does success mean? what is the definition of success? how to define success? how to gain success?
success depends on many ever changing factors and situations, the combination of different factors and situation, the difference of compare and contrast is where the mighty success is formed
success cannot be counted, cannot be measured, cannot be seen, hear, spoken, scented nor tasted it can only be felt...success is a feeling
does it worth us to give up our time, energy, effort, people we care and people cares for us to gain this feeling
for what we have given up to gain this lightening flash of a feeling...does it worth the price?...
success is priceless but human is willing to pay anything and everything for this mighty feeling of success
we really think we can afford the price of success, many paid the price of not only the life of their own, the life of who they love and who love them but the price of the whole human race, all living creatures on this planet and this planet itself to gain this evil feeling of success
the feeling of success is evil, success will drive us to self diminishing.
when we talk about success, it always about the future, not yet happened, something we expect
once we have expectation there must be disappointment to follow
where expectation is the father and disappointment is the son and the holy ghost...
we annoys, irritates and in pain when things not matches our expectation
we are in pain if we want something and failed to get it
to stop the pain effectively, we have to focus on now and at the present moment
if we focus 100% on now, we would have nothing to compare with and when comparing is stopped, pain would disappear...
point of view
point of view
what we think, say and act is controlled by our past experience
experience is what happened to us, what happened on us and what happened with us...
how it happened, where it happened, what happened, happened with whom and when it happened
there must be a reason for every single of our thought, speech and action
everything there must be a cause at first and an effect to end
we always forget the cause and only remembers the effect
if we have the ability to found and known the cause of the effect, we would find there is a reason for every single effect, we then would not blame and complain as much...
what we think, say and act is controlled by our past experience
experience is what happened to us, what happened on us and what happened with us...
how it happened, where it happened, what happened, happened with whom and when it happened
there must be a reason for every single of our thought, speech and action
everything there must be a cause at first and an effect to end
we always forget the cause and only remembers the effect
if we have the ability to found and known the cause of the effect, we would find there is a reason for every single effect, we then would not blame and complain as much...
when we want/look for something as we have not yet got it and we would feel discomfort before we got it.
if you want/look for something, you are being controlled by it.
stop wanting/ stop looking for/ leave and escape from these problems is key to enlightment.
when we want/look for something as we have not yet got it and we would feel discomfort before we got it.
if you want/look for something, you are being controlled by it.
stop wanting/ stop looking for/ leave and escape from these problems is key to enlightment.
esc button
esc button
comfort and peace of mind is what we look for
we look for long term comfort and peace of mind for now and the ever coming future, always now and forever and this question itself is to look for perfect which does not exist-it is an untieble node, like greed, fear and hatred. the harder we try to solve these problems the more it hurts us.
we need the escape button when we meet problems that cannot be solved and nodes which cannot be untied
we have to know that there are many unsolvable problems and endless untieble nodes in this world and the fact and truth is ‘perfect does not exist’.
we need to leave these problems alone and escape from them, don’t be fooled by how they seem.
comfort and peace of mind is what we look for
we look for long term comfort and peace of mind for now and the ever coming future, always now and forever and this question itself is to look for perfect which does not exist-it is an untieble node, like greed, fear and hatred. the harder we try to solve these problems the more it hurts us.
we need the escape button when we meet problems that cannot be solved and nodes which cannot be untied
we have to know that there are many unsolvable problems and endless untieble nodes in this world and the fact and truth is ‘perfect does not exist’.
we need to leave these problems alone and escape from them, don’t be fooled by how they seem.
from when we are born we starts to put label on matters and people around us.
correctly speaking labels that we put on matters and people by our experience and things that happen on/with us in our own history timeline and as time goes on before this life and many lives before this life of our own
we compare, we experience, we feel and we label
these labels control how we think, say and act after they are formed in their own place in our mind
we need to see things as they are, we don’t need to put things in groups as everything is unique and everyone is individual.
each person and each matter needs to be dealt with there and then on its own and thats the end of it.
focus on now
matter is how it is
people is how they are
no label is needed
from when we are born we starts to put label on matters and people around us.
correctly speaking labels that we put on matters and people by our experience and things that happen on/with us in our own history timeline and as time goes on before this life and many lives before this life of our own
we compare, we experience, we feel and we label
these labels control how we think, say and act after they are formed in their own place in our mind
we need to see things as they are, we don’t need to put things in groups as everything is unique and everyone is individual.
each person and each matter needs to be dealt with there and then on its own and thats the end of it.
focus on now
matter is how it is
people is how they are
no label is needed
micro and macro
big and small, fast, faster, slow and slower
good and bad, bright and dark, compare forms relative and relativity is created
difference/relative of sound forms octaves to hear and difference/relative of light forms colors to see
we use the difference of light and sound to communicate, to learn, to heal and to enjoy
when we stop comparing, relativity will disappear and we would be whole.
micro and macro
big and small, fast, faster, slow and slower
good and bad, bright and dark, compare forms relative and relativity is created
difference/relative of sound forms octaves to hear and difference/relative of light forms colors to see
we use the difference of light and sound to communicate, to learn, to heal and to enjoy
when we stop comparing, relativity will disappear and we would be whole.
we are lost in choices, we have endless decisions to make everyday and each decision represents a responsibility and for a responsible person, pressure makes us suffocate
first, we have unload, do not take on things that are not our responsibility
there is a price for everything, we need to learn to say no
analyse and unload matters that are out of our ability as overload can be fatal to ourselves and fatal to people who we love and people who loves us
there are many nodes which cannot be untied and there are many problems which cannot be solved, we always have an illusion on this matter and we would commit and hook onto these problems
we have to aware and beware and give up on these problems as they would burn ourselves out
we have to put things in priority in order of importance lining up one by one in single file
breaks, rests and leisure times should be put between jobs and tasks to recharge our battery.
we are lost in choices, we have endless decisions to make everyday and each decision represents a responsibility and for a responsible person, pressure makes us suffocate
first, we have unload, do not take on things that are not our responsibility
there is a price for everything, we need to learn to say no
analyse and unload matters that are out of our ability as overload can be fatal to ourselves and fatal to people who we love and people who loves us
there are many nodes which cannot be untied and there are many problems which cannot be solved, we always have an illusion on this matter and we would commit and hook onto these problems
we have to aware and beware and give up on these problems as they would burn ourselves out
we have to put things in priority in order of importance lining up one by one in single file
breaks, rests and leisure times should be put between jobs and tasks to recharge our battery.
do you believe in what you are told?
we learn from experience by trial and error but there is a majority of our learning is from reading and listening what others speak and write
we trust and believe and even acts upon what we see and hear
we read and listen to the news and learn our knowledge from television, internet, radio, journals, books and magazines
few of us actually experiment and experience what we are told under safe conditions with safe factors
should we believe in what we are told without experiment and experience?
please remember: play safe.
do you believe in what you are told?
we learn from experience by trial and error but there is a majority of our learning is from reading and listening what others speak and write
we trust and believe and even acts upon what we see and hear
we read and listen to the news and learn our knowledge from television, internet, radio, journals, books and magazines
few of us actually experiment and experience what we are told under safe conditions with safe factors
should we believe in what we are told without experiment and experience?
please remember: play safe.
complaint is feedback for us to improve
it is most difficult to be self aware
manage, analyse and make improvements upon feedback is key to success
complaint is feedback for us to improve
it is most difficult to be self aware
manage, analyse and make improvements upon feedback is key to success
a broken plate
when it happen, it already is history, there is nothing you can do to change this truth and fact
how do we look at this matter and what do we do according to this fact is what matters.
when a file from our computer is deleted accidentally, would you cry, shout, hit the computer or bash it against the wall?
when a dog bit you, when others insulted you, how would you react?
what would you do to stop the same thing from happening again is what matters.
a broken plate
when it happen, it already is history, there is nothing you can do to change this truth and fact
how do we look at this matter and what do we do according to this fact is what matters.
when a file from our computer is deleted accidentally, would you cry, shout, hit the computer or bash it against the wall?
when a dog bit you, when others insulted you, how would you react?
what would you do to stop the same thing from happening again is what matters.
net profit and gross profit
net profit is whats netted in our pocket after taken away the cost from gross profit-so i was taught by Jon Wong
we have to calculate the net when we do things
many is cheated by the gross
many of us have a positive gross and a negative net
do remember: there is no ‘if’
if i won the lottery...
net profit and gross profit
net profit is whats netted in our pocket after taken away the cost from gross profit-so i was taught by Jon Wong
we have to calculate the net when we do things
many is cheated by the gross
many of us have a positive gross and a negative net
do remember: there is no ‘if’
if i won the lottery...
thought to action
thought to action
how can a thought at the beginning finally end up in actions that carried out?
speech is the bridge
thoughts can hardly be transformed into action without speech
so if you want to control your action, i would suggest to start with whats come out of your hole/mouth...thats a nasty one.
how can a thought at the beginning finally end up in actions that carried out?
speech is the bridge
thoughts can hardly be transformed into action without speech
so if you want to control your action, i would suggest to start with whats come out of your hole/mouth...thats a nasty one.
If there is if, anything can happen, but ‘if’ does not exist.
And strictly speaking metaphor does not stand but if anything helps...why not.
If there is if, anything can happen, but ‘if’ does not exist.
And strictly speaking metaphor does not stand but if anything helps...why not.
thoughts, speech and action
thoughts, speech and action
we can hardly control our own thoughts speech and actions but we always want to control others’ thoughts speech and actions...when the outcome does not match our expectation we would live in pain
do not expect others to fulfill what we want
do it yourself...if you have the balls.
we can hardly control our own thoughts speech and actions but we always want to control others’ thoughts speech and actions...when the outcome does not match our expectation we would live in pain
do not expect others to fulfill what we want
do it yourself...if you have the balls.
what for?
what for?
when we observe our inner self, one of the question to ask is: what for?
we live for whom
we live for what
is the purpose of our existence is to gain others recognition?
is the purpose of life is to stay with the majority?
are we free? or are we controlled by the norm and to fulfill what others want?
what do we actually need?
what are we looking for?
what do we need to do to achieve what we need?
how can we find what we look for?
we need food, drink, air, knowledge and health
we need to learn in order to gain these factors listed above
when we observe our inner self, one of the question to ask is: what for?
we live for whom
we live for what
is the purpose of our existence is to gain others recognition?
is the purpose of life is to stay with the majority?
are we free? or are we controlled by the norm and to fulfill what others want?
what do we actually need?
what are we looking for?
what do we need to do to achieve what we need?
how can we find what we look for?
we need food, drink, air, knowledge and health
we need to learn in order to gain these factors listed above
priceless vs worthless
priceless vs worthless
claps/round applause is priceless but it is also worthless
claps is sound and action that shows appreciation and recognition which every artist love to see and hear
money cannot buy true appreciation directly
we appreciate to be appreciated and recognized that means we hand the key of our mood to others, when others clap or awards me i am happy...we are no different from any circus beast
i sing because i love singing
i sing because i need to live
claps/round applause is priceless but it is also worthless
claps is sound and action that shows appreciation and recognition which every artist love to see and hear
money cannot buy true appreciation directly
we appreciate to be appreciated and recognized that means we hand the key of our mood to others, when others clap or awards me i am happy...we are no different from any circus beast
i sing because i love singing
i sing because i need to live
norm and abnormal
norm and abnormal
norm is majority
abnormal is minority
norm does not mean right
abnormal does not mean wrong
God is abnormal as he is the one and only
there is two ends: the top end and the bottom end, both are known as abnormal and whats in between this two ends is the majority which is called normal
norm is majority
abnormal is minority
norm does not mean right
abnormal does not mean wrong
God is abnormal as he is the one and only
there is two ends: the top end and the bottom end, both are known as abnormal and whats in between this two ends is the majority which is called normal
Saturday, May 21, 2011
i once prayed a lazy greedy wish
i wish i can focus all bad things of myself at one spot at one time and when i overcome it in one go then i am enlightened
fact is this can never be achieved in one go
crack it up into bite-size is the key forward my way to be enlightened.
i once prayed a lazy greedy wish
i wish i can focus all bad things of myself at one spot at one time and when i overcome it in one go then i am enlightened
fact is this can never be achieved in one go
crack it up into bite-size is the key forward my way to be enlightened.
target and now
target and now
mood patients have a common point created from their brought up and family background...we all set unachievable and perfect targets which we would fail 100% of the time when we started to think or start to walk that way
when we want something/someone we want it 100% right here right now but when we don’t want something/someone we want it disappear 100% right here right now...when we failed to achieve this we turn crazy/ nuts and mad or cancer of self destruction to hide from the truth and fact of our failure
natural and yuen, as mr.choi lost his horse
if we have target, if we even start to think and plan we fail because we leave now, we fail if we leave now and think about others but now
“we can only be at one place at any one time”
“if we are not at now we fail”
correctly speaking
“if we are not at now we are not at comfort”
do not set any target, target cannot be set without leaving ‘comfort of now’ (thinking and considering about past and future)
no target would bring you nothing to success and no fluctuate of mood, thats when enlightment is reached.
mood patients have a common point created from their brought up and family background...we all set unachievable and perfect targets which we would fail 100% of the time when we started to think or start to walk that way
when we want something/someone we want it 100% right here right now but when we don’t want something/someone we want it disappear 100% right here right now...when we failed to achieve this we turn crazy/ nuts and mad or cancer of self destruction to hide from the truth and fact of our failure
natural and yuen, as mr.choi lost his horse
if we have target, if we even start to think and plan we fail because we leave now, we fail if we leave now and think about others but now
“we can only be at one place at any one time”
“if we are not at now we fail”
correctly speaking
“if we are not at now we are not at comfort”
do not set any target, target cannot be set without leaving ‘comfort of now’ (thinking and considering about past and future)
no target would bring you nothing to success and no fluctuate of mood, thats when enlightment is reached.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
in a desert when you see a mirage...does it exist?
‘it’ has two meanings, it means the mirage, it also means whats in the mirage
through the mirage you can see images thousand miles away which we say the images do exist (thousand miles away) or/and (the mirage itself)
the mirage is true to us and we see its existance due to a combination of factors (temperature, distance, brightness, reflection angle, our brain reception and our health conditions etc)
when we think the mirage is true because we can see it
we say the mirage does not exist because we cannot touch it
does exist/ true/ fact is defined by something we can touch/ feel/ see/ hear/ smell/ taste it physically, psychologically or mentally?
how to define exist/ true or fact after all
it seems the majority has the say on this and pretty much every other issues
what if one day the minority becomes the majority?
would the mirage becomes true and the fact becomes untrue.
in a desert when you see a mirage...does it exist?
‘it’ has two meanings, it means the mirage, it also means whats in the mirage
through the mirage you can see images thousand miles away which we say the images do exist (thousand miles away) or/and (the mirage itself)
the mirage is true to us and we see its existance due to a combination of factors (temperature, distance, brightness, reflection angle, our brain reception and our health conditions etc)
when we think the mirage is true because we can see it
we say the mirage does not exist because we cannot touch it
does exist/ true/ fact is defined by something we can touch/ feel/ see/ hear/ smell/ taste it physically, psychologically or mentally?
how to define exist/ true or fact after all
it seems the majority has the say on this and pretty much every other issues
what if one day the minority becomes the majority?
would the mirage becomes true and the fact becomes untrue.
Friday, May 6, 2011
greed fear hatred
greed fear hatred
problems are generated from/by greed fear and hatred
we always greed for more, we like we love we want to own it, get it, we always want more, more money, more luxury, more enjoyment, more happiness, more sex, more comfort, more love, more care, we want more and more, much more than we ever need, mobile phone and computers, communication is a good example for our terrible greed, we always want to stay in touch, in the 90s when we didn’t have mobile phones and internet, remember how we lived then and compare how we live now?
we survived for many thousand years without technology and nowadays seems we cannot survive without it
we are much too reliant and cannot be independent
the more we rely on outer aid, the less our inner power will shine
we fear to be alone, we fear to lose things, we fear to be dropped, we fear to fail, we fear to be lost, we fear the unknown
we hate where/who/when/whats make us irritant, we want comfort
all is generated from “compare”, something to compare with
the mother of all pain is compare
we compare now with the past and future
i was very rich, now bankrupted
i am working, don’t know when will i retire
i was healthy, now i am ill
i am at the bottom don’t know when will i get to the top and fall to the bottom again
i greed for more
i fear of letting go
i hate discomfort
we always compare, when we compare we are in pain
we are irritant because we cannot get what we want
‘focus on now, do not compare’
babies learn things the quickest because they focus 100% on/at this moment/now/present
comfort and discomfort, more and less, own it and lose it, love and hate, care and don’t care, happy and sad, rich and poor, high and low, black and white, loud and quiet, normal and abnormal, quick and slow, weak and strong, win and lose, sharp and blunt are all oppose to compare
living creatures all looking for “comfort”
compare/fluctuate make us discomfort
comfort and peace is found when and only when we stop to compare
there is nothing to compare, there is only one, the one, the only one...
when we go shopping, greed of owning hook onto us
when we invest, numbers changes controls our mood
when we are in love, our lovers action, speech and thoughts controls us
when we play a game, our performance controls us
when we learn, our marks controls us
when we drive, our speed controls us
we are never in control when we compare
we need to focus 100% on/at now...
problems are generated from/by greed fear and hatred
we always greed for more, we like we love we want to own it, get it, we always want more, more money, more luxury, more enjoyment, more happiness, more sex, more comfort, more love, more care, we want more and more, much more than we ever need, mobile phone and computers, communication is a good example for our terrible greed, we always want to stay in touch, in the 90s when we didn’t have mobile phones and internet, remember how we lived then and compare how we live now?
we survived for many thousand years without technology and nowadays seems we cannot survive without it
we are much too reliant and cannot be independent
the more we rely on outer aid, the less our inner power will shine
we fear to be alone, we fear to lose things, we fear to be dropped, we fear to fail, we fear to be lost, we fear the unknown
we hate where/who/when/whats make us irritant, we want comfort
all is generated from “compare”, something to compare with
the mother of all pain is compare
we compare now with the past and future
i was very rich, now bankrupted
i am working, don’t know when will i retire
i was healthy, now i am ill
i am at the bottom don’t know when will i get to the top and fall to the bottom again
i greed for more
i fear of letting go
i hate discomfort
we always compare, when we compare we are in pain
we are irritant because we cannot get what we want
‘focus on now, do not compare’
babies learn things the quickest because they focus 100% on/at this moment/now/present
comfort and discomfort, more and less, own it and lose it, love and hate, care and don’t care, happy and sad, rich and poor, high and low, black and white, loud and quiet, normal and abnormal, quick and slow, weak and strong, win and lose, sharp and blunt are all oppose to compare
living creatures all looking for “comfort”
compare/fluctuate make us discomfort
comfort and peace is found when and only when we stop to compare
there is nothing to compare, there is only one, the one, the only one...
when we go shopping, greed of owning hook onto us
when we invest, numbers changes controls our mood
when we are in love, our lovers action, speech and thoughts controls us
when we play a game, our performance controls us
when we learn, our marks controls us
when we drive, our speed controls us
we are never in control when we compare
we need to focus 100% on/at now...
problems from choices
problems from choices
problems are generated from 'too many choices'
if we don't own anything, don't have anything, problems would not be there
a fire starts because we have something to burn with
in the city we have to think hard on what to wear, what to eat, what to buy, which friend to call and meet
think! if we have no clothes to wear, no food to eat, no money to buy, no friend to call or meet in the first place...where are all the problems gone...haha
so the poorest place on earth is where people find least worries and found most happiness
that's why the more we have and the richer we are the more unhappy and the more dissatisfy we becomes
all we need to do is to unload...unload what we have thats when our greed, our hatred, our fear and our problems be solved
problems are generated from 'too many choices'
if we don't own anything, don't have anything, problems would not be there
a fire starts because we have something to burn with
in the city we have to think hard on what to wear, what to eat, what to buy, which friend to call and meet
think! if we have no clothes to wear, no food to eat, no money to buy, no friend to call or meet in the first place...where are all the problems gone...haha
so the poorest place on earth is where people find least worries and found most happiness
that's why the more we have and the richer we are the more unhappy and the more dissatisfy we becomes
all we need to do is to unload...unload what we have thats when our greed, our hatred, our fear and our problems be solved
motive and interpretation
motive and interpretation
incoming and outgoing
we intake and send out endless signals every second by all parts of our body
what we think, say and act
how we express ourselves
very few of us can control ourselves well, what we think, say and act
how we decide to think say and act is one thing and how others interpret what we think say and act is another
ever try to send a text message on your mobile phone where same words can means something completely different when it reaches your mate
incoming and outgoing
we intake and send out endless signals every second by all parts of our body
what we think, say and act
how we express ourselves
very few of us can control ourselves well, what we think, say and act
how we decide to think say and act is one thing and how others interpret what we think say and act is another
ever try to send a text message on your mobile phone where same words can means something completely different when it reaches your mate
Monday, April 25, 2011
let it be...
let it be...
its the past when you knew it
focus on now
do not think about and do not worry about the past or the future
focus on now and let it be...
its the past when you knew it
focus on now
do not think about and do not worry about the past or the future
focus on now and let it be...
process, enjoy the process, enjoy what you are doing, enjoying a glass of coca cola
focus only at now, do not think about the past or future, live zen
there is nothing to compare, there is only one, the one, nothing to compare with, no colors, no sounds, no scent, no taste, no feeling, no rules to compare and contrast with, only one, the one, the one is present, is now, is yourself, is what you are doing, seeing, listening, smelling, tasting, feeling, following, believing and living in, we are how we are, who we are, what we are, where we are
when we like something, there must be something we don’t like to compare and contrast with...beautiful, love, care, clean, bright, fond...all sorts of good, there must be bad to show there are good, we do not, should not have the heart of making things different, all things are neutral
things do not have good bad right wrong we are how we are, things are how they are there is no different, it is how it is, no start, no end, things are all continuous, things are all at now, if we only focus on now, there is nothing to compare, there is only one, the one, the only one...
process, enjoy the process, enjoy what you are doing, enjoying a glass of coca cola
focus only at now, do not think about the past or future, live zen
there is nothing to compare, there is only one, the one, nothing to compare with, no colors, no sounds, no scent, no taste, no feeling, no rules to compare and contrast with, only one, the one, the one is present, is now, is yourself, is what you are doing, seeing, listening, smelling, tasting, feeling, following, believing and living in, we are how we are, who we are, what we are, where we are
when we like something, there must be something we don’t like to compare and contrast with...beautiful, love, care, clean, bright, fond...all sorts of good, there must be bad to show there are good, we do not, should not have the heart of making things different, all things are neutral
things do not have good bad right wrong we are how we are, things are how they are there is no different, it is how it is, no start, no end, things are all continuous, things are all at now, if we only focus on now, there is nothing to compare, there is only one, the one, the only one...
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