
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Poison heals 101216

Poison heals 101216

Poisons are drugs medicines for healing

West drugs are chemicals from natural minerals
East drugs are herbs from plants and animals

West created poison cleaning products that cause cancer

West spread the fear of bacteria germs and viruses, and they sell poison cleaning products claims to kills germs

Fact is over 99.99% of bacteria germs and viruses do us good
Bacteria germs and viruses that harms us are less than 0.001%
Ones that is fatal to mankind is 0.001% of the 0.001% that do possible harm

Fact is poison kills us painfully by creating cancer
West and many high class shopping malls in cities like Hong Kong loves to use poisons in toilets making it smell nice and kill germs

These poisons flows down from toilet to the sea around hong kong and the hong kong people eat seafood caught around hong kong, fishes are poison by these cancer chemicals

Junk, garbage and poison is out of sight but they are somewhere on earth, like plastic and poisons that cannot disintegrate which transfer to animals and transfer back to human

Actually we can use tea, salt, spices, ginger, garlic, fruits, vegetable, plants, vegetation and animals for cleaning the earth

This is the circle of life, what we created would comes round to us and our children or when we get old and ill, we have to pay the debt in factoring price

Use natural cleaning products


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