
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

人類都是 整蠱專家

人類都是 整蠱專家

Wednesday, December 16, 2020



Saturday, December 12, 2020

Our chemistry

Our chemistry

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

啟發師 馬碩鴻 Matthew Ma the sparkler

啟發師 馬碩鴻 Matthew Ma the sparkler

nature養 records削

nature養 records削

daily carry

daily carry

Sunday, September 27, 2020



Wednesday, September 16, 2020

消費有以下幾種原因 傷害驚恐瞋恨痛苦疾病搵笨

消費有以下幾種原因 傷害驚恐瞋恨痛苦疾病搵笨

Sunday, September 13, 2020

我願眾生 經歷我所經歷

我願眾生 經歷我所經歷

Saturday, September 5, 2020


機器 鎖 塑料 令人類 互相欺凌 傷害驚恐痛苦疾病瞋恨搵笨 教育醫療 警察軍隊 貿易交易 法律法例 所有記錄 全部搵笨 十分搞笑


貧病罪 源因人類創造了記錄而生 記錄產生了 機器 鎖 塑料 對 眾生萬物 傷害驚恐痛苦瞋恨疾病揾笨 所有經典記載知識來自前人觀察大自然 對 眾生萬物的反應 古中國有易經和其它醫經數之不盡 其實只要我們回歸大自然 我們不需要任何記錄 只需要觀察感受行動 食瞓屙的循環 足夠平安自在


人類為咗利益 乜都諗得出 乜都講得出 乜都做得出


貧病罪 源因人類創造了記錄而生 記錄產生了對 眾生萬物的傷害驚恐痛苦瞋恨疾病揾笨 所有經典記載知識來自前人觀察大自然對 眾生萬物的反應 古中國有易經和其它醫經數之不盡 其實只要我們回歸大自然 我們不需要任何記錄 只需要觀察感受行動 食瞓屙的循環 足夠平安自在

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Anything that is not Christian is called superstitious

Anything that is not Christian is called superstitious

Tuesday, September 1, 2020



Monday, August 31, 2020


钱,就像内裤,你得有,但不必逢人就证明你有! 干事业,就像怀孕,得够月,着急了就容易流产! 你若成功了,放屁都有道理,你若失败了,再有道理都是放屁。 不要随便的把自己心里的伤口晒给别人看,因为这个社会上你根本就分不清哪些人给你撒的是云南白药,哪些人给你撒的是辣椒面子…… 可以哭,可以恨,但是不可以不坚强!

Sunday, August 23, 2020



Monday, August 3, 2020

Dark six 六暗 Harm fear pain sick hate fool 傷害 驚恐 痛苦 疾病 瞋恨 搵笨

Dark six 六暗 Harm fear pain sick hate fool 傷害 驚恐 痛苦 疾病 瞋恨 搵笨

Sunday, August 2, 2020

家衰就會 互相傷害

家衰就會 互相傷害

Harm fear pain sick hate fool 傷害 驚恐 痛苦 疾病 瞋恨 搵笨

Harm fear pain sick hate fool 傷害 驚恐 痛苦 疾病 瞋恨 搵笨

Saturday, August 1, 2020

No harm 不傷害

No harm 不傷害

Nature energy balance n peace to all souls

Nature energy balance n peace to all souls

Friday, July 31, 2020

人類弱智 弱智人類

人類弱智 弱智人類

Mankind is retarded

Mankind is retarded

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


六暗 傷害 驚恐 痛苦 疾病 瞋恨 搵笨

Dark six

Dark six harm fear pain sick hate fool

Monday, July 27, 2020

思維正面 就會開心

思維正面 就會開心

Think positive

Think positive

Sunday, July 26, 2020


是病嗎 欺

Energy balance n peace to all souls

Energy balance n peace to all souls

No label 空

No label 空

Saturday, July 25, 2020



Friday, July 24, 2020



Harm fear pain sick hate fool

Sunday, July 19, 2020


Patients practice harm 病人傷害人己 Faith 善念 Faith is no harm No harm is faith 善不傷害 傷害不善

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Checking origin 120720

Checking origin 120720

OCD origin from mismatch of time place identity, food rest release, environment food DNA

Smooth and relax when familiar match safe

Check when with strange time place identity feel danger alert need reassurance and firm protection and backup

Records of energy balance n peace to all souls


energy balance n peace to all souls

energy balance n peace to all souls

World problems 120720

World problems 120720

Problems origin:

Humankind-Harm fear pain sick hate fool

Records-machine lock plastic

Foolish mankind created records
Records created machine lock plastic which created harm fear pain sick hate fool

Energy balance n peace to all souls…

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Good color

我不屬於任何顏色 但是我是十分好色

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


信心嘅代價 小心嘅代價


討厭人類 愛大自然

Monday, July 6, 2020


Price of careful Price of careless

price 060720

Price 060720

Price of confidence, errors faults responsibilities
Price of security, safety checking OCD, health issues

Price of nature, balance n peace
Price of records, machine lock plastic

No harm
No fear
No pain
No sick
No hate
No fool




Tuesday, June 30, 2020

不解釋 不重複 不刪改

Nature 300620

Nature 300620

Nature is balance n peace
Nature has no records
Therefore no machine no lock no plastic
No harm no fear no pain no sick no hate no fool
No poverty no thirst no hunger

Only food rest release

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Thursday, June 25, 2020

No harm

No harm no fear no hate no fool no pain no sick

Solution platform record system

Solution platform record system No harm 辦法平台 記錄系統 不傷害

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Solution platform record system 200620

Solution platform record system 200620

Balance n peace for souls

No harm
No pain
No sick

No fear
No hate
No fool

Time place identity
Calendar map DNA

Food rest release

True ad


Yin yang
Fung shui
Fate reasoning stats

Learn earn heal

Solution platform record system created by matthew ma shek hung

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Solution platform 180620

Solution platform 180620

No fear no hate no fool
Balance n peace
Record system

Solution platform is a record system created by matthew ma shek hung

SP is for balance n peace of energy and souls

SP provide another choice of record system for no fear no hate no fool operations


Mem bat net
Time place id
Factors timeline long river
Calendar map DNA
Food rest release
Commu connect network
Family work play

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


荒唐世間 顛倒眾生

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Friday, May 29, 2020


陰性精神病 令別人驚恐瞋恨 陽性精神病 令自己驚恐瞋恨

Friday, May 15, 2020

Gold 2020

幫助及治療 就是不傷害

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Gold 2020

Help n heal is not to harm

Should 140520

Should 140520

If you reckon what happen should happen, you be balance n peace
If you reckon what happen should not happen, you be fear pain sick

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Charity project 300420

Charity project 300420

Patient charity project PCP by matthew ma shek hung

PCP is a charity project created by mat for patients and not yet patients

Through this project mat would like to find out and prove that patients are treated differently in a negative way compare to not yet patients

There are plenty patients and not yet patients on earth

As a patient mat find he is treated differently in a extremely insult disrespect and discriminate way by others causing fear pain sick

Mat has consulted family friends and medical and the answer is generally-you have too much time and you are thinking too much

In hong kong mat find locals Hong Kongers and mainland Chinese both practice abuse especially to the sick and weak

All Chinese care about is profits and money

I assume and want to prove that Chinese practice abuse to the sick and weak for profits and fun

I wish all souls experience my experience.

Help is not harm

唔使幫人 唔好害人

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The solution 250420

The solution 250420

Weird healer matthew ma shek hung

Nature energy is best healing

For the fear pain sick, we need to food rest release in nature

We need to drop records, drop machine lock plastic and drop trade abuse

Records origins machine lock plastic and trade laws for abuse causing fear pain sick and harm to souls

Key is not to heal
Key is not to harm

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Trade 220420

Trade 220420

Trade and trading is about creating fear pain sick through products and services

When we fear pain sick we are addicted to products and services that brings us bits relief for meanwhile balance n peace

Evil and foolish mankind with fear greed hatred to trade products and services which creates fear pain sick

Key is not to heal
Key is not to harm

Why old products and services provides more relief, because modern trading is about creating troubles where old trading is more about solving

Key is not to heal
Key is not to harm.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Gold mankind 130420

Gold mankind 130420

Thanx for sending the team picking the sand for me one by one, charging a vast sums for every one
Nice if you don’t sand my meal from the origin beginning.

Above describe mankind best especially the west

We have to transfer our wealth and beg for medical products and services

Because we are educated and set up to harm each other for the profit of the medical industry

The medical industry is profit orientated, we create better and better products and service and release it drop by drop

We send teams of medical specialists with best medical products and services to pick every grain of sand one by one for us from our delicious meal

The taste of the meal is ever stimulating our senses to tease us, to make us starve and dying for earning our meal

When we get the meal its full of sand on top, we have to employ teams with best knowledge and tools to pick out the every grain of sand one by one and hiring fee is back breaking

Guess who put the sand on my meal

The service and products traders did from the origin

No wonder this world is full of growing fear greed hatred fear pain sick, because the growing teasing meal we develop to tease our senses and no matter how rich or how great you are you can never swallow nor fill belly with a meal with sand

Key is not to heal
Key is not to harm

Friday, April 10, 2020

OS SP 100420

OS SP 100420

Solution platform

OS SP is a project create by matthew ma shek hung in 2004 in the UK

OS SP is a project for machines to aid souls balance n peace

Souls need balance n peace of energy

Souls practice plenty to harm themselves which they not aware

Efficiency and effectiveness

We record data of souls reactions to changes

With banks and networks of creations and solutions and record data of souls reactions to changes, we able to harmony machines with mankind and souls for balance n peace of energy

Current year 2020 over 99.999999999999999% of resources gone to waste because we do what we think is right but a vast sums which has effects we don’t want

We are unaware that over 99.99999999999999% of what we paid for actually harms us

Key is not to heal
Key is not to harm

OS SP aid us to aware and avoid unawared harmful practice for everyone

Fear pain sick are created by machine lock plastic created by mankind
If we cannot drop machine, OS SP is the only way for balance n peace
Peace to all souls

Thursday, April 9, 2020

what do you want from us

A Story of A Poem: “What Do You Really Want from Us?”

Washington Post published a poem named “What Do You Really Want from Us?” in January 2011. According to Washington Post, the poem was written by Duo-liang Lin, a retired professor of SUNY-Buffalo.
What Do You Really Want from Us?
Duo-liang Lin
  When we were the sick man of Asia, we were called the yellow peril.
  When we are billed to be the next superpower, we are called the threat.
  When we closed our doors, you smuggled drugs to open markets.
  When we embrace free trade, you blame us for taking away your jobs.
  When we were falling apart, you marched in your troops and wanted your fair share.
  When we tried to put the broken pieces back together again,
  free Tibet you screamed, It was an invasion!
  When tried communism, you hated us for being communist.
  When we embrace capitalism, you hate us for being capitalist.
  When we have a billion people, you said we were destroying the planet.
  When we tried limiting our numbers, you said we abused human rights.
  When we were poor, you thought we were dogs.
  When we loan you cash, you blame us for your national debts.
  When we build our industries, you call us polluters.
  When we sell you goods, you blame us for global warming.
  When we buy oil, you call it exploitation and genocide.
  When you go to war for oil, you call it liberation.
  When we were lost in chaos and rampage, you demanded rules of law.
  When we uphold law and order against violence, you call it violating human rights.
  When we were silent, you said you wanted us to have free speech.
  When we are silent no more, you say we are brainwashed-xenophobes.
  “Why do you hate us so much﹖”we asked.
  “No,” you answered, “we don’t hate you.”
  We don’t hate you either, but, do you understand us?
  “Of course we do, ”you said, “We have AFP, CNN and BBC’s ……”
  What do you really want from us?
  Think hard first, then answer, Because you only get so many chances.
  Enough is enough, enough hypocrisy for this one world.
  We want one world, one dream, and peace on earth.
  This big blue earth is big enough for all of us.
The poem became a hot topic in China as soon as it was introduced to Chinese people. The research result amounts of 林良多, which is a transliteration of Duo-liang Lin, increased to 117,000, all of which are related to the poem. It aroused the sympathetic responses of millions of Chinese medias and citizens.
The interesting thing is, SUNY-Buffalo does not have any faculty named 林良多. However, there is a 林多梁 in Physics school. According to Prof. Lin, he found this poem by accident in 2008, then he sent this poem to his friends. Maybe some of his friends misunderstood the origin of the poem and sent it to Washington Post.
Prof. Lin also said that he only thought the poem was interesting, but he could not agree some content in it. Prof. Lin is a pacifist. He believes that peace and development are the most important themes for the whole world at present. He appeals for the win-win relationship between China and US.
Though the event itself was proved to be a misunderstanding, we can still find something useful through Chinese people’s and medias’ attitudes.
People’s Daily, one of the biggest newspapers in China, commented to the poem, ”The poem reflected the depression and resentment of millions of Chinese Americans. It is like an arrow towards the prejudice of western opinions.”
From my perspective, the fast spreading of this poem reflects a structural inconsistency in the Sino-US relations. The prejudices exist both in China and in the US. American people feel anxious for China’s natural development and its new international standing: Chinese products resulted in millions of unemployments; China is going to be another superpower which will threat the international standing of the US. On the other hand, Chinese people are still somewhat hostile to the western world. China wants more discourse power as its comprehensive strength keeps growing.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


The key is not to solve every problems The key is not to create any problems

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Secret pro

識就畀佢笑死 唔識就畀佢嚇死

Monday, March 23, 2020

Help 230320

Help 230320

Machine lock plastic
Ill but not heal
Harm but not help
Pain but not peace

Abandon machine lock plastic

Harmony with nature
Balance n peace

Fools 230320

Fools 230320

Mankind is fools

Foolish mankind created machine lock plastic which create fear pain sick

Animals and nature harmony with no machine lock plastic

Machine lock plastic bring us fear pain sick

Abandon machine lock plastic for balance n peace

Harmony with nature

Balance n peace

Sickness 230320

Sickness 230320

More begin to experience and know, virus and sickness is not horrible

Horrible is we lost faith between each other

I experienced that for the past 18 years

Sick is nothing

True sickness is we all lose faith

Fear pain sick is three steps to hell

Virus make us aware of fear pain sick

Plenty rubbish we pursue, virus comes we find we need balance n peace

No matter how much wealth, when we have no health, becomes useless

When I went to church, they say we are brother and sister, when I tell them I am sick, they all disappear and the excuse they give is we are all sinners

Sinners can do any crime on God’s name

Poor God

God is not an excuse for do crime and feel good about it

I think this world need to wipe out half of the population, especially ones that create fear pain sick
May be wealth and politics leaders is replaced and another game for everyone.

Virus 230320

Virus 230320

Its good to wipe out half of the population, there will be less pollution and the rest can live longer and healthier.

Nature 230320

Nature 230320

How animals and nature deal with outbreak of virus

There is no new virus in nature without mankind messing in labs

Animals and nature deals with outbreak by themselves

We can rely ourselves

We heal or we die

That’s nature

Balance or peace

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Key 220320

Key 220320

Fools create fear pain sick
Wise create balance n peace

Saturday, March 21, 2020

原來我最憎嗰種人 係我自己嗰種人

原來我最憎嗰種人 係我自己嗰種人

OS SP keys 210320

OS SP keys 210320

Reaction records
data trade
solution platform
solution creation
time place identity
calendar map id
mem bat net
exp pow commu
machine lock plastic
food rest release
balance and peace
piano radio
jazz radio
timeline fnf factors long river
senses feelings observations
learn earn heal
life is games
games is life
commu connect net
easy simple fun
no hassle
no fear pain sick but balance n peace, peace to all souls, mat, creator healer agent

Friday, March 20, 2020


West trade and play with fear pain sick and will blow right in their face

West 200320

West 200320

Shall we thank the west

Thank the west for keep us fear pain sick?

West is trade and laws

West is profit

West do anything everything for profit

There are plenty good people I must say but small sums of bad people set the laws which set the trade

Trade with fear pain sick in God’s name and never shame

Is that God or Devil?

Help or harm?
Heal or ill?
Peace or pain?

There is no trade nor laws in nature and animals all fine till mankind arrive with trade laws comes fear pain sick trade

West are you shame?

I feel shame for you

Jazz music is good but that’s from the black’s whom west discriminates, jazz saves the west.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Settle and solution platform 180320

Settle and solution platform 180320

We need to settle and harmony with nature

Mankind is souls, souls harmony with nature with nothing in between to settle

But mankind rely on machine lock plastic creates fear pain sick

If we need to go that way and addicted to screens, we need to get benefits from machines

Present year 2020, personal computer out in 1995, 25 years ago

Year 2004 mat created bright models in the uk which is blueprint of solution platform

Operating system solution platform OS SP

Privacy is an excuse to harm us with our own price

There is no privacy with computers and data machines

There are lens and microphones everywhere with everyone, no one can hide, our every reaction is recorded

Our reaction is recorded by data machines and trade on the internet without our knowing and permission

mat thinks, why not create OS SP and data machines to record our reaction and we can copyright trade and benefit from our own data

our reaction data records shows our health and healing solutions round the clock

we react with other souls under different time place identity

with data records of our reaction experience timeline we can unlock fear pain sick, bring us balance and peace.

Animal and nature 180320

Animal and nature 180320

We must learn from animals and nature

Animals and nature lives in harmony with bacteria virus and dirt

Dirt is nature

Nature is dirt

There are two families with new born baby

Family A keeps top hygiene and wipe out all bacteria in the way

Family B let the baby plays with dirt

Outcome is baby A got really sick one day when the parents missed to clean a spot and the baby got cancer soon after

Baby B got settle and harmony with what we think is dirty and keep what we call health but dirty

There is a book call ‘eat dirt’

We made out of dirt, if we keep away from dirt, that’s commit suicide

Dirt is life, life is dirt

Modern traders demonize dirt because they need to sell medical products and services

There is no doctors no hospital no medicine in nature

Animals settles adapt and heals themselves

Mankind rely on medical products and services and the traders sucks us dry with the very last drop

We are working to our very last drop for health

But harder we work, sicker we become

We are running away from nature so we sick

We need to harmony with nature

Dirt is health

Health is balance and peace

Reaction and healing 180320

Reaction and healing 180320

We react to stimulations

We have big reactions with fear hatred when our sensitive spots got stimulated

Modern society with data machines lock and plastic, our health got stimulated

Ones with big reactions with fear and hatred is normal

Ones that stimulate others for profit is abnormal

But the law awards ones stimulate others and punish ones with sensitive feelings and big reactions

the law gets it the wrong way, before it gets the right way, we all suffer

we must set the laws to reward sensitive reactions and punish ones who stimulate others

best is to abandon all records including the law

we need to live in harmony with nature without records


medical industry feeds on creating long term patients with drugs that do bad more than good

in 2002 I was getting through my A level exams in spring in the UK

as I had a long term problem of obsessive compulsive behaviour later know as OCD with poor communication and poor social skills

I had seven variables to mess with me, last straw on camel’s back and I collapse that I cannot get to sleep for 36 hours and I had hallucinations

Possible I got drugged by schoolmates with mushrooms I was told

I had sports injuries with new sports position in a upgraded match
Bad cold with lungs problems from a freezing swimming lesson in school
Family and friends passing away
Chose the wrong subjects to study with new AS A2 level always changing classroom and last minute timetables
I was in the loners club with poor social skills and practically no friends
I push myself too hard for study and thought I had no way out other than uni

So I came back to Hong kong for psychiatrist and we tried a few drugs before getting to one that he said was baby dosage of 1mg

I was told to keep this dose for 6 months to a year but I slept for 22 hours a day and this is overdose but no doctor would get it to less dose because of the books says so

My grand sleeps 4 hours a day for over 90 years and still going, he take naps and has no major problems

There are 3 movie stars in hk who sleeps 4 hours a day and take naps in the day for over 65 years and still going but with gamble addiction

18 years ago in 2002 I had 7 big changes in me life so I collapse but these changes long gone but I keep taking more med for 18 years

I become rely on the med

I take the med now but I am not that much better than I was in 2002

If I have not 7 changes in me life in 2002 which I am now I need no take med

Medications is for a while, not for long term because we have adjust system or rely system

A fool thought he can lose weight by sewing up half of his stomach, result is the other half stretched and broke and the guy died, this is classic west medical, you cannot be too clever or by force

The 7 changes gone for 18 years but I keep taking more med for 18 years and was told need taking pills for the resting of my life in order to get sleep and no hallucinations

Plenty fellows accept hallucinations and take less or no med as long as don’t harm self or others

Sleep problem is not a problem if I can relax with piano radio music with WIFI on apple music

As long as I keep calm and relax, and keep myself gentle naturally

Day time I can go to the park or hiking and sleep for 4 to 6 hours naturally at night or at a fixed period and take naps in the day time

But for getting off the med need to be by cycle method

Monitor the rest time, really need 4 hours sleep least, if not, some med is needed

Get off med cycle method is…drafting, be out next time, please wait till its publish before trying

Above is personal sharing only

Please consult your doctor before actions

Suggest consult 3 separate doctors before any changes taken

Monday, March 9, 2020

Solution platform OS SP 090320

Solution platform OS SP 090320

Light life…


Solution platform is an operating system for data machines and devices for aid of balance n peace for souls

OS SP is an aid through data machines and machines to help souls to balance n peace

OS SP and data machines record souls experience of reactions to changes in life

With network and database of reactions of souls and changes in energy, OS SP suggest actions and choice in time place and identity

Show know familiar are three steps in balance n peace of souls and energy

OS SP made easy show know familiar with network of data machines databases to aid souls to balance n peace

Peace to all souls


Saturday, February 29, 2020

Records is bad v2 290220

Records is bad v2 290220

Records is bad

Records creates fear pain sickness, greed fear hatred, addicts for reward

Records includes wealth, learn earn heal, trade laws, money power sex, knowledge, solutions creations pollutions, abuse bully con

For reward and records we drain and dry ourselves to the very last drop

We addicted to reward from records

We addicted to wealth trading, data trading, all trade is records of reward addiction

We need to fade out bit by bit

The only way is to fade out bit by bit

Fade out records addiction bit by bit

We are addicted to records reward

The only way is to return to nature and fade out on records reward

Records reward is a dark hole and dead end

The way out is to gradually drop our rate of records dependency

Drop records and return to nature is the only way for balance n peace.

Records is bad 280220

Records is bad 280220

Records is the only bad thing

With records we fear pain sick

We created records of cash trade laws learn earn heal greed fear hatred

Without records mankind would not recess

We rely on records of formulas, books, data, recipes

Without records we would be free in nature

Records make us build houses, trade good and services, crimes for money, politics and business for profits which everything comes and gone in a click

We fear pain sick because no matter how rich and powerful we are, everything can be gone in a second

Key is to return to nature without wear of clothes, devices nor locks

Key is to drop records

Gradually drop records and return to nature

the only regret is no more music but what comes is sounds of nature and flourish of lives

harmony with nature is the only way to balance n peace

balance n peace only comes when we fades out on records.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Records 280220

Records 280220

The niche of mankind is records

Records make us fear pain sick

Key is drop records

Drop machine lock plastic

Return to harmony with nature

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Records and solution platform 270220

Records and solution platform 270220

Solution platform is a project for records

Records is the niche of mankind

Records and plans is the only difference between mankind and other souls

Records brings us from balance n peace to fear pain sickness

Solution platform is here to heal and trade records and plans which is second choice of bring us back to balance n peace

The first choice of balance and peace is to drop machine lock plastic and return to nature with food rest release but mankind sticks to machine lock plastic addiction so we have to have second choice of project SP

I think coming technology trends green, we will create machines that helps us to food rest release

Present year 2020, we use machine to trade, communicate, games, learn earn heal

Coming goal is to create machines to aid mankind harmony with nature energy to food rest release

Current machines bring us fear pain sickness, exhaustion and tiredness, burn our resources in a press of botton

Coming goal is to create machines to sustain utilize and recycle resources so we can live on clean earth

As time goes earth will engulf by the sun, so we need to create machines helps us migrate to another planet

We need to bring species with us like the ark.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

trump bankrupt

Familiar 260220

Familiar 260220

Familiar is settle of balance n peace

Accidents happen when we new

Key is know what we can do n must not do

When we new we are not sure what we can do and must not do…there comes accidents

New system of trade laws, learn earn heal, machine lock plastic add to food rest release

We simply cannot settle with records n plan

Records n plans are addictive and is junk

When we drop records plans machine lock plastic, trade laws, learn earn heal, we be free

There are too many rules

Follow these rules bring us to hell

There is no rules

There is flowww practice balance

Balance n peace

Monday, February 17, 2020

Dirt familiar

熟悉 就唔會生意外 陌生 就會生意外 無論係時間地方人物 只要我哋熟悉 就唔會生意外 當我哋唔熟悉 就會生病 春天天氣反覆 氣溫上落大 和急 所以春瘟 長期病患 都在春天發作 極端天氣 太冷太熱 人容易生病 汽車容易死火 容易有交通意外 每個人 身體都有 本土細菌和病毒 他們和我們 已經和平共存 因為已經 經過一段適應期 其實細菌病毒 並無善惡之分 只有已經適應 和未曾適應 已經適應 叫做本土細菌病毒 未曾適應 叫做外來細菌病毒 外來細菌病毒 經過一段適應期 就會變成本土病毒 就好似我哋考試測驗一樣 我哋成功考試測驗 就攞到證書 成為榮譽嘅一份子 成為專業人士 成為本土嘅份子 細菌病毒 也要通過 我哋身體嘅考試測驗 當大家係自己友 咁就即係入咗會 踢咗你入會 有啲似黑社會 細菌病毒 係無主孤魂 靠寄居生活 細菌病毒 想與我們 和平共存 細菌病毒 好似二世祖 都係靠爸爸 主人 我諗現代醫學 特別係西方醫學 行錯咗方向 特別喺香港 西方醫學 講求殺菌消毒 正確觀念應該係 與細菌病毒 和平共存 身容百毒毒不侵 殺菌消毒 只會令我哋身體越嚟越弱 殺菌消毒 會引致驚恐症 強迫症 抑鬱症 焦慮症 如果我哋 用盡一切能力 去殺菌消毒 等於集體自殺 因為我哋身體 消化系統 及身體其他每個系統 都充滿住 本土細菌病毒 在塵世間 根本充滿細菌病毒 殺菌消毒 等於自殺 在大自然 動物不會殺菌消毒 動物沒有醫院醫藥 沒有醫療服務 大自然只有草藥 只有礦物 只有資糧 其實一切 失傳經典 皆可從 觀察感受 野生動物 以及大自然中得取 當我們從書本學習 我們便關閉 自己觀察感受嘅能力 小馬鼓勵大家 觀察感受大自然 以及動物反應 多接觸大自然 呼吸新鮮空氣 在大自然走動 我們自然健康 有本英文書叫食泥Eat dirt 裏面講到 泥土 有著各樣益菌 從農作物中 為我們帶來營養 因為現代人 過度殺菌消毒 所以我們腸臟 消化系統 長期乾涸 引致百病叢生 作者說 我們需要 污糟一點 當我們 能夠與惡菌共存 就是健康的開始 我是尊重地說 印度 不但是佛教 和瑜珈之源 還是智慧和健康之門

Saturday, February 8, 2020


口罩根本冇用 如果口罩有用 醫院醫護 為何要全副武裝 由頭笠到落腳呢

Friday, February 7, 2020

mat ill

mat ill 欺負,欺凌,欺騙, 分裂,強迫,創傷, 焦慮,自閉,溝通, 社交,兩極,屈燥, 火毒,肝屈,肺燥, 睡眠,幻覺,chur 自閉症 autism 自閉,亞氏 敏感,緊張 焦慮,壓力 天才,資優 強迫,創傷 分裂 Dr Chan Chen 300113 完美主義perfectionist 非黑即白 一步到位 被動內向introvert 自閉autism 亞氏asperger 社交Social 溝通Commu 同理心 過動ADHD 創傷trauma 強迫obsessive compulsive disorder 分裂schi 兩極bipolar 極度敏感Hyper sensitive 抑鬱depress 表達express 觀察observe 分析analyse fear Hatred Greed Insult Disrespect Discriminate Illusion Gifted Impairment 愛心 Care love 同情心sympathy 安 Split OCD schi 忍耐力 叻勁 Truma OCD obsessive compulsive disorder Schi Bipolar hyper Depress ADHD attention deficit hyperactive disorder Autism Communication Express Social Observe Fear Insult Anger hatred Gifted Illusion 抗屈辱建自信展所長 貪怒驚貪嗔癡

mat ill

欺負,欺凌,欺騙, 分裂,強迫,創傷, 焦慮,自閉,溝通, 社交,兩極,屈燥, 火毒,肝屈,肺燥, 睡眠,幻覺,chur 自閉症 autism 自閉,亞氏 敏感,緊張 焦慮,壓力 天才,資優 強迫,創傷 分裂 Dr Chan Chen 300113 完美主義perfectionist 非黑即白 一步到位 被動內向introvert 自閉autism 亞氏asperger 社交Social 溝通Commu 同理心 過動ADHD 創傷trauma 強迫obsessive compulsive disorder 分裂schi 兩極bipolar 極度敏感Hyper sensitive 抑鬱depress 表達express 觀察observe 分析analyse fear Hatred Greed Insult Disrespect Discriminate Illusion Gifted Impairment 愛心 Care love 同情心sympathy 安 Split OCD schi 忍耐力 叻勁 Truma OCD obsessive compulsive disorder Schi Bipolar hyper Depress ADHD attention deficit hyperactive disorder Autism Communication Express Social Observe Fear Insult Anger hatred Gifted Illusion 抗屈辱建自信展所長 貪怒驚貪嗔癡

mat ill

mat ill 140719 被劉馬車啟發 其實我唔食藥得唔得 食少啲藥得唔得 究竟我而家 係唔係食緊 適當份量嘅藥 又有冇需要 食藥呢 佢係過度活躍 我係精神分裂 Meanwhile resources Balance is peace Fear is pain Enjoy now Regrets past Worry future 失去平衡 痛苦 貪嗔癡 怕錯怕衰輸唔起 擔心意外 怕控制唔到 情緒精神心理 身心靈 運動創傷 內感傳裏 至親離世 學習環境 突然變化 難以適應 自閉 溝通 社交 因緣際會 際遇 強迫 驚恐 焦慮抑鬱 抑鬱躁狂 過度活躍 障礙天才 溝通表達理解分析 觀察感受 創傷 兩極 分裂 睡眠幻覺Chur 消化 尿遺 心肝脾肺腎 腰椎頸椎脊椎 忍耐力 心地善良 有愛心 同理心 極度敏感 欠缺靈活 尊重信任欣賞 珍惜 溝通價值 完美主義 非黑即白 一步到位 被動內向 緊張 認真 壓力 資優人士 火毒肝鬱肺燥 鬱躁 平衡 欺負欺凌欺騙 欺詐欺瞞 好威好叻好勁

mat ill

M mat ill 欺負,欺凌,欺騙, 分裂,強迫,創傷, 焦慮,自閉,溝通, 社交,兩極,屈燥, 火毒,肝屈,肺燥, 睡眠,幻覺,chur 自閉症 autism 自閉,亞氏 敏感,緊張 焦慮,壓力 天才,資優 強迫,創傷 分裂 Dr Chan Chen 300113 完美主義perfectionist 非黑即白 一步到位 被動內向introvert 自閉autism 亞氏asperger 社交Social 溝通Commu 同理心 過動ADHD 創傷trauma 強迫obsessive compulsive disorder 分裂schi 兩極bipolar 極度敏感Hyper sensitive 抑鬱depress 表達express 觀察observe 分析analyse fear Hatred Greed Insult Disrespect Discriminate Illusion Gifted Impairment 愛心 Care love 同情心sympathy 安 Split OCD schi 忍耐力 叻勁 Truma OCD obsessive compulsive disorder Schi Bipolar hyper Depress ADHD attention deficit hyperactive disorder Autism Communication Express Social Observe Fear Insult Anger hatred Gifted Illusion 抗屈辱建自信展所長 貪怒驚貪嗔癡

mat ill

M 欺負,欺凌,欺騙, 分裂,強迫,創傷, 焦慮,自閉,溝通, 社交,兩極,屈燥, 火毒,肝屈,肺燥, 睡眠,幻覺,chur 自閉症 autism 自閉,亞氏 敏感,緊張 焦慮,壓力 天才,資優 強迫,創傷 分裂 Dr Chan Chen 300113 完美主義perfectionist 非黑即白 一步到位 被動內向introvert 自閉autism 亞氏asperger 社交Social 溝通Commu 同理心 過動ADHD 創傷trauma 強迫obsessive compulsive disorder 分裂schi 兩極bipolar 極度敏感Hyper sensitive 抑鬱depress 表達express 觀察observe 分析analyse fear Hatred Greed Insult Disrespect Discriminate Illusion Gifted Impairment 愛心 Care love 同情心sympathy 安 Split OCD schi 忍耐力 叻勁 Truma OCD obsessive compulsive disorder Schi Bipolar hyper Depress ADHD attention deficit hyperactive disorder Autism Communication Express Social Observe Fear Insult Anger hatred Gifted Illusion 抗屈辱建自信展所長 貪怒驚貪嗔癡

mat ill

mat ill 111119 其實我唔食藥得唔得 食少啲藥得唔得 究竟我而家 係唔係食緊 適當份量嘅藥 又有冇需要 食藥呢 我係精神分裂 Meanwhile resources Balance is peace Fear is pain Enjoy now Regrets past Worry future 失去平衡 痛苦 貪嗔癡 怕錯怕衰輸唔起 擔心意外 怕控制唔到 情緒精神心理 身心靈 運動創傷 內感傳裏 至親離世 學習環境 突然變化 難以適應 自閉 溝通 社交 因緣際會 際遇 強迫 驚恐 焦慮抑鬱 抑鬱躁狂 過度活躍 障礙天才 溝通表達理解分析 觀察感受 創傷 兩極 分裂 睡眠幻覺Chur 消化 尿遺 心肝脾肺腎 腰椎頸椎脊椎 忍耐力 心地善良 有愛心 同理心 極度敏感 欠缺靈活 尊重信任欣賞 珍惜 溝通價值 完美主義 非黑即白 一步到位 被動內向 緊張 認真 壓力 資優人士 火毒肝鬱肺燥 鬱躁 平衡 欺負欺凌欺騙 欺詐欺瞞 好威好叻好勁

mat ill

mat ill 111119 v2 欺負,欺凌,欺騙, 分裂,強迫,創傷, 焦慮,自閉,溝通, 社交,兩極,屈燥, 火毒,肝屈,肺燥, 睡眠,幻覺,chur 自閉症 autism 自閉,亞氏 敏感,緊張 焦慮,壓力 天才,資優 強迫,創傷 分裂 Dr Chan Chen 300113 完美主義perfectionist 非黑即白 一步到位 被動內向introvert 自閉autism 亞氏asperger 社交Social 溝通Commu 同理心 過動ADHD 創傷trauma 強迫obsessive compulsive disorder 分裂schi 兩極bipolar 極度敏感Hyper sensitive 抑鬱depress 表達express 觀察observe 分析analyse fear Hatred Greed Insult Disrespect Discriminate Illusion Gifted Impairment 愛心 Care love 同情心sympathy 安 Split OCD schi 忍耐力 叻勁 Truma OCD obsessive compulsive disorder Schi Bipolar hyper Depress ADHD attention deficit hyperactive disorder Autism Communication Express Social Observe Fear Insult Anger hatred Gifted Illusion 抗屈辱建自信展所長 貪怒驚貪嗔癡

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Crystal ball

水晶球被打成粉 然後叫我們齊心

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


防疫小貼士 避免過度清潔 需要適度清潔 凡事中庸 好壞參半 細菌病毒 有好有壞 每人身體 都有益菌 以及本土病毒 寄居身體 適應身體 本土病毒 以及細菌 能夠保護我們 首先 去完街回到家 用梘洗手 任何清潔劑 都有腐蝕性 輕力塗上 梘液以後 立即沖洗 大便後 必須用梘液 一般平時 清水沖洗 過度用清潔劑 會引致皮膚敏感 呼吸道敏感 皮膚起紅疹 呼吸困難 凡事中庸 切忌過度 過份 凡事適中適度 中庸之道


防疫小貼士 適量飲食 營養均衡 飲食新鮮 瓜菜水果 新鮮肉類 穀物蛋類 飲食溫度 柔和適中 溫暖清涼 切忌冷熱 避免尖利細碎骨 適量休息 經濟不景 趁機休息 好天搵埋落雨柴 好天又搵 落雨又搵 搵嚟做乜 休息過後 天災人禍過後 經濟恢復 到時精力充沛 大把錢搵 所以身體唔好 經濟唔好 運氣唔好 最好休息 多多休養 時來風送滕王閣 人唔會一世都好 亦唔會一世都衰 把握得到先叫機會 把握唔到叫個天玩你 適量運動 每天步行 30分鐘 每餐後步行十多分鐘 飯後百步走 走到九十九 Keep warm stay cool mat

Monday, January 27, 2020


防疫小貼士 保暖 但小心焗親 在戶外 戴頸巾 但唔好焗到出汗 避免劇烈運動 每天步行 最少30分鐘 口罩可以清洗重複使用 避免吸入寒冷空氣 避免吸入飛沫 可以戴眼鏡 阻擋飛沫接觸眼睛 避免進食煎炸烤焗食品 避免冰飲 避免冷熱飲食 飲食適宜溫和或清涼 避免尖利細碎骨 避免腸胃湧濟 避免上火 避免冷到 飲食新鮮 水果蔬菜肉類穀物 避免過度消毒 學懂與細菌病毒共存 疫症因為 過度消毒 此乃春瘟 瘟疫多數喺春天 長期病患 多在春天爆發 大家要保護自己 凡事中庸 一半就好 凡事都係 好壞參半 塞翁失馬 焉知非福 香港人 善有善報 保持呼吸道濕潤 喝溫水 適量補水 柔和潤澤 在公共洗手間要戴口罩

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Rest 090120

Rest 090120

Rest is healing is balance and peace

Food rest release is circle of life

We need gentle food rest release for balance n peace of energy

Unrest is sick
Rest is health

Education make us compete injured and the west provide foolish solutions to con our money

There are plenty solutions, natural solutions that is nature cycle of life solution

West solutions are in bits n pieces and charge a long term addictive treatment turn us into addicts and long term patients

We need to practice rest

When we rest we health
Rest is balance n peace.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New year

新的一年 我願大家 懂得保護自己 自古長壽 秘訣在於 懂得保護自己