
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

stay like share 011117

stay like share 011117

stay-the longer i stay, the more i like and love to share
things i hate i just close it, delete it and pass by
but always some good stories i passed and deleted after months i accept it and want to find it and it cannot be found

rec-record whatever i come across
experience history must record fully so we can find it again when we regret

faith ends fear

ad-adverts and marketing should be what we pay for, when we in pain and desperate we need ads when we search to tell us what we go for
ad should not be forced to people, ads should be what we need and love, ads should be easy simple casual short sharp simple straightforward no more than few seconds
gold-if we can message in seconds, why years
message and marketing ads must be done in seconds, never more than minutes, if u have power to tell long story short u r powerful
tell short stories is key for success, todays world, we hardly have seconds, no time for junk

manage your stories, if you spend years to produce a story, every seconds shorter of your story the more power the message is and more lives you save

produce stories than drags on just killing lives, our time is precious, no room for junk

solutions must be simple easy casual.

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