
Sunday, June 30, 2019

End abuse club




Thursday, June 20, 2019


為什麼我們回家 因為外面沒有更好的

Monday, June 17, 2019

行家 mad riot

行家 瘋子與暴徒的 共通點與分别 相同相似及不同之處 單純 心地善良 俾人玩弄 被人操控 被人迷惑 受人煽動 容易被欺負欺凌欺騙 畀人利用 畀人迫害 不懂保護自己 鱷魚頭老襯底 為人敏感 十分聰明 欠缺智慧 衰衝動 最戇鳩 最老襯 瘋癲癡呆懵蠢笨 抽中你就行衰運 處世平衡最重要 平衡啲西任我小

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Food tips

少油少鹽少糖 會引致精神病 我哋需要均衡飲食 Balance diet 少油少鹽少糖 並不是均衡飲食 均衡飲食 是要有充足嘅油鹽糖醋 橄欖油或者係 花生油 餐桌鹽 冰糖 鎮江香醋 或者陳醋 Malt vinegar 油鹽糖醋 是均衡飲食 必備元素Minerals nutrients 油鹽糖醋 提供 礦物養份 就好似我哋嘅財富一樣 我哋個荷包 必須要有充足嘅財富 我係話充足 並不是過多或過少 因為過多或過少 就是失去平衡 就不是均衡 均衡飲食 才會健康 任何嘢 過少或過多 都會出禍患 過肥或過瘦 都係唔健康 都容易生病 任何嘢 適中就好 適當就妙 適合就正 均衡飲食 出入平安 健康要訣


中庸平衡 平和平安 適宜適當適合

Simple mind

思想簡單 才會被玩弄 引致爆煲 攻擊人 究竟係邊個嘅錯 邊個需要負上責任


點人做嘢 請你畀錢 全世界嘅錢


香港年輕人 真天真 畀人講兩句 大熱天時 著住最吸熱嘅黑色衫上街 烈日當空 個個搞到中暑 搞到香港流感又高峰 上街唔係唔好上 著白色衫咪好囉 個個蠢豬嚟嘅 病起上嚟自己辛苦 又要嘥藥費 一個唔覺意傳染畀人 累到啲老人家細路 病住嚟返工又何必呢 叫你哋上街嗰啲人 出咗糧就飛去外國 年輕人你諗下值唔值得 任人擺佈指指點點 連自己嘅假期都冇埋 損人不利己

Poem mental

精神病之謎 網上流傳 一段短片 有個外國人 到北極打獵 眼見 有隻巨大北極熊 帶著一隻小北極熊 很和善地 給這外國人撫摸 之後這外國人 射殺了巨大北極熊 這小北極熊長大後 見人就襲擊 究竟是小北極熊瘋了 還是外國人有問題 不幸的經歷 引致我們敏感反應 究竟是經歷病了 還是我們病了 大家心知肚明 任何人遇到不幸經歷 如果不幸經歷長期持續 任何人也會成為瘋子 什麼人可適應環境 改變環境 當遇到不幸時 全部都是垃圾 管不上用處來 不幸就是 盡了力適應及改變 也徒勞無功 形勢比人強 監硬把腿張 碌嘢一插入 似是夢一場


精神病之謎 網上流傳 一段短片 有個外國人 到北極打獵 眼見 有隻巨大北極熊 帶著一隻小北極熊 很和善地 給這外國人撫摸 之後這外國人 射殺了巨大北極熊 這小北極熊長大後 見人就襲擊 究竟是小北極熊瘋了 還是外國人有問題 不幸的經歷 引致我們敏感反應 究竟是經歷病了 還是我們病了 大家心知肚明 任何人遇到不幸經歷 如果不幸經歷長期持續 任何人也會成為瘋子 什麼人可適應環境 改變環境 當遇到不幸時 全部都是垃圾 管不上用處來 不幸就是 盡了力適應及改變 也徒勞無功 形勢比人強 監梗把腿張 碌嘢一插入 似是夢一場

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Jews 150619

Jews 150619

Jews set the rules for America, America set rules for the world

Jews is very good and tricky in making money from creating fear stress and pain

From when we born, we are set to educate till university, along the way we fight and get injured stress and pain for trophies, honors and certificates

Then we find the need to earn to pay for healing bills

We are set to fight against each other in education and this is a lie

If we gentle, we get pressure for it from foolish parents and teachers

We pick up a few addictions along the way to balance ourselves and end up paying bills for life

In nature there is gentle life and fresh food, we don’t need the zeros in our account

We need to earn with our gifts without pressure and fear

Ones that fear creates fear

We need gentle life without thirst hunger and poverty also without excess junks and burdens in our life

We need balance and peace

If we take more then our share, we are creating fear and poverty for someone else on earth

We need just to take our fresh share

Everyone of us should drop fear and be brave

We can settle with balance and peace without taking more than we need

Balance and peace

Peace and balance.


林太 做得好

Friday, June 14, 2019

Jews 140619

Jews 140619

Jews funds US presidents

Jews controls America

America controls the world

Jews plays this simple trick

Every country has some dark material

Jews use news articles and broadcast to exaggerate these dark materials to create fear

When citizens from these countries is fear, the traders, politicians and the middle and upper class transfer their wealth and funds to where they think is safe

Jews then broadcast US is freedom

the middle and upper class transfer their funds and family to America

Jews spreads fear and this trick works but it is not wise

Wisdom is to earn with balance and peace

Jews earns with spreading fear and this is foolish

And this little trick sends plenty to fear poverty and pain and will end up sending everyone to hell including the jews

Stop before its too late before another Hitler arise.

World is about balance

Balance is about peace.


當某些 低能幸運人士 太過份地 對超能不幸人士 指指點點 最終 失去平衡 迫爆煲 攬住一齊死 呢個世界 低能幸運人士 與超能不幸人士 互相依靠 缺一不可 如果失去平衡 不妙也 任何局勢 在陰陽平衡 平衡才會平安






同一個傻人嗌交 搞到自己都傻埋


精神病患者 應該被稱呼為 超能不幸人士 未係精神病患者 應該被稱呼為 低能幸運人士


精神病患者 應該被稱呼為 超能不幸人士

Hk mental

從香港暴動 反思精神病的原因 一句講曬 一字咁淺 當長期 遇到質疑 忽略 否定 每個人 都會變成 精神病患者 未患上精神病嘅人 只不過長期活在順境當中 患上精神病 只是不幸 將會好運 未患精神病 只是暫時幸運 將會不幸 遇福了福禍會來 遇禍了禍福來了 精神病患者 應該被稱呼為 超能不幸人士


從香港暴動 反思精神病的原因 一句講曬 一字咁淺 當長期 遇到質疑 忽略 否定 每個人 都會變成 精神病患者 未患上精神病嘅人 只不過長期活在順境當中 患上精神病 只是不幸 將會好運 未患精神病 只是暫時幸運 將會不幸 遇福了福禍會來 遇禍了禍福來了

Riot hk

從香港暴動 反思精神病的原因 一句講曬 一字咁淺 當長期 遇到質疑 忽略 否定 每個人 都會變成 精神病患者 未患上精神病嘅人 只不過長期活在順境當中

Thursday, June 13, 2019


Ones that creates fear must be deleted

Lee li hk

共產黨 Claims to be from 李嘉誠 無論中國共產黨犯過什麼錯誤,無論共產黨中出現了多少腐敗分子,我們作為中國的公民都不要和共產黨過不去。不管是什麼原因,在中國當代由共產黨執政是歷史的選擇。 起碼在現在和相當一段時間內,無論是威望和執政能力,我國還沒有任何黨派和力量能夠取代共產黨,更何況,以習近平為首的新一屆中央班子讓我們看到了希望,也感受到了正能量。 一個政黨和一個人一樣,他可能犯錯誤,也可能改正錯誤,他可能生病,也可能恢復健康。 眼下離開了共產黨,中國必亂,中國一亂,遭殃的是我們老百姓。 近期網絡上出現了許多偏激文章,目標不是聲討黨內的腐敗勢力,而是全盤否定共產黨,這些文章置建國以來尤其是改革開放以來中國的巨大成就而不顧,一味列數共產黨的種種錯誤,種種罪狀,條理分明,數據詳細,語言精到,且風格相近,極有煽動力與蠱惑力,不像是老百姓自發的不滿情緒發洩,好似有組織有預謀的一場攻勢,這不能不讓人懷疑這背後有什麼政治動機 和國際背景。 眾所周知,中國的崛起已引起一些國際勢力的惶恐,美國和日本等一些國家正挖空心思地對中國實行打壓和封堵,其實際目的並非是要推行什麼更為普世的先進理念,而完全是出於其他國家利益的考量。 他們出謀劃策,出力出錢培植反共敵對勢力,真實目的只有一個,那就是搞亂中國,搞散中國,讓中國的發展停滯或倒退,成為他們的附庸,以便於他們稱強稱霸。看看伊拉克,阿富汗,利比亞,敘利亞,和埃及吧,這都是美國的傑作。這些被美國搞亂的國家,人民得到的是什麼?包括他們其中的親美勢力,他們真的得到好處了麼? 同胞們,睜開眼,看清楚,不要輕易被人洗腦,不要隨便跟著激動,跟著起哄,被人利用了還自以為得意。我們是中國人,我們不能眼看著這個國家發生災難,我們如果有機會為國出力,我們應該盡力;如果我們沒有機會,也沒有能力為國出力,我們起碼不要添亂,是不是? 國家若亂了,我們都慘了。眼下我們起碼能做的,那就是不利於國家穩定的話不說丶不傳,不利於國家穩定的事不做,也不好奇,不圍觀。 - 李嘉誠


遇到未必拍到 拍到未必結到 結到未必生到 生到未必開心 開心未必到老 到老未必健康 健康未必幸福 幸福未必富有 富有未必久享

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Lam hk

小馬回應林太 比喻香港事務 為照顧小朋友 阿媽 對仔女 乜都say yes 仔女下場係 監獄 乜都say no 仔女下場係 精神科醫院 有時Say yes 有時say no 看情況而定 適時務者為俊傑 霸王硬上弓得禍 請你唔好強姦香港人 雖然你好靚女 適當時候say yes 適當時候say no 適當時候四個字 係重點 適當即係平衡 平衡即係平安 做阿媽唔係啱曬呀 好多時候 阿媽都係錯㗎 每個人都有阿媽 對於阿媽係咪啱曬 相信大家心照啦 林太 你都有阿媽 你阿媽係咪啱曬呢

Spend n earn is invest

懂得搵錢 不如懂得使錢 懂得使錢 才會搵得到錢 因為洗錢 就係投資 任何情況 我哋都要平衡 如果為咗搵錢 失去平衡 搵到多多錢 都係送畀人洗 所以寧願 搵少少錢 穩打穩陣 好過做大生意 結果負資產 搵到 未必儲到 儲到 未必洗到 洗到 未必享到 享到 未必平安 平安 未必長久 長久 未必永久


香港人 需要好好休息一下 香港人 長期疲勞 超支透支 筋疲力盡 聲嘶力竭 不是辦法 所以我們 必須休息 做點有樂趣嘅事 長期互相鬥力 拉鋸 為咗一分幾毫 十元八塊 值得咩 我哋要認清 問題嘅源頭 問題嘅根源 針對源頭 連根拔起 引起香港紛爭嘅人 必須付出代價 每個國家 每度地方 必須要有人管治 一雞死 一雞鳴 要點就係 令到管治嘅人 與香港市民 身同感受 疲倦嘅士兵打唔到仗 香港要應對嘅難題 不斷接踵而來 問題唔會解決咗就冇 我哋要有足夠嘅能量 分佈我哋嘅能量 應付一生嘅問題 香港人 好好休息下 一生嘅路很長

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Rest 110619

Rest 110619

As a city boy from Hong Kong, mat never really found ways to rest

A common for city people, we are exhausted and fail to rest

We fear of not settle bills or even surviving so we drive self and others and drain to the very last drop

When we fail to rest, some call it mental illness

Mat find a need for rest services

Rest services with rest tips and practices which we can try in the city that may sparkle us to find rest balance peace

Rest is key indicator for balance health

If we rest well and well rested, we are balance and peace.

May we share rest tips and bring awareness of rest is key for balance.

Jews 110619

Jews 110619

Plenty jews are good

Some jews creates fear thirst hunger poverty pain

Or shall I say some mankind is not as kind as others

We shall create balance and peace for all to relax and enjoy

Earth is a place call heaven.

Monday, June 10, 2019

針唔拮到肉唔知痛 擒賊先擒王

Sunday, June 9, 2019

balance 090619

balance 090619

food rest release balance is key for peace

as a world, we must focus on food rest release, others are not needed

food rest release balance is the basic the process and the ultimate of life and living

food rest release is practice by all souls but neglect by mankind

balance food rest release is the only way to survive with peace and health

why modern world with shooting up numbers of sickness never catch up by healing

because we failed to balance food rest release

we need nothing but food rest release, no more no less

food rest release balance is the key to peace

the key to peace is food rest release balance.

thank you jw for plenty seems minor but turning touches from school times

with thanks and in memory of jw

from mat

Thursday, June 6, 2019


精神病成因 解密 環境飲食與基因 錯的組合 組合的錯 精神病可以 完全根治 透過適合嘅環境飲食 改變基因 任何疾病不安 都係由 不當 不適合嘅 環境飲食與基因導致 不當不適合嘅習慣 所謂習慣致病 如果能夠改變環境飲食 習慣自然改變 基因自然改變 健康自然改變 古有孟母三遷 近朱者赤近墨者黑 精神病患者 係最善良 最負責任 最傻最乖最聽話 最不懂保護自己 呢個世界有兩種人 一種係精神病患者 另外一種 未係精神病患者 如果做咩都冇用 不妨試下亂來 太乖太聽話太守規矩 引致精神病


精神病成因 解密 環境飲食與基因 錯的組合 組合的錯 精神病可以 完全根治 透過適合嘅環境飲食 改變基因 任何疾病不安 都係由 不當 不適合嘅 環境飲食與基因導致 不當不適合嘅習慣 所謂習慣致病 如果能夠改變環境飲食 習慣自然改變 基因自然改變 健康自然改變 古有孟母三遷 近朱者赤近墨者黑 精神病患者 係最善良 最負責任 最傻最乖最聽話 最不懂保護自己 呢個世界有兩種人 一種係精神病患者 另外一種 未係精神病患者 如果做咩都冇用 不妨試下亂來


精神病成因 解密 環境飲食與基因 錯的組合 組合的錯 精神病可以 完全根治 透過適合嘅環境飲食 改變基因 任何疾病不安 都係由 不當 不適合嘅 環境飲食與基因導致 不當不適合嘅習慣 所謂習慣致病 如果能夠改變環境飲食 習慣自然改變 基因自然改變 健康自然改變 古有孟母三遷 近朱者赤近墨者黑


精神病患者 欠缺靈活性 一味向前衝 但為人單純 如果你玩佢 就等於找死 仲死得好慘 害埋你全家 我勸你咪制 如果你見到佢哋 順佢意就得啦 我保你平安


精神病 你玩唔玩得起 大概係2019年6月1號 香港電視新聞報道 一則無意拆解了精神病嘅個案 話說喺日本 近年好多遊客去賞鹿 有好多冇家教 冇品嘅人士 用食物呢戲弄啲鹿 搞到啲鹿 生氣情緒 跟住攻擊人 現今嘅世代 著咗大部分人 都係冇家教 冇品德 乜嘢都話玩下啫 玩下玩下 有啲敏感嘅人 嬲起上嚟 就隊冧人 玩人嘅人 唔想畀人玩 只想玩人 冇人想畀人玩 有人頂唔順 迫爆煲 生氣情緒 玉石俱焚 一拍兩散 有人求生不得 有人求死不能 下一次 你玩之前 你玩人之前 問下自己 你想唔想失去 你嘅一切 包括你條命 你仲害到人 人哋冧你全家 又要坐監 呢啲係咪好玩呢 我諗蠢豬都識答


少油少鹽少糖 會引致精神病 我哋需要均衡飲食 Balance diet 少油少鹽少糖 並不是均衡飲食 均衡飲食 是要有充足嘅油鹽糖醋 橄欖油或者係 花生油 餐桌鹽 冰糖 鎮江香醋 或者陳醋 Malt vinegar 油鹽糖醋 是均衡飲食 必備元素Minerals nutrients 油鹽糖醋 提供 礦物養份 就好似我哋嘅財富一樣 我哋個荷包 必須要有充足嘅財富 我係話充足 並不是過多或過少 因為過多或過少 就是失去平衡 就不是均衡 均衡飲食 才會健康 任何嘢 過少或過多 都會出禍患 過肥或過瘦 都係唔健康 都容易生病 任何嘢 適中就好 適當就妙 適合就正 均衡飲食 出入平安 健康要訣

Food tips 060619

Food tips 060619

Oil salt sugar vinegar are four essentials in healthy food

We must have enough oil salt sugar vinegar for digestion

There are plenty articles on google search for fore and against and depends on you believe in which theory

Every theory need experience and some period try out and may not fit you or me

No theory fits everyone

I recommend olive oil and peanut oil

Olive oil for non cook and peanut oil for cooking

Table salt is good

Rock sugar

Malt vinegar

Food need to balance not under not over

Under or over is not good

We need enough

We need balance

Balance of oil salt sugar vinegar

90s diet is wrong to lack indications to tell people less oil salt fat

What is less, no indication, no measurement and mislead us to cut oil salt fat which is no balance which is wrong

Everything include diet need to balance

Balance diet

We need oil salt sugar vinegar and fat

Under or over is bad health

Balance is good health

Oil salt sugar vinegar fat balance is healthy diet

Lack oil salt sugar vinegar and fat leads you to mental disorder

Over leads you to other sickness

I say balance, not under, not over

Balance food rest release is health all round


Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Plastic bags

Plastic bags can be cleaned and reuse plenty times before recycle

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Lock 020619

Lock 020619

We must stop using locks

Locks does nothing but creating darkhole of endless fear for souls on earth

With locks we thirst hunger poverty

With locks we fear greed hatred pain ill sick

One dark joke is we lock up people for healing and for correction

Ones are in great pain and unlucky life originates them to crime and sick

We lock them up and add to their pain do not help

To heal and to correct, we must help them relax and enjoy

May be with music, warm or cool light and massage or spa

Give them tips to relax and enjoy to help them to balance and peace

Criminals and patients must have a tough history, everyone of them deserve relax enjoy balance peace

Please refer to first aid article by mat on this blog

Lock does nothing but create fear and pain

Lock does not heal or correct, never, it just add to the trouble and push them to hell

Heal and correct never done by force but by will and affection by heart

We need not punish the persons, we need to end crime and sickness

Persons with sin and sickness are in great pain

We must remove pain for them not to remove them from society

tell you a little secret

ones with sin and sick, when you help them to remove pain, they are the keys to heaven

but if you add to their pain, they are the keys to hell

please refer to first aid article by mat on his blog below or you can create your own relax list of things to do on mobile note app or whatsapp yourself

they cannot help themselves but we can help them by practice relax enjoy balance and peace tips.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

First aid

小馬急救包 First aid pack from mat Creating Poems Sharing poems Chat and play with your kids Grow some plants Go to the library Go swimming in public pools Go to the park 練氣Contact me for free sessions Shop for food and do some cooking Have clock hotel trips with wife once a month with condom Chat with friends or chat on forum Helping others Volunteering Creating records of audio video photos notes Creating articles sharing on Google blogger Create and run your own blog Food rest release Buffet Outlet Hotel Travel Local tour Short tour One or two nights tour 美食團 煎牛扒 Yogurt and cheese from supermarket Shopping in supermarket or market Drawing Sketching Music Apple music best with WiFi Radio rthk radio 4 and radio 2 can revise on rthk website for free with WiFi Taking photos taking notes with Google keep 蒸咸肥豬腩肉 蝦醬蒸豬腩肉 蒸鹽香五花腩 Massage Creating solutions Creating notes Chat on forum Reading Release Creating 大悲咒 by 黄慧音 Relaxing in nature with greens in park Hiking Beach Shek O Sharing Jazz music Blues music Soul music New age music Piano music Classical music White noise Yoga music Ocean sounds Thunderstorms and raining sounds YouTube search for Johnnie Lawson Wikipedia Google search Google images Listening to radio Rest release Notes with pen and paper Doodling Noodles Bread and butter with salt and vinegar Fresh fruits and greens Vegetables 冰糖檸檬普洱茶 橄欖油鹽陳醋飯 柴米油鹽醬醋茶 Contact me for more information Matthew Ma