
Monday, July 28, 2014

learn 280714 II

learn 280714 II

learning is cause by curiosity
curiosity is greed and hunger for solutions to your own problems

curious is the factor for learning

education is a career
learning is a hobby

when we are extremely bored, we would be curious for learning

the wrong way of current education is the teachers and exam board create questions for learners to answer 

when learners have real life problems, they would be curious to find solution and this process is learning

learners have no interest in questions created by teachers

questions created by teachers turn us off and created pressure

but learners are greed for certificates 
certificates means they can get good jobs means cash
so this game of greed make parents of hong kong pressure kids to get certificates and exam results and destroy curious learning completely

problem solving, creating solutions to problems is charisma and attractive

in order to have motive, have ability and enjoy solving problems we must be curious to learn

curiosity is form when we face our own real life problems then we would be interested to find solutions

no one interest in others problems unless we get paid solving them

education system trashes creativity 

kids brain is most creative, education canning those soft creative spongelike brains into rock hard vacuum tight brains by just follow orders without ability to think and create

teachers is getting paid for creating problems and marking others on their answers see if they fit the answer in the teacher’s heart

we have no interest in paying for solving problems that already solved and answers already known to judge on us to see if we are qualified and get awarded with a paper that say we qualified 

education is hell
learning is heaven

education is a career
learning is curious

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