
Sunday, October 22, 2017

impaired and gifted sparkle centre 221017

impaired and gifted sparkle centre 221017

impaired and gifted sparkle centre is set up by mat from 2008 in Hong Kong

it is a place for mat to share his ideas creations and solution with all souls

mat is creating because he is in pain in search of peace

mat record his experience and creative solutions in his experience and wish it can save other souls for repeating his pain

mat wish peace to all souls

mat faith we are all impaired and gifted and are sparkled by and with each other during experience life

life is a journey of practical experience we practice learn earn heal from pain in search of peace with companions that match or mismatch

match experience is pleasant and mismatch experience is pain

mat wish is peace to all souls and mat practice creative solutions for matching and healing souls from pain to peace

ultimately reaching goals of peace to all souls and bright sparkle gifts of all souls

let us bright sparkle our gifts through matching and healing for reaching peace.

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