
Sunday, April 8, 2018

solution key for data world 080418

solution key for data world 080418

No repeat
Auto backup
auto history timeline recall
Creations auto copyright

current year 2018, over 99.99999% of data is duplicated and repeated burns up memories

we need auto backup

we need safe and duplicated backup copies

we not need to be force feed duplicated and repeated data

our experience and data experience best auto timelined and can be recalled by anyone anywhere anytime, this replace the share button

the more time we stay on a creation means either we love it or hooked by it

everyones data experience can be recall by anyone anywhere anytime so no one would do bad things

we can recall audio video photo text records created by anyone anywhere anytime so there is no crime

any data device is a tracker, any data device is recording audio video photo text records of souls and auto share with every soul

there is no crime

crime is over

no bully no abuse because we can see and hear everyone anyone

data device use for create learn earn heal food rest release network communicate

we back to practical and real life experience with data aid on the side for aiding

data is aid

experience nature with souls

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