
Sunday, May 22, 2011



what is fact? what is truth? what truely exist?

when the majority of us were told the truth and fact is the world is flat, the person who said the world is round was burnt alive

when Einstein were in school or even when he was in university he was seen as a hopeless young man

when we do not understand someone or something we would put negative labels on them especially when they are the minority or the only one on their own

fact and truth only exist when we define it

there is no definition to a fact is 100% true as we all from different background, from different group, we are born/ made differently, we are on different sides and cares about different things and persons

everyone recept and express differently, everyone is unique, we are all alike but never exactly the same

we group together in different similarities in different way shape or form

the minorities who called impaired and gifted physically, psychologically, mentally, emotionally, intelligently and spiritually and last but not least economically and financially

the very left and the very right end represents the impaired and gifted

imagine, there is a building/ an obstacle in front of us, if we want to go forward and be on track to treasures we have to go round it either go left or go right to get pass the obstacle and back on track to reach our treasure

because we are standing too close to the glass building, we see treasures on the other side but cannot reach it, we keep on denying and refusing to turn left or right to go round the glass obstacle

who knows the way out?...the impaired and the gifted.

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