
Thursday, July 24, 2014

curious to learn

curious to learn

Learning must be self motivated by interest

Coach sparkles clients interests of learning with questions, brings out the curious beast within its clients which hungers for learning and enjoys the process in finding out the answers

Hk stuffing ducks education shuts down any interest for learning, did the purpose for education but did the opposite to learning

Stuffing ducks ed style is success in education but it's a total disaster for learners.

interest to learn is the most precious to every soul

as babies we all have interest and curiosity to find answers and solutions by ourselves

babies learn the quickest in life
babies are curious and they fulfill their curiosity by try out and experimenting everything and learn from experience with no boundaries and limitations  

key for learning is keep our baby style
the stuffing duck education in Hong Kong trashes the interest of even the most curious learner

no one like to be force to do something
as soon as we being force to do something, our interest is lost instantly

the stuffing duck education in Hong Kong is a comedy for education but its a horror and tragedy for learning

learning and education is different

education is a career
learning is life

education did the job well on trashing learning interests around the world

nowadays we share, we don’t educate 

no one qualifies to educate
everyone is qualified to share and learn from sharing experiments and experiences

education especially in the eastern part of the world china hong kong, education trashes lives after lives and bringing families after families into hell to meet those exams and getting those call certificates

in the uk i saw fellow senior school and uni students gone onto drugs alcohol and gambling due to education

education do us no good

thanks to facebook since 2006, we learn the importance of sharing

relax enjoys sharing utilizing experiments and experiences of solutions to problems

when we meet problems we are curious to find solutions and the journey of reaching your unique solutions is call learning


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