
Sunday, September 16, 2018

anxiety depression and truly gifted 160918

anxiety depression and truly gifted 160918

anxiety and depression is a signal from a truly gifted soul

only ones with hyper chip and flash thoughts, able to complete tasks and solutions in flashes of seconds would they find life is bored would they have time to overthink repeatedly and constantly thinking too much

anxiety and depression means we are ultra intelligent but with plenty of spare time left in our schedule, we tends to repeatedly check, compulsively check

mat once went on army summer camp and mat had no time to check, everything is done first hit, one task done and the other follow with orders keep coming and mat found himself released and well managed and feeling able and successful

as soon as camp end, mat return to education and the plenty boring time problem haunt again

key is to keep occupy
occupy is the key

if no one occupy us, we need to occupy ourselves, best creating, creating records of audio video photo text and arts creations

creations heals
creating is healing
notes and article healing is a good way just like this one

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