Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Monday, April 29, 2019
Sunday, April 28, 2019
作為親戚大家算中規中矩 以前經常飲茶 從未收過 超過一千蚊利是 過年總會聚首一堂 十分溫馨 家家有本難唸經 雖然以你哋嘅態度 大家嘅關係 我以下嘅提醒對我自己冇乜益 但係對四位小朋友嚟講 可能會改變佢哋一生 我重申一次 真係對我冇乜益 因為你哋好 會更加睇我唔起 但係我大仁大義 為嘅四位小朋友
我哋家族 因為近親通婚 及宗教關係 有焦慮抑鬱歷史基因 父或母一邊有 病的基因 子女25個percent有事 即係四分一機會 父或母兩個都有事 50 percent機會 即係二分之一
基因好似一個Pool 每一代人共享這池 好似抽獎咁 有人抽到一份獎 獎就少一份 有獎就有罰 有人抽到罰 罰就少一份 每一個pool有好多份獎與罰
喺家族中出色嘅份子 其實你哋搶咗 啲好基因 你哋應該感恩 喺家族中病嘅人 因為佢哋為你哋付出咗 呢個係同輩而言 換言之 如果我抽到好基因 餐餐請你哋食鮑魚又點話
抑鬱與焦慮 大概由八歲開始 Anxiety and depression 更多資料在wikipedia
Clinical psychologist 臨床心理學家 可以 以言語方式 以問題方式 引領抑鬱與焦慮病患者 自我啟發
為人父母 請多與子女談心 少問資料 多關顧感受 悉心照料 有心有力
如果子女 向你表達 佢好辛苦 差不多可以肯定 佢不喜歡現況 或者揀錯科 搵錯工 如果繼續落去 好快爆煲 小小貼士 其實佢向你表達 我好辛苦 佢就患咗抑鬱 與及焦慮 程度深淺不定 如有自殘殘人行為 請先 諮詢臨床心理學家 再轉介精神科
老實講呀各位 你哋一直冇反應 好似班死人咁 就知你哋仔女一定會出事 我係等佢哋唔抵 其實以你哋嘅態度反應 完全不值得我花時間 講多兩句都嫌口臭 但係為咗四位小朋友 我再一次多言 衰咗先嚟補救 有一點太可惜
Saturday, April 27, 2019
瘋 就是 失去平衡 失去平安 失去平和
朋友告知一故事 發生在多年前嘅香港
當年在香港街頭 有一位老婆婆 每天在街頭乞錢 記者發現 原來這位婆婆 擁有很多物業 和巨額銀行存款 很多人笑她傻 小馬卻知她心理有病
什麼 叫做發瘋 找到了繼續找 賺到了繼續賺 就叫瘋子
瘋是 驚恐 焦慮抑鬱 時常怕不夠 時刻饑渴 貧窮 內心貧窮 就是發瘋
你可以這樣說 穿著西裝的 都是瘋子
Thursday, April 25, 2019
從前有個富翁 佢凡事都去得好盡 He is very mean
有一日 佢去到貧民區 同一個貧民爭一個包
呢個新富翁 請舊富翁食十個包
物極必反 盛極必衰 富極必貧
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Monday, April 22, 2019
King smart
究竟你 想要一個叻嘅仔 抑或想要一個開心嘅仔
究竟你 想要一個威嘅家 抑或一個 溫馨嘅家
如果你想要一個叻嘅仔 你已經有喇
如果你想要一個開心嘅仔 你要時常讚賞佢 獎賞佢 獎勵佢
佢做得好 諸多挑剔 豆腐挑骨頭
佢做錯咗嘢就 責備懲罰佢
佢會變得越嚟越叻 最後爆煲攬住一齊死
凡事講求平衡 不可一味讚 亦不可以一味罰
凡事中庸之道 佢做得好 就要讚賞 獎勵 獎賞
究竟你想要一個 叻嘅仔 最後攬住一齊死 抑或要一個開心嘅家 溫馨嘅家
我再講多次 叻人係唔開心 皇帝就係最叻 但係皇帝終日惶恐 得天下而不心足 終日貪嗔癡 猶如活在地獄
我不想做皇帝 我只願做螻蟻
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Friday, April 19, 2019
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
相信很多有錢人 也有破財消災這觀念 在此簡單講解一下
有錢人之所以有錢 之所以可以聚財 因為佢哋慳貪 手指罅都唔開畀人 最收尾 慳出個禍呢 就迷信破財消災 四周圍捐錢
我想講出 好簡單嘅道理 富翁每個崩都算算度度 必然令其家人 及主僕上下 不安不和 不順 處處積聚怨氣
其實只要 凡事留啲Margin位 有啲走火位 嘗試下額外畀貼士 唔使下下開支票 萬萬聲咁捐 覺得邊個服務員 態度好 或者唔好 每次消費 選擇一個服務員 塞廿蚊入佢袋 佢態度好嘅當獎勵 佢態度衰嘅 當冼佢一鑊
其實點解話 破財消災呢
其實需要破財消災嘅人 都係處處計到盡 人自然唔開心 家宅自然不和 叫你破財消災 唔係叫你亂咁捐錢 而係叫你 學懂與他人分享你嘅福氣
現今嘅世代 好多慈善機構係搵笨嘅
其實我哋只需要 對服務我哋嘅人 或者對我哋嘅家人 唔好咁苛刻 時常獎勵鼓勵 大家寬容 大家開心
至於捐錢去慈善機構 我就話畀你聽冇必要 因為你要學懂嘅 就係與你身邊嘅人 分享你嘅福報 唔需要一定 捐錢去非洲 香港有大把窮人 甚至你可能唔知 你屋企人 可能都有幾位 心窮到冇朋友
如果我哋可以 照顧好我哋嘅家庭 呢個世界已經冇問題
其實香港人嘅心靈 係世界上最窮
顧掂你自己個家 呢個世界笑哈哈
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Friday, April 12, 2019
mat keys 120419
mat keys 120419
the price of being gifted is we have to manage our fear of harm from others foolishness and ignorance
i find it unfair that i have to manage my fear for others foolishness
breath pray create
peace balance
food rest release
respect faith appreciation cherish communication values
ability will profit
machine lock plastic
fear greed hatred
abuse bully con
deny suspect ignore
bad culture and parenting
digestion and mind
solution platform
thankful appreciate mercyful
care feelings
respect will
tuck and wall
short sharp simple straightforward
simple and kind
fun relax joy
learn earn heal
land sea air
stars universe
water electricity gas
money power sex
audio video photo text
mum dad grand
psychology philosophy religious studies
east west north south
1212 winter
345 spring
678 summer
91011 autumn
animal farm
forrest gump
last straw on the camel's back
Depress n seizure from
Exhaust from
Repeat from
Anxious from
Fear from
harm from ignorance
fear anxious depress
bi polar schi
commu social
smart but not wise
sensitive fear anxious depress
OCD trauma bi polar schi phoebia seizure heart chur sleep hallucinations
commu social
insult disrespect discrimination
impair and gifted
eye movement
sound touch solution
energy and brain
blood sugar
salt and digestion
temperature sound light touch solution food experience stimulation
appreciate strengths
understand limitations
light heat sound
food and sex
parallel universe
wear take stay move
Healing group
google keep chrome blogger YouTube
Fb groups
apple music radio
Radio classical jazz spa
first aid kit
environment food DNA
parents ancestors guardian
mind mood
head heart
the price of being gifted is we have to manage our fear of harm from others foolishness and ignorance
i find it unfair that i have to manage my fear for others foolishness
breath pray create
peace balance
food rest release
respect faith appreciation cherish communication values
ability will profit
machine lock plastic
fear greed hatred
abuse bully con
deny suspect ignore
bad culture and parenting
digestion and mind
solution platform
thankful appreciate mercyful
care feelings
respect will
tuck and wall
short sharp simple straightforward
simple and kind
fun relax joy
learn earn heal
land sea air
stars universe
water electricity gas
money power sex
audio video photo text
mum dad grand
psychology philosophy religious studies
east west north south
1212 winter
345 spring
678 summer
91011 autumn
animal farm
forrest gump
last straw on the camel's back
Depress n seizure from
Exhaust from
Repeat from
Anxious from
Fear from
harm from ignorance
fear anxious depress
bi polar schi
commu social
smart but not wise
sensitive fear anxious depress
OCD trauma bi polar schi phoebia seizure heart chur sleep hallucinations
commu social
insult disrespect discrimination
impair and gifted
eye movement
sound touch solution
energy and brain
blood sugar
salt and digestion
temperature sound light touch solution food experience stimulation
appreciate strengths
understand limitations
light heat sound
food and sex
parallel universe
wear take stay move
Healing group
google keep chrome blogger YouTube
Fb groups
apple music radio
Radio classical jazz spa
first aid kit
environment food DNA
parents ancestors guardian
mind mood
head heart
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Fear from
Depress n seizure from
Exhaust from
Repeat from
Anxious from
Fear from
harm from ignorance
Fear 110419
Fear 110419
I find it unfair that I have to manage my fear for others foolishness
我覺得不公平 因為我需要為了 一些愚蠢的人 去管理我自己的恐懼
一個有智慧嘅領袖 會散佈和平 平安 平和
一個愚蠢嘅領袖 會散佈驚恐 不安 不和
每一個領袖背後 都有支持佢嘅一班利益集團
如果以驚恐管治國家 不妙也
如果以平安 管治國家 妙也
食瞓屙 三部曲 係必需嘅
如果我哋 上官下民 共同分享 中醫養生 方法辦法 國民健康好了 國家平和 天下太平
Food rest release tips sharing
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Hong Kong
香港 世界之都 點解會成為怨憤都市呢
人工低 物價高 工時長 福利少 人口多 地方細 官員貪 官商黑結 市民受害
最慘嘅就係 好多時候冇仇報 唯有見高拜見低踩 最後爆煲攬住一齊死
香港盛行整蠱文化 見人叻過自己又妒忌 見人渣過自己又睇唔起 此為垃圾人渣
以為 講粗口 煲下煙 賭下錢 劈下酒 好麻甩 其實呢啲係 懦夫嘅行為 懦弱嘅表現 越多呢啲人 代表社會問題 政府問題 國家問題
社會嘅代理話事人 係官員 官員係人民選出嚟嘅 官員嘅責任 係為人民謀福利 如果失職 就要倒台
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Friday, April 5, 2019
i find it unfair that i have to manage my fear for others foolishness
i find it unfair that i have to manage my fear for others foolishness
fear 050419
fear 050419
how to prove u r normal?
everyone is under this risk and fear no matter u r powerful or poor
three doctors majority certified you are mentally ill and your right to make decision for yourself is handover to others...aint it a serious topic on how to protect our own right to have a freewill to make decision for ourselves
this can happen to anyone, higher risk if u r king or ones in power
think about it, it is foolish
best is to put everything questions and answers in black and white written or type with computer or mobile through whatsapp
when our freewill and freedom is judged by and in the hands of three strangers whom claims to make decision to protect us actually con for their own dinner for their family this becomes the issue and the nightmare good enough for a horror movie.
how to prove u r normal?
everyone is under this risk and fear no matter u r powerful or poor
three doctors majority certified you are mentally ill and your right to make decision for yourself is handover to others...aint it a serious topic on how to protect our own right to have a freewill to make decision for ourselves
this can happen to anyone, higher risk if u r king or ones in power
think about it, it is foolish
best is to put everything questions and answers in black and white written or type with computer or mobile through whatsapp
when our freewill and freedom is judged by and in the hands of three strangers whom claims to make decision to protect us actually con for their own dinner for their family this becomes the issue and the nightmare good enough for a horror movie.
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Monday, April 1, 2019
China Chinese
大陸人 為咗利益 乜都做得出
首先 佢哋會配合你 tune啱你條channel
較啱你條頻道 配合你 投其所好 令你飄飄然
當佢哋 獲利之後 佢哋就會詐傻扮懵 裝聾扮啞
佢哋會 避免再同你 tune啱channel
對付呢啲大陸人 以子之矛攻子之盾
首先一開始 佢想tune你條channel 你就要避開
唔好回應 唔好畀佢tune啱channel 唔好畀佢搭通同你條channel
Channel tune唔啱 搵笨都幾難
各位請緊記 任何騙術 嘅第一步就係溝通
不想被騙 不要溝通
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