
Friday, May 31, 2019


錢 錢 可以令人露出真面目 可以令人性 人嘅本性 醜惡嘅本質 完全發揮出嚟 完全引發出嚟 有人可以為咗廿蚊 為咗幾千蚊 為咗幾萬蚊 為咗幾千萬 為咗幾千億 醜態盡露 罔顧責任 無論喺任何關係 無一倖免 人除咗責任 仲有愛 但係呢個世代 好難搵到 絕無僅有

Thursday, May 30, 2019


各位老襯 早上好 究竟你哋嘅女人 係愛你呀 抑或愛你畀到佢哋嘅開心同埋舒服呢 相信大家心知肚明 如果有朝一日 你不能夠 再供給呢啲開心同埋舒服畀佢哋 你話佢哋會點對你呢 呢個世界有冇真愛呀 呢個世界嘅真愛就係 每個人都愛開心同埋舒服 邊個畀到開心同埋舒服我哋呢 我哋就話我愛邊個

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


國家沒有教你的禮儀 不要發出 令人討厭的 聲音光線氣味 不要刺激 騷擾別人 不要肢體碰撞別人 不要言語行為 刺激騷擾別人 不要令別人產生驚恐 多平和平衡平安

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

no label 空

no label 空

Poem 280519

Poem 280519 貧病老弱不可欺 否則你會變鹵味 遍地黃金滿天星 我的優點實太多 連個天都妒忌我 我好多謝candy KU 因佢話我作詩醒 吹返兩咀 J fing fing 勃起陽具立立令 真係似銀背猩猩 機器械鎖與塑膠 此三樣嘢不能有 否則地球到盡頭 就是人類滅絕時 小馬最喜愛作詩 作詩不會傻痴痴 飲番兩杯甜絲絲 呢個世界好搞笑 任何嘢都講平衡 有一些人失平衡 搞到人幾多痛苦 一切都是講平衡 平衡就是平和安

Care poem

貧病老弱不可欺 否則你會變鹵味

Monday, May 27, 2019

Nature healing and data healing 270519

Nature healing and data healing 270519

Balance of food rest release of energy is wholistic health

There is two way, one with machine aid and the other without

Or we can choose in between

The harmony of nature mankind and machine

Machine aid us to collect our food rest release data and help us to balance

We can balance together with trade and share created data for food rest release balance and healing for peace.


Honor n reward creators for creating solution

Rest for keeping fit 270519

Rest for keeping fit 270519

Rest is good for keeping fit

Food rest release is three process of life

To keep fit, we have to balance food rest release

Tradition training and over exercise will use up our quota

Each of us is like a car, if you want it to last, use it but not under or over

under it rust, over it burns, balance it keeps

take nap

take rest

rest is best taken under cool or warm and gentle environment

both cool and warm rest will burn our fat slowly

and during rest, we don’t feel hungry

the longer we rest, the more fat we burn and the less we food and the fitter we become

rest is best for keeping fit

Sunday, May 26, 2019

balance is games

balance is games

Data healing 260519

Data healing 260519

Data healing is healing and balance health with sharing and trading data

Mobile devices that we use collects creates shares our experience and record it in data

When our every moment habit health experience, our food rest release is record in data and share on data healing platform

We can get healing data on others similar or exactly the same healing experience to ourselves

Healing data platform has data records on healing of everyone with mobile devices

We can heal and balance with detail precise and exact pin point symptoms illness and sickness with the cost of one dollar a day

Most sickness are formed with habit base which means our bad habits that we not aware originates over 99.99% of sickness

Of course the best healing is to drop machine lock plastic and return to nature

But if the other end of machine carry on is data healing for everyone to balance on the second running up than return totally to nature.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Words 250519

Words 250519

Words can peace balance whole

We must use words to peace balance whole or else please keep silent

If we are in pain we can practice below mindfulness exercise to relief and balance energy

Breath in and bring the energy inhaled to the pain location of your body or mind

Breath out and bring the pain and dark energy out with the breath out of your body

Inhale gold energy, exhale dark energy, practice it in nature or as you having a warm shower and the dark energy is flowww away with water down the drain and fresh water life energy is absorb by you

Do not practice this exercise around other people, its not good for you.

Thankful for blessings 250519

Thankful for blessings 250519

We have to thankful for blessings in order to balance peace whole

Present moment is the present from souls

We thankful for blessings from souls

Thankful for blessings

Thankful for balance peace whole


Friday, May 24, 2019

Trade war solution 240519

Trade war solution 240519

The solution for trade war and any war or conflict is to drop machine lock plastic

Drop machine lock plastic is the only solution to any war or conflict.

Healing and sickness 240519

Healing and sickness 240519

Machine lock plastic originates sickness

Healing is to drop machine lock plastic

Machine lock plastic originates abuse bully con pain fear greed hatred in the process of trade

We need to end trade

We must back to nature

We must food rest release with nature

Nature is food rest release of energy

Balance energy of food rest release is health

Balance energy of food rest release

Food rest release.

Nature 240519

Nature 240519

Modern world is a con bully abuse creating thirst hunger and poverty

The solution is to drop machine lock plastic and return to nature

Souls in nature practice food rest release

Souls only need food rest release

Food rest release

Thursday, May 23, 2019

End abuse 230519

End abuse 230519

Abuse is the only crime and the only sin on earth by souls

We must end abuse in order to reach peace

Abuse from fear
Fear from foolishness
Foolishness from ignorance

Mankind is foolish and ignorance

East and west are racing for self destruction

The world shuts youth in school which can them into robotic minds and race for money

Money hardly get them flats or house let alone food rest release

Process of racing for numbers in bank accounts means ones can be rich or poor in a click

Money is the creation for darkhole of fear foolishness and ignorance

Mankind creates rubbish for earning money, create things that don’t last, nice but not good nor comfort

Money created poverty thirst hunger abuse bully con pain learn earn heal all results in darkhole of endless pain and sickness

Money is created by paper ink and printing

Money is created by mankind

Money created endless pain and sickness of abuse

We must end abuse, end trading
Trading is abuse
We must satisfy with nature

Trading created poverty thirst hunger
End trading
End poverty
End abuse

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Abuse of mankind 220519

Abuse of mankind 220519

Mankind is abuse

Mankind practice abuse

Mankind is a race of abuse

Mankind created machine lock plastic for abuse

Mankind created paper printing gunpowder compass for abuse

I feel ashamed being mankind because mankind is nothing but abuse bully con

We must end abuse

Key is to end mankind who practice abuse

Law is created for abuse

Law is a tool for abuse

We must end law and back to nature

No souls has law except mankind but mankind is messy

Mankind is messy messed up with messy minds twisted with law

We must end law

End law trade education healing

We must back to nature as animals only practice food rest release

Food rest release is the only practice by souls

Anything excess originates twisted and sickness

Food rest release is the practice

Food rest release is the way

Food rest release.

Sunday, May 19, 2019


Rest and mindfulness 190519

Rest and mindfulness 190519

Food rest release are three parts of life for souls

Food rest release is about flowww of energy

Universe is full of energy and process of energy transformation

Balance of energy is peace

Imbalance of energy is pain

energy we food rest release in and out of our body is solid liquid or air light heat sound smell taste touch creations and solutions

mindfulness is simple breathing exercise that help us to focus on present moment and focus on energy flowww in and out of our body to occupy our unsettled mind to gift us peace and balance all round through 3 minute breathing exercise per set

mindfulness is good for pain relief, release stress, settle and rest minds and body

it is best to kindly spare yourself 3 minutes daily and practice a set of mindfulness or practice it whenever you feel panic anxious or depress

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Panic anxiety depression

驚恐焦慮抑鬱症 Panic anxiety depression



Monday, May 13, 2019


凡事中庸 一半就好


缺口 其實 精神病患者十分幸福十分能幹 他們得了 差不多全部天賦 只有一個缺口 為此缺口 他們發瘋 時刻想 把缺口填上 如能明白 凡事陰陽 沒有全黑 也沒全白 感謝潘校長 啟發小馬

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Jealous teacher

古今中外 我遇到嘅每一位老師前輩長輩 有一個共通點 佢哋全部都妒忌我 佢哋都忌我嘅才 佢哋忌我 怕我叻過佢哋 其實佢哋怕 佢哋已經輸咗 我唔怪佢哋 反而多謝佢哋 因為佢哋忌我 代表佢哋欣賞我 承認我比佢哋優勝 因為佢地冇料 因為佢哋自卑 因為佢哋冇自信 因為佢哋怯懦 人不妒忌是庸才 點解人會 與你為敵 點解個天會妒忌你 因為佢驚你坐咗佢個位 因為你更有資格坐佢個位 點解要做低你 點解要你痛苦不幸 因為你就是主 天上的主 簡稱天主

Thursday, May 9, 2019


呢個世界個個都有料 成功只不過係運氣

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


社會制度存在巨大及很多 致命漏洞 教育制度 令我們變成白痴 必須互相依賴 成為奴隸 獻出我哋嘅努力 最後得個吉 一場空 法律制度 佢識你唔識 食得好招積 政治制度 賣弄權術 醫療制度 商業制度 飲食制度 房屋制度 交通制度 一個欺字 一個假字 一個騙字 製造恐懼 製造貧窮 製造飢渴 製造需要 製造不和 製造不安 製造失衡 製造痛苦 製造不幸

Sunday, May 5, 2019


隨心順意 隨風順水


馬家家訓 隨風順水 平衡平和平安 Balance is peace 好壞參半 識do識貨 信 Faith 識do One done none 不欺 no abuse 相同不同相似 Same different similar no machines no plastic no locks 適心適力 無敵是愛 我是騙子 工多藝熟能生巧 膽大心細面皮厚 襟屌爛做冇詐型 感恩心 慈悲心 歡喜心 真善美 清真純 精簡易 Balance n peace 平衡平和平安 Food rest release Peace to all souls 心好運好命好 善即天堂 小馬哥哥

Hk cn Chinese

一班好精明嘅人 喺度做緊啲好愚蠢嘅嘢


Suspect deny ignore



Friday, May 3, 2019


邪惡與魔鬼 邪惡與魔鬼者,其實十分可憐,因為其不懂逆思維,其只懂欣賞一半 其執着把壞的一半給人,好的一半給己而得利益 此令其表裡分裂,心神分離,極度不和不安,貪嗔癡 如果其懂待人如己,便能心神表裡合一,看書修養則知識廣博,自知渺小,則漸漸懂欣賞發揮人己價值,助人自助,則受歡迎,自利利他,則受愛戴,心病則癒,平安自在。 Matthew 逆思維 眾生萬物,皆有價值,負面情緒生起全因不識貨及不知價值 有用的人,能夠害你,無用的人,能夠助你,事無絕對,欣賞發揮 遇見什麼也能把其價值完全欣賞及發揮,那就要看自己修養與功力 頂級高手能發揮任何人事物價值,助己助人,自利利他,利益眾生,平和萬物,為之般若。 Matthew 獨特手藝與就業 自古,手藝與勞動就是日常生活問題的解決方案 手藝是價值的一種,價值皆是獨特的,每人事物都有自己獨特價值,這年代,我們懂得尊重欣賞分享互助,合作分享辦法,減少問題 藝術與手藝既可打發時間又可發揮價值,能替人己解決問題,可交易交換取日常所需,既可助人自助,又可自利利他 藝術變化無限,能開發揮大腦,製作過程更是種勞動,能維持身心平和健康 藝術是種環保,能利用廢物,美化環境,解決問題 茫茫前路,藝術最好。 Matthew 度身訂造與環保 污染主要來源工廠大批生產,工業革命自西方傳播全球,所到之處,破壞自然,污染水源,大批生產的產品為了令用家快速更換,借口潮流或進步,商人特意把品質降低,令其易壞和把久已發明科技逐步推出,製造更多垃圾 高品質度身訂造服務及產品是最有效能解決污染問題 度身訂造服務及產品不但最能貼身貼心滿足每用家需要,品質好,能久用,舒適,針對性解決問題和迎合每人不同獨特需要,更能為我們後代建立潔淨自然環保居住環境 度身服務,唯一前路。 Matthew 發揮天才價值 有一古老傳說,眾生萬物皆源自一個被打破的水晶球,自此,每眾生萬物就是每片碎片,而只有分享和合作互相欣賞及發揮互相上天給我們的才能才華和價值,水晶球才能完整代表問題消失 每人皆有問題和解決辨法,無論一個人有多棒,總有問題自己沒辨法解決,一個人有多差自己總有一些辦法別人需要和覺得有價值願交易 如果有問題的人和有辦法解決問題的人能互相交換交易互相幫助,各取所需,互相欣賞互相天才辦法價值,世間大部分問題將解決而消失 當下問題就是怎令問題的人和辦法的人互相遇見和溝通,有人說緣份 文明帶來更多問題 明理得法,雹丁解牛 Matthew