
Monday, December 16, 2013

education updated


“everyone is gifted, everyone is a genius”

we need to give our kids chance to shine freely

education stuff us with external information that prevents our gifted inner true lights from shining through the universe

“we need to learn but not being taught”

we need to learn by our own enjoyment, own passion  and what we interest in relaxingly, not what others teach us and force us to remember

we would remember things and take things seriously if we enjoy, have passion on it and relax in learning 

everyone is a magnetic field powered super car

“we need a car key not people pushing from behind”

“we loves learning but hates being taught”

in todays world we should find out what we want to know and ask for help when needed

kids are much brighter than the teachers and parents because kids has an unaffected brain

kids brain is soft like a sponge with no rules, no regulation, no limitation, they are flexible, adaptable and diverse

it is silly to teach the same thing all the time, it is wisdom to enjoy learning diversify 

it takes wisdom and true gifts to pass on knowledge the client ask for 

it takes true wisdom to be a coach, it takes more wisdom to coach oneself.

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