
Sunday, July 20, 2014

peace solution 200714

peace solution 200714

souls need peace but never found because relatively peace is satisfy on now and not finding

finding is not found
found is not finding

finding peace can never be found
found peace is stop finding


the second best is to greed wisely

the tragedy in life is to greed unwisely
the comedy in life is to greed wisely

living is about solutions exchange

bank notes hold the power of exchanging endless solutions

we provide solutions to exchange in bank notes

we then exchange out bank notes to exchange in solutions from others

learning is exchange out bank notes for exchange in knowledge of solutions (expertise and skills for solving problems)

working is providing solutions for others for exchange in bank notes (solutions provides by others for self and the family)

there is endless ways of exchanging solutions

wise men becomes more wealthy along the solutions exchange process

unwise men becomes less wealthy along the solutions exchange process...but all these is a lie...because its all depends on the factor

follow the flow, anyway the wind blows is key to peace

mind you, success and peace is different

a successful person is not peace

a peaceful person is not success

what you target for is what you will get

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