
Thursday, May 11, 2017

Healing experience exchange 110517

Healing experience exchange 110517

Three stages of life is learn earn heal

Its all comes down to healing for what we learn and earn

Because we look for peace from pain and in search of solutions and creations of healing

Computer and digital devices is an aid to help mankind to exchange healing experience

Year 2017, plenty are confused in healing and there are plenty bully and con on healing for evil profits

We need an exchange platform where everyone can exchange healing experience for and with a small fee

Everyone paying a tiny monthly fee is counts on large sums for this healing experience exchange to run to service kind and honestly for all mankind

Everyone is monitored and recorded experience by devices and everyone able to access reports and information about themselves and their symptoms illness and natural way of healing with ancient and modern healings

Plenty healings on the net but we not sure right or wrong, plenty and many is locked with professionals only

If everyone has unique identity with badges and circles, we can like or block others and exchange our experience list with friends

We need an exchange for healing experience because every and any actions of mankind and souls is about balance healing experience exchange.

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