
Thursday, June 28, 2018


foolish creations by mankind 280618

foolish creations by mankind 280618

machines lock plastic
printing paper compass gunpowder
wear take stay move
learn earn heal
money power trade
bully abuse con
charity religion politics
books solution creations
school office hospital
caring homes
buildings houses
gamble alcohol drugs tobacco

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

5G 5th generation data technology 260618

5G 5th generation data technology 260618

china and US

5G technology is expected to be created by china and US seperately and is good news for users because two systems can offer and compete for users casual benefit

mat been creating articles on circles system

5G beyond is casual save data and resources

5G is about conserving and utilizing resources where we can input minimum for maximum benefit and the harmony with green

most cycles in the world is junk and rubbish for burning resources

we need to create 5G system to tailor resources for individuals

machines and factories created burning for resources and abuse for souls on earth

5G is about balancing machines lock and plastic harms to greens and souls

5G is about creating circles system and applying it to aid green and souls in harmony with machines to balance green and souls on earth and beyond

resource is key

balance is key

balance yin and yang is key

balance is key

key is balance

Monday, June 25, 2018


Storytelling 一隻狐狸發現一雞窩,卻因為太胖攢不進柵欄。於是餓了三天,終於進入。可是飽餐後又出不去了,只好重新餓了三天才出去。最後它哀歎自己,在這個過程中除了過了個嘴癮,基本上是白忙一場了。 人生何嚐不是如此啊。赤裸裸來,赤條條走,無人能帶走一生經營的財富與盛名。用青春賺的錢,難以買回青春;用生命賺錢,難以買回生命;用幸福換來的錢,難以換回幸福;用時間掙來的錢,難以掙回時間。即使用一生得到全世界的錢,全世界的錢也買不回自己的ㄧ生。 所以該工作時且工作,該休息時且休息,愉快工作,享受生活 ,珍惜所擁有的,愛你所愛的,開心過好每一天。房子再貴,你睡的只是一張床。 車子再好,超速還是要吃罰單。 包包再貴,也只比塑料袋多一個炫富的功能。 別人的老婆再美, 總有一天會變成老太太。 別人的老公再有錢,不如一個窮光蛋老公愛你。 不要為了追求沒有的 ,而忘了自己已有的幸福 知足常樂! 這是來自荷蘭的一個諺語: 錢可以買到棟房子,但買不到家庭。 錢可以買到鐘錶,但買不到時間。 錢可以買到床,但買不到睡眠。 錢可以買到書,但買不到知識。 錢可以買到醫療服務,但買不到健康。 錢可以買到地位,但買不到尊重。 錢可以買到血液,但買不到生命。 錢可以買到性,但買不到真愛。

Friday, June 22, 2018


我真係點搞都搞唔明白 點解人類係咁cheap嘅 其實呢個世界嘅價值 完全係為咗利益 就係咁簡單 唔好講仁義道德 金科玉律聖言之書 全部都係牟利嘅工具 如果有啲人話俾你聽 佢係好善心㗎 咁你就可以肯定 最邪惡嗰個就係佢 試問一個男人 會唔會四周圍話畀人聽佢係一個男人呢 只有騙子 會四周圍話畀人聽佢係老實嘅 阿爸阿媽教落 調轉嚟聽調轉嚟睇 咁就係個真相呀 點解梁振英時代 搞到要暴動呀 因為明明 社會不和唔緊要 市民都冇乜怨言 但係佢夾硬話 個個市民都係特首 個個市民都有得揀 呢下嘢就好多人好唔老嚟啦 明明畀你鬱 chok住道氣 逆來順受都唔緊要 你唔好抹大眼講大話嗎 苦已經受咗 但係你話我享樂喎 我咪同你死過囉 說話唔好倒轉嚟講 天知地知你知我知 大家都知 一個地方有冇自由 唔係靠把口講呀 唔係靠洗腦呀 喺大家心裏面公認嘅 市民受緊苦 唔使你道歉呀 你都唔好講反話 你當自己 抑或當市民係白痴啦 有好多問題好易解決㗎咋 但係如果最明顯嗰條路封咗 要迫啲市民行為啲旁門左道 呢個就係啲官員嘅責任 我覺得啲法例 應該行咗先 慢慢修改 事先諮詢係多餘呀 因為收埋嚟諮詢 根本冇人知道就已經過期啦 等於冇諮詢過 推出咗啲例慢慢修改 大家都意識到 新例嘅重要性 公道自在人心 特別喺香港 愚民政策行唔通呀 祖國成日話俾人知 祖國幾咁自由 福利幾咁好 我識得好多達官貴人 攬埋啲錢 飛走咗 事實勝於雄辯 每處地方 達官貴人知道嘢最多 主席個女係美國人 不過美國就唔係好安全 有好多暴力事件槍擊案 世上無樂土 香港算幾好 如果你問我 春秋祭掃墓 祖先保佑到



i just dont understand 220618

i just dont understand 220618

i just dont understand why we pay for data device connection and power for creating data for others benefit

why there is no way for data creators to earn from data they created casually

we pay for computers mobiles connections power storage for creating and keeping and burning our resource

there must be a poverty in a need in a casual way of earning with our data creations and solutions

we welcome copy cat, we even pay copy cats for sharing our creation but key is the creators must earns the majority casually from their original creations and solutions

mat cannot see a difficult in that

it is simple easy and make sense

reward and honor 220618

reward and honor 220618

reward and honor are keys for drive

data devices record our creations and solutions in timeline

we are all unique with creations and solutions that must be reward and honor

there are plenty whom with creation and solution power but plenty with copy cat power

copy cat should be reward and honor too, not for stealing but for passing on the good

creators must be rewarded most

ones who sharing and pass on the creations and solutions is rewarded and honored a share

with most reward goes to creators with the circles system we can label and ban ones cheated us so left with honest ones and powerful ones

ones who cheats are labeled by the public and soon no one would cheat because cheat gets you nowhere

souls niche creation power

souls are creators with body and mind

key is to reward creators most and fine ones who cheat

when we reward good and fine bad soon there will be good

but key is balance

balance good and bad

balance yin and yang

Monday, June 18, 2018


Friends is like credit card, if we cannot cash out or debit when needed, then cut it

無事不登三寶殿 此等朋友如大便

無事不登三寶殿 此等朋友如大便

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Don't kill my dream

Don't kill my dream

Thursday, June 14, 2018


愛如夢 幻 泡 影 如露 亦如電 應作如是觀

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


咁樣養仔法 唔怪得佢癲

West fools trick

West fools trick Natural solution has 99% benefit The west is focusing on the 1% exaggerated cost West advertising on its foolish science solution of 1% exaggerated benefit neglecting the 99% cost they bring

Monday, June 11, 2018


What goes round comes round Treat as u like to be treated We need to pay for our own dinner

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Two dollars




好壞參半 一切隨水

好壞參半 一切隨水


成功是美夢的葬禮,惡夢的出世 失敗是美夢的出世,惡夢的葬禮 Success is funeral of dreams, birth of nightmare Failure is funeral of nightmare, birth of dreams


成功是美夢的葬禮,惡夢的出世 失敗是美夢的出世,惡夢的葬禮

Friday, June 8, 2018


Dreaming is privilege of losers Success is dream killer I have endless nice dreams before I succeed Success is start of nightmare Success is the end of dreams I enjoy dreaming I prefer dreaming than success Success is in numbers Dreams is in fact Dreams during day call day dreaming Dreaming is like all day breakfast Dreaming can be 24 hours We dreams during failure We nightmare after succeed Dream on dreamers Sweet dreams

rich is poor is rich balance 080618

rich is poor is rich balance 080618

rich has endless schedules rules regulation

richer u r, the less u can do

richer u r, poorer u r

richer u r, less free u r

when rich free, they lose everything

rich need to see ones they hate and pretend they love them

rich has plenty dreams fear to pursue

rich only have numbers in bank

rich only play number games

rich enjoys playing with numbers

rich play with numbers and played by numbers

rich never express heart feelings

rich fear others know what they think and took their money

rich is full of fear greed hatred abuse bully con

rich is fools to some extend

we cannot control to be rich or poor

we think we be happy when we rich

but when we rich we are not happy

because there are thirst hunger and poverty of endless unfulfilled dreams

flowww poem

marriage is con
marriage is trade
trade money with pussy
men need pussy
women need money

there are two types of ones
one looks for money
others looks for pussy

if we forget all rules
and create what we love
we we like anything
we create whatever we like
there is no rules
no rules at all
we scribble
we scrubble
we scramble
we can create whatever
whereever whenever however

there is nothing cannnot
nothing couldnot
nothing cannot
but there is must not
we must not harm
help but not harm
heal but not ill
peace but not pain
we love coz we human
coz we souls
we love juice
fresh fruit juice
pussy juice
fresh pussy juice
juice from fresh pussy
there is nothing cannot
we do wht we want
we could have free
free our dignity
dont know what to do
do anything and everything u do
without pressing the backspace key
flow as u and me what to be
flowww is free
free for u n me
from what to be
there is nothing could not
from there then not
we use too mcuh much negative
wrong and follow on
follow on teh the next one
not press the back key
keep on going and going
see how far u can go
withougt turning ack
without turning back
u will get every bucks
u will need trucks
dont forget your truck
together be fun
fun full of nuns
nuns with monks
in the church
having fun

i do not understand 080618

i do not understand 080618

i do not understand why we created marriage by law

i do not understand why we created law trade science maths calculations

why we set rules for other fools and we call ourselves wise by not follow what we created

why we create rules to fool others

why we create law to crime others

why we create wealth to greed others

why we create healing to ill others

why we create peace to pain others

why we create money to slave others

why we create creations and solutions to fools others

why we create lock to fear others

why we create machines to haunt others

why we create plastic to cancer others

why we create drugs to cheat others

why we create abuse to bully others

why we create wear to cover others

why we create paper to worry others

why we create food to starve others

why we create rest to wake others

why we create release to pressure others

why we create fools to pain others

why we create mankind to fool each other

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Trump is hero

Trump is hero

Sparkle is no fear

Fear lost us sparkles Sparkle is no fear


Trump has no fear Sparkle coz no fear Trump sparkles 風采就是不懼怕


Trump has no fear Sparkle coz no fear 風采就是不懼怕


Fear flower flowww Fear controls us Flower free us Water flowww us Turn fear into flower Flower flowww with water Way we go to heaven With nothing to encounter

動之以情 服之以理

動之以情 服之以理

although...but 070618

although...but 070618

although mat has a tough life but mat is satisfy

mat is deficit on social but he is deep on independent

mat is not well but he is whole

mat is not lucky but he is joy of gifted

mat is not wealthy nor is not healthy but he is mat

mat has a radio

mat like to listen rthk radio 2 2-6am mon-wed by purple dragon

mat is ill but he heals

mat is pain but he peace

mat is harmed but he helps

mat enjoys awake till 8am and rest till afternoon

mat enjoys rainy nights

mat enjoys 12-8am

mat listens to radio or apple music classical radio

mat finds just to get by, just to ok

mat finds rainy nights is amazing

mat loves to create during mysterious nights where night and morning is seamless

mat love to create without correction

create need no correction

creation is all right

all creations is unique by souls

rainy nights

feeling nice