
Saturday, July 28, 2018

anxious and relax 280718

anxious and relax 280718

a part of our brain job to alarm and alert us when we face danger

danger is we are sensitive to different stimulation, when stimulation over our limits will bring injury damage or death

so the alarm system is to protect us from harm

when we alarm alert we use all our resource to flee or fight

we all have different sensitivity to different stimulation

some of us with dull alarm
some with average alarm
some with sensitive alarm

what we know is there is no false alarm
every alarm is set up for a reason by past experience of the owner

sensitive alarms are call false alarm by some where tiny stimulation triggers the alarm causing big reaction in flee or fight

its the matter of priority
to heal anxiety, we need to put relax as top priority whatever the price

anxious one pattern habbit in put alarm response flee or fight reaction as top priority and this repeat loop

key is to reorder the priority and put relax enjoy and fun as top priority for whatever price

this may bring baring irritations but soon irritations slopes down and calms and its done till the next disasters to mess orders up and we can reorder and tiny our mind furniture by putting relax enjoy and fun as top priority for whatever price

there are three things we must keep out

we must not abuse
we must not drugs
we must not gamble

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