
Monday, November 5, 2018

weird and weirdo 051118

weird and weirdo 051118

mat was being called a weirdo from time to time

why, because weird is presented when our wish and need and seduced and we failed to get it smoothly and naturally with a flow, that moments in time weird and weirdo is presented and formed

i wish all of you would help rather than abuse ones in need

its funny that we all say we help others but comes to ones in truly need we are mean and nasty causing violence and sad endings

i am sure ones who read my articles agrees that we all need no abuse

abuse includes ones who seduce others to abuse them

girls is responsible to dress properly to protect themselves and others

if you seduce someone, you are the one who started the abuse

i fell sorry for the makeup and too sexy dressing causing abuse

men are the ones who got abuse in most cases

i see a need for men rights and end abuse parties.

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