
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Commu poster

Peace 不安因某人事物不合作,未合意,事實上,我根本不需任何合作,自在安


fit and healthy 300815

fit and healthy 300815

fit and healthy consist of eat sleep and production

praying to God and/or listen to yoga music when we in bed gets us into deep rest extremely easily

chat to God like a friend, tell him the thanksgiving and hatred moments of the day, release all your good and bad mood to God, say it quietly in little voice, God is your best friend which he is with you anywhere and everywhere, he is there to support us whenever whoever however whatever and whereever 

God is faith, faith is peace

in deep rest nightmares appears, nightmares is good for us because nightmares releases our inner fear and we become more peaceful and feeling more secure in the next day

when we intake food and drinks use sugar salt olive oil and dark vinegar to go with food and drinks

after every meal gentle walk for 10-20 minutes

more than 20 minutes gentle walk after meal would make us hungry very easily having needed to eat again very soon and too tired to exercise afterwards 

10-20 minutes gentle walk after every meal is the key to good health which would help our nice productions creations and solutions in toilet.

Saturday, August 29, 2015



checking solution OCD 290815

checking solution OCD 290815

some has checking problem of obsessive compulsive disorder OCD, solution for checking is to flow with water-tell yourself: you have all the world’s time to check, go with the flow naturally

mind work likes the ocean waves, its like surfing in the ocean, if there is a rip curl, you need to surf on top and you be like God, if you go against it, you will bury in the sea and accident happens

we all have a natural balancing system, if the irritation becomes too much try consulting clinical psychologist and psychiatrist, in some cases medications is needed to help

but medications has side effects, to weight out the pros and cons after trying above solutions and find a suitable one for yourself.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

flea hong kong 260815

flea hong kong 260815

personally been to new jade shopping mall next to chai wan mtr in hong kong yesterday, there is a common area in the mall use as a mini flea market, i was offered traditional wooden products 20$ for one, 50$ for 3, 100$ for 7, in hong kong cash, i spend 100 dollars and grabbed 7 for selling to others and gifts to friends, today i go back for more

the rent for space is expensive in hong kong, what hong kong people need is short rental, short rental can generate even high revenue

flea hong kong free hong kong, flea market is a way to free a place a country and the world

flea market is where in a space where individuals usually one or two person selling a selection of products and services in a small space

flea market just a large empty space like a football court with no seperations between all shops 

small indivduals provides flexible diverse products and services with bargain prices usually affordable by the general public 

flea market can make big money for individuals and the organiser and the shoppers is a brilliant solution for the current worldwide boring solutions, bringing chance to individuals with low startup cost but add together means a giant sums of money for the organiser and the space owner and the government.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015






Monday, August 24, 2015

Yu comment


creating solutions 240815

creating solutions 240815

mankind is full of problems and solutions, problems and solutions is a pair of means for learn earn and heal to own profits

where there is profits they is problems and solutions

actually many solutions are created for profits which created many problems

there are many grandnies solutions which is treasure and are about to lost, if we could collect these solutions and pass them on for a profit

current mobile apps are too much hazel, first, there must be a search function, second, the favorite suggest list must come on top, there must be a record for every word we inputed and suggested to us the times we enter in that word again

there must must a one touch button for everything

old computers need double click, everything double means a lot and would crack fingers, if we could make everything simple easy, i click that and i mean it, there must be a reverse button, you are reverse everything within 3-5 seconds 


many love to publish their own book and cd, if we could have a platform app where everyone could through mobile device and app publish their own creations of audio video photo and text production creation and solutions and the platform and the creation and deliver parties split the net profit, that would be nice.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Secret of creativity

The secret of creative power is ultimate boredom n plenty of free moments 

solutions 230815

solutions 230815

current IT solutions been introduced since 20 years ago in 1995

2015 at present except google and tencent are helpful solutions, many other IT solutions creates problems rather than solution

2015 is a year where mankind is aware of gifts and power within everyone of us, no matter how strong a giant firm, it has its culture and rules which limits its flexibility and  creativity 

at present year, there are more and more free buddies with nothing to do and assing around

what if we could create an app for them to put their creations on our platform app for sell and split the net profit

for solution platform is too huge, we could start with text solutions platform

solution platform is a working together way of business, where we could unleash the power of free individuals and also gets the advantage of a huge firm, joining forces means best of both worlds.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Now peace


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Music for Sleeping and Dreaming with your Angels


Musebrary created by mat on 200815 1813


Number One Seller of our Relaxation Music

1 hour nature sounds birdsong-Naturaleza 1 hora suena, canto de los pája...

sugar theory 200815

sugar theory 200815

if we would like sweet-we need sugar or honey, if we need salty, we need salt

no matter who when what where how you are sugar for sweet and salt for salty is the formula, the equation and the rule

for a person that has recognition problem, when he like sweet-he finds the look of salt comfort and when he like salty-she finds the look of sugar attractive-the result can only be tragedy

so why some men can sleep with 600 women a year let alone for aids, because he got the formula, why buffet is king of shares and why mj is king of basket king of pop and king for 400m

it is because when the situation needs sweet he has got sugar to feed and is willing to feed sugar 

all is about-the factor.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Monday, August 17, 2015

Comment from mates

Comment from mates






Sunday, August 16, 2015

cameras era 160815

cameras era 160815

it will be the clip on security camera era used by everyone v soon for security reasons

the flying camera is another

in the US election this year people can through mobile phone share instant video and audio on tweeter

the near future everyone would carry clip on cameras on them and the world of everyone would be recorded round the clock and shared on the internet

people can choose to purchase these videos for memories, learn earn and heal purposes

all the teachers, doctors, securities, everyone wants to protect themselves and soon the government force everyone to carry these cameras and couples make love would be memories for porn videos

though no one has freedom on one side but it helps to alert people in order

a chinese old saying, when there is no one around you, you must act as everyone is watching you.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

google premium 130815

google premium 130815

personally published an article shown below a week ago

this article extends ideas base on solution alliance

mat is the ideas and articles creator, solution platform, solution exchange, solution alliance and google premium sparkle by and started from mat

google search is a solution platform in itself, what google need to do to reach solution platform exchange alliance is to develop google premium 

google premium is use google search as a base but alliance with private sites and web services

the pricing is free to join google premium seach engine got permission from alliance sites and able to seach alliance sites’ audio video photo and text files for solution exchange one cent per file puchase and google, files holding websites and the file creator share the profit of one cent per purchase per file.

solution alliance 050815

solution platform idea is simply too huge and overlapped with many existing web services but just bit diverse and different

personally think solution alliance is bit more practical

solution alliance uses solution platform as a blueprint, instead of investing and having our own technical experts, own servers and own marketing team, we coop, we work with and we alliance with:

audio: soundcloud
video: youtube
photo: flickr
text: blogger

above four sites provides technical experts, servers and marketing team

mat provides blueprint and ideas

google premium provides central search engine app that could search these four sites databases with a one US dollar for a 24 hour pass per user login

pricing would support a continues 13 hours of one cent per minute entertainments and solutions services, if the user use less then 13 hours we earn, if more then 13 hours we subsidies a bit

solution alliance solutioned for the vast overlapped in investments and resources and avoid and prevent clashes with current big names in the industry.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Monday, August 10, 2015

Do n why


Do n don't


Sunday, August 9, 2015

The factor




Lemon cure cancer

The factor 緣=能力+喜愛


Con key



Saturday, August 8, 2015

crystal ball 080815

crystal ball 080815

there is an ancient myth where the world is a shattered crystal ball, where everyone has unique gifts, joining together we are whole

every soul has their unique gifts, modern world focus on finance business and exchange but there is much more to us than that

no matter a person’s ability and disability, there bound to be some gifts on them

wise men sparkle gifts on ones they meet and use it to help all souls to reach peace but at the end wise men must not have a wish, because if you have a wish, you have expections and hopes and if you reach target-no surprises, if fails you would be in endless pains and sorrows

so plan and planning is a con, it is the biggest con in the modern world

personally studied business management in the UK, people in our faculty are crazy about planning but wise ones soon discover, the best way is to flow with water, gone with wind.

Friday, August 7, 2015

hidden experts bits power 070815

hidden experts bits power 070815

clients knows the best, there are endless hidden experts within the public where we have solutions much simpler and easier than the formal solution

apple staff once said there are many apple clients are hidden experts able to solve problems that apple staff not able to

bits power, faith in people, if we need a job done, we could put a price on it and publish it online so experts with free time at that moment attracted by the price could close the deal

we believe the general public and everyone of us has gifts and treasure within us

ones works for companies are bored and fixed, they may not like what they are doing but hidden experts loves what they do and knows what they do as a hobby so if we create an app online bridging people needs experts manpower and provides experts manpower it would be profitable and worthwhile.

Thursday, August 6, 2015



Con art key





Wednesday, August 5, 2015

human library

solution alliance 050815

solution alliance 050815

solution platform idea is simply too huge and overlapped with many existing web services but just bit diverse and different

personally think solution alliance is bit more practical

solution alliance uses solution platform as a blueprint, instead of investing and having our own technical experts, own servers and own marketing team, we coop, we work with and we alliance with:

audio: soundcloud
video: youtube
photo: flickr
text: blogger

above four sites provides technical experts, servers and marketing team

mat provides blueprint and ideas and a central search engine app that could search these four sites databases with a one US dollar for a 24 hour pass per user login

pricing would support a continues 13 hours of one cent per minute entertainments and solutions services, if the user use less then 13 hours we earn, if more then 13 hours we subsidies a bit

solution alliance solutioned for the vast overlapped in investments and resources and avoid and prevent clashes with current big names in the industry.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015





Monday, August 3, 2015



在家工作是最經濟, 舒適, 自由的自顧行業, 無固定上班時間, 無合約限制, 自訂假期和休息時間可隨時旅行或回鄉探親, 不用舖租, 低成本, 低風險, 適合任何年齡, 健康狀况, 經濟能力的人仕

加入行列或享用服務請致電,短信, Whatsapp 或 微信 香港手機:9194 0869 mat 小馬



我們認為每個人都有自己現有的才藝智慧和技能, 能夠利用它們來謀生, 而我們不用浪費金錢和時間去學習




十三E私房住家飯,十九A電影, 二十B全新/二手時裝, 名牌
也二D漫畫, 雜誌, 卡通
沙六G紅酒, 玉器

上樓齊菜, 住家飯, 各國地道美食, 甜品, 糖水, 全新或二手電器, 電子產品, 運動用品, 私人物品, 衣服, 家具, 中西猛片, 中外電視劇, 手工精品, 玩具, 卡通片, 漫畫, 書籍, 雜誌, 私人收藏, 玉器, 各國名牌時裝, 名錶, 名酒, 名畫, 古董, 古董傢俬, 瓷器, 度身訂做唐裝西服, 各式領呔, 圍巾, 各款首飾

跌打骨傷科醫生, 推拿, 針炙, 健康食品, 護膚及美容產品, 各科補習, 各式影印, 釘裝

學中外樂器, 藝術, 武術, 太極, 運動, 美術, 烹飪, 車衣, 電腦, 設計, 玉石鑑賞, 中華文化, 攝影, 棋藝, 易學, 風水, 掌相, 占卜, 香薰療法, 手工藝, 舞蹈, 語言,歌唱技巧, apps製作, 各項電腦技巧


留言回覆或短訊郵箱,香港手機:+852 9194 0869 (上午十一時至晚上九時


learn 030815

learn 030815

learn earn heal are three stages of life

solutions are being recorded and being learnt in audio video photo and text forms 

solutions must be simple to communicate and easy to understand and fun to remember

crisp clean clear short sharp simple straightforward are keys for creating solutions for learning earning and healing

if we could solution in seconds why minutes

wise men record their solution of life problems they meet in audio video photo and text and share them with or sell them to the public

learn earn and heal must be casual fun and easy

learn earn and heal could be whenever however whoever whatever and wherever 

solutions is the most profitable investment

solutions can flourish lives and living.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Art tips




Tips of factors never work with
