
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

education and learning 110516

education and learning 110516

personally belief in learning but not education

learning is about the learner asking questions and in search of conclusions

education is about lecturing and presenting sets of syllabus with test and exams at the end

only learners knows what they need to learn

in my class, i let my coachee to ask anything and every question is discuss within the class 

everyone would only remember their own input

if i ask a question or if i give an answer, i always remember it

the modern education system having no respect and faith, no apprecaition and cherishness on learners

learners only comparing and competing

learning is about knowing how to solve problems that we come across

personally reckon, every kid must learn how to heal, everyone must learn basics on health from body or mind intakes including food drinks and what we see and hear

body and mind intake controls our health physically mentally psychologically spiritually

we also need to learn how to learn, tips on tailor made or groups tailor made learning putting learners with similar levels of abilities in group

when we learnt how to learn earn and heal, we have the basics to survive peacefully and the medical cost and crime rates would decrease

in an hour class learners questions time must be no less than 30 minutes, half of the time for questions and half of the time for answers

question one for 30 seconds, answer one for 30 seconds
question two for 30 seconds, answer two for 30 seconds for up to an hour per session

we must encourage leaners to questions and answer questions

the best coach should speaks least and input least within every session

best coach let every learner brightly sparkle with their own questions and answers and interact and communcate between learners

learning is about practicing and obtaining communciation skills and learning ways of solving problems and reaching peace.

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