
Friday, March 31, 2017

How to get one? Fb google apple Microsoft sparkle centre solutions creations experience exchange Anyone anything creates greed fear hatred must be distanced Anyone anything anywhere affects mood must be dropped Turtles ninja rat o master, nothing could affect its mood, n the green wise o master in Star Wars Health is own a Balance n stable body n mind n peace all round at most times

How to get one?

Fb google apple Microsoft sparkle centre

solutions creations experience exchange 

Anyone anything creates greed fear hatred must be distanced

Anyone anything anywhere affects mood must be dropped 

Turtles ninja rat o master, nothing could affect its mood, n the green wise o master in Star Wars

Health is own a Balance n stable body n mind n peace all round at most times

Turtles ninja rat o master, nothing could affect its mood, n the green wise o master in Star Wars

Turtles ninja rat o master, nothing could affect its mood, n the green wise o master in Star Wars

Health is own a Balance n stable body n mind n peace all round at most times

Health is own a Balance n stable body n mind n peace all round at most times

O seafood 310317

O seafood 310317

Sparkled by chu, mat created the o seafood project

The o seafood project is for sparkle and encourage ones in pain and difficulties

O seafood in Chinese sounds same with the old master

To become o seafood, the old master has few criterias

O seafood-the old master means:

Ones that can live stable and with harmony with nature

Ones that live a balance life with a balance intake and output

Ones that persist upon pain and fear to live on

Ones that pursue nature and natural solutions

Ones that pass on love and care for ones around themselves

Ones that can avoid fake and live truly

Ones that be who they are and be true to themselves at most times

Ones that loves green and nature

Ones only pursue love and care for self and others

Ones that flows with water and enjoys nature with others.



I m o seafood 老師父

I m o seafood 老師父

Keep fit health tips 310317

Keep fit health tips 310317

Our body is a storage of energy, with everyday intake and output controlling our fitness and weight

We intake air food drinks for some medicines

If we keep a stable factors of sourcing intake of food drinks and with same environment and daily routine we live in, weight keeps the same

As we ageing we need not intake as much if our consumption of energy decrease

The more we consume, the more we need intake

It is best to have a 20 to 30 minutes light walk after each meal

We should never do exercise before meal because after exercise we feel extremely hungry and would intake much more than we need and after meal feel too tired to move and fat stays in body

Key is to have a 20 to 30 minutes light walk after each meal

If more than 30 minutes we would feel hungry again and need to intake again and feel too tired to exercise afterwards and fat stays

20 to 30 minutes light walk after each meal is to help metabolism going, consume extra fat without making you eat again in the next five hours

for breaks we can consume some fruits

for main meal we need meat, rib eye steak or noodles or bit of rice

we need to intake a spoon of honey after each meal with bit of warm water before the walk

we need honey, salt, vinegar, olive oil
walk in the garden, in your town or on your way back to work or home

key is to have a 20-30 minutes light walk after each meal.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

千萬不要低估自己在愛人家人友人心中的份量與地位,有很多傻人包括本人自己會 潛意識地跟著我愛的人意願可能做出損害自己健康及平安的行為,各位請停止傻 研究發現我們自己大部分時間只會看到自己短處而愛我們的人則看到我們的長 處,我們長期對自己要求苛刻,強迫自己走在壓力道上 自己以外,如有人只看到 我們不足並強迫我們改變規律節奏的人根本不愛我們不必理會,他們最愛放緃自 己,苛刻愛他們的人,這些人極度自私偏執借囗為你好,其實他們已經不幸患上強 迫症,需要接受精神科及臨床心理治療,以免其愛人家人繼續受苦 每人也有自己 意願能力利益考慮,我們必須尊重每一個人的意願節奏規律與決定





千萬不要低估自己在愛人家人友人及自己在其他生命心中的角色份量與地位,有很 多傻人包括本人自己會潛意識地跟著我愛的人意願可能做出損害自己健康及令己不 安的行為,各位請停止傻 研究發現我們自己大部分時間只會看到自己短處而愛我 們的人則看到我們的長處,我們長期對自己要求苛刻,強迫自己走在壓力道上 自 己以外,如有人只看到我們不足並強迫我們改變規律節奏的人根本不愛我們不必理 會,他們最愛放緃自己,苛刻愛他們的人,這些人極度自私偏執借囗為你好,其實 他們已經不幸患上強迫症,需要接受精神科及臨床心理治療,以免其愛人家人繼續 受苦 每人也有自己意願能力利益考慮,我們必須尊重每一個人的意願能力利益節 奏規律與決定 隨水飄流,無悔煩憂






千萬不要低估自己在愛人家人友人心中的地位,研究發現我們自己大部分時間只會 看到自己短處而愛我們的人則看到我們的長處,我們長期對自己要求苛刻,強迫自 己走在壓力道上 自己以外,如有人只看到我們不足並強迫我們改變規律節奏的人 根本不愛我們不必理會,他們最愛放緃自己,苛刻愛他們的人,這些人極度自私偏 執借囗為你好,其實他們已經不幸患上強迫症,需要接受精神科及臨床心理治 療,以免其愛人家人繼續受苦 每人也有自己意願能力利益考慮,我們必須尊重每 一個人的意願節奏規律與決定




Wednesday, March 29, 2017








No matter how bright you are, you must pay the price.

No matter how bright you are, you must pay the price.

The factor 290317

The factor 290317

We are made up of factors, no any one factor can represent us truly, totally, completely nor in details, so why bother?

The best healer can never heal every problem nor everyone

As we can bigger and wiser, we find our limitations get bigger and bigger

Seems what can be done is done and what cant be still cant be done

Below is factors that harms:

Genetical engineering
Unfair exchange

Monday, March 27, 2017



Sunday, March 26, 2017

We are made up of factors, no any one factor can represent us totally completely nor in details, so why bother?

We are made up of factors, no any one factor can represent us totally completely nor in details, so why bother?



Ones with kind heart would be more ease than ones without We means much more than we can ever imagine in the hearts of ones who loves us and for ones we harmed. Your actions and speech changes lives of ones you meet and changes their family and the world thereafter, so no need to pursue important career respect everyone you meet is better than being Buddha or God.

Ones with kind heart would be more ease than ones without

We means much more than we can ever imagine in the hearts of ones who loves us and for ones we harmed.

Your actions and speech changes lives of ones you meet and changes their family and the world thereafter, so no need to pursue important career

respect everyone you meet is better than being Buddha or God.

Yin yang 260317

Yin yang 260317

Yin yang is about balance

Balance of everyone and everything

Everyone and everything have a good side and a bad side in order to exist

It is not needed to make any effort for anyone and anything

Flow with water is the key for enjoy

For anyone and anything, the size and power of the good side always equals the size and power of the bad side and vice versa

Just flow with water…

Ones with kind heart would be more ease than ones without

We means much more than we can ever imagine in the hearts of ones who loves us and for ones we harmed.



Saturday, March 25, 2017





唯一緣因 the factor

唯一緣因 the factor 

唯一源因 the factor

唯一源因 the factor 

弱勢寶富 the gift

弱勢寶富 the gift

弱勢寶富 the gift

弱勢寶富 the gift

Brain dead 250317

Brain dead 250317

The solution for the partly brain dead

Use insects like flies spiders and snakes climb on the patient’s arms legs body up to head

Of course the insects and snakes must be without poison and is safe

When they just climb into ears or nose that’s the shock area where the danger and senses is most for wake up and shock like lightening but take care you need to be able to get the insects out after the exercise

Reason is to give the patient shock of fear like starting a car

Without telling the patient in advance

Though the patient is brain dead, they have partly senses

The reason for the brain dead remains in bed because it is too comfort without fear and shock of danger or death

This is partly inspired by the boiling water frog theory

Hope it can help but for family members, after the brain dead patient wake up, because he/she is still partly brain dead, the healing and caring need lots of energy love and care, are you in for it?

Friday, March 24, 2017

My law 友 group

My law group 


本人從2004-2007年在英國伯恩茅斯大學修工商管理基礎學位期間成立bright models international 光明國際模特兒中介,旗下四百餘模特兒來自世界各地


2013 年本人創作了辦法平台solution platform,現今仍尋找合作機會,不少龍頭IT 公司更借用了本人的這意念令本人十分鼓舞

本人在2014年出版了一本自己作品節錄'我願眾生,平安自在,peace to all souls'成一時佳話



本人從2004-2007年在英國伯恩茅斯大學修工商管理基礎學位期間成立bright models international 光明國際模特兒中介,旗下四百餘模特兒來自世界各地 其 後回港修佛哲心理並成立啟發中心分享本人每天研究心得至今 2013 年本人創作了 辦法平台solution platform,現今仍尋找合作機會,不少龍頭IT 公司更借用了本 人的這意念令本人十分鼓舞 本人在2014年出版了一本自己作品節錄'我願眾生,平 安自在,peace to all souls'成一時佳話 本人發現,創作有平和情緒平安心靈作 用,本人創作無師自通,更以獨門閲讀方法博覽群藉不亦樂乎 2014年起本人中介 任何產品及服務在世界各地皆有代理

本人從2004-2007年在英國伯恩茅斯大學修工商管理基礎學位期間成立bright models international 光明國際模特兒中介,旗下四百餘模特兒來自世界各地


2013 年本人創作了辦法平台solution platform,現今仍尋找合作機會,不少龍頭IT 公司更借用了本人的這意念令本人十分鼓舞

本人在2014年出版了一本自己作品節錄'我願眾生,平安自在,peace to all souls'成一時佳話



Thursday, March 23, 2017

The con 230317

The con 230317

Learn earn heal is con

No souls except mankind has test exams and qualifications
No souls except mankind has law judges securities authorities jails and hospitals
No souls except mankind has God Buddha saints sinners criminals and crimes
No souls except mankind has bully insult disrespect discrimination and punishment
No souls except mankind made learn earn heal con and greed fear and hatred for profits
No souls except mankind would planned to trick and trap other souls for profits
No souls except mankind would slave others to work for them for free
No souls except mankind would create excuses meanings and reasons for evil means they practice
No souls except mankind would create God and law for profits
No souls except mankind would be wicked and evil
No souls except mankind would destroy the environment and charges for saving it bit by bit but neverend
No souls except mankind created jobs offices markets exchange factories services and goods
No souls except mankind would earn from healing others
No souls except mankind would marry divorce and get half of the rich side
No souls except mankind would have parliament and law to excuse their evil actions and disgusting behavior for a good deed
No souls except mankind would create weapons.

We 230317

We 230317

We are judges

We came as innocents for testing everyone for their true

True kind or evil

But we are downtrodden by mankind

We find love care and faith on ones that will become leaders

We are known as patients

If you have patient and kind heart.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


燒傷 緊急處理

☘請大家分享給你的親人這個消息!這一點非常重要! 可能會派上用場....
她打破了雞蛋,將蛋黃與蛋白分離。 鄰居將 '蛋白' 👍塗抹在年輕人的臉上。
有一個女人,她的手很大一部分被沸水燙傷。她忍住痛苦,她衝去開開水龍頭,用冷水一直沖她的手,然後她分離2個雞蛋的蛋清,將蛋白塗抹在自己的手上。蛋白乾燥後,形成了保護層。 她後來才知道,蛋清是一種天然的膠原蛋白,蛋清層可應用致皮膚的保護層。到了下午,她不再感到任何疼痛,第二天,幾乎沒有一絲的燙傷的痕跡。 


🔴  🙌  🙋♂🙆舉手不是投降,是救命 (..)
 ☘我和一個朋友一起吃飯,友人一個不小心被魚刺給噎到 ,
把* 🙋♂🙆雙手🙋♂🙆* 高舉過頭,一直要她「把雙手舉起來,把🙆雙手舉起來。」

結果'咖'一聲氣通了. 好不容易救護車來到梨山,他已可以說話了.

🔴主旨:  🙋♂🙌舉手是救命手段(一定要看!要轉發出去,或許它能救人一命喔!!) (💝)

欣賞資優,明白感受 Appreciate gifts, understand feelings


Appreciate gifts, understand feelings 

Appreciation 220317

Appreciation 220317

I appreciate I am matthew ma
I appreciate I have ones I love and ones love me
I appreciate I have a wish

I appreciate I am a man
I appreciate I am with my love ones
I appreciate I am helping ones in need

I appreciate I am creating solutions
I appreciate I am creating experience
I appreciate we look for peace

I appreciate I can create
I appreciate I can dream
I appreciate I can sense

I appreciate I can react
I appreciate I can feel
I appreciate I can fear

I appreciate I can walk
I appreciate I can appreciate
I appreciate I can communicate

I appreciate I can respect
I appreciate I have faith
I appreciate I can cherish

I appreciate I have values
I appreciate I realize my gifts
I appreciate I practice charity

I appreciate I practice on helping others
I appreciate I have health
I appreciate I have wealth

I appreciate I have friends
I appreciate I have connections
I appreciate I have knowledge

I appreciate I have solutions
I appreciate I have properties
I appreciate I have goods

I appreciate I have power
I appreciate I have water
I appreciate I have dirt

I appreciate I have sun
I appreciate I have air
I appreciate I have green

I appreciate I can feed
I appreciate I can wear
I appreciate I can enjoy

Labeling 220317

Labeling 220317

Labeling and labels controls mood in most cases

Labels is descriptions

Most in text or audio video or photo, in charts in graphs or in any way shape or form describing affecting and controlling our mood, controlling what we think say and act

We put labels on everything everyone everywhere everytime

Everything and everyone is like a coin, we have a good side and a bad side

We have endless good and bad labels by others

We need to learn to sensitive on good labels on self and others but also beware of the fatal ones for avoid and prevent

If we can learn to appreciate people and things around us

We learn to put positive labels and aware and share positive labels

Be sensitive to positive labels and cherrypick the positive labels and enjoy them

Try this exercise daily, feedback your appreciation for ones around you daily, starts with  your family members and ones close to you, spend a minute and chat with them 3 things you appreciate about them daily, it can repeat a little from time to time if you run out of choice

I appreciate candy for knowing my gifts
I appreciate candy for feedback my gifts
I appreciate candy for sharing my gifts

I appreciate candy for respecting me
I appreciate candy for faith in me
I appreciate candy for appreciating me

I appreciate candy for cherishing me
I appreciate candy for communicating with me
I appreciate candy for knowing my values. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Good 210317

Good 210317

Good is hell

Good is the excuse leads us to hell

We always mislead by the excuse of good

The excuse of good harms us

We need balance, not good nor bad

Good for you is the excuse for learn earn heal

Good for you is the con

If something is good for you, it is also bad for you

If something is bad for you, it is also good for you

Balance is key

Key is balance

Health wealth power sex yin yang everything and everyone is about balance

Good is lop sided, bad is also lop sided

Good and bad is left and right, forward and backward

If a person only travels in one direction, that direction is good, I am sure no one would be that silly

We travel left right forward and backward in any direction and distance in comfort and peace of balance.



Monday, March 20, 2017























Problem and peace 200317

Problem and peace 200317

It is not a problem till you realize it

Many use healing for illing for earning and learning

There is no problem

For profits we created cash trade and exchange

In order to get others to work for us for free, we need to make them realize problems of themselves

We educate them, they learn and realize their problem and pay for healing through their earning and for our earning

This is the learn earn heal con

The problem is no problem for the greedy

we can not earn when there is no problem

So we create problems, we stimulate and sensitive and realize fools problems

When fools realize they have problems, they become irritated, then we sell them solutions to calm the irritation bit by bit but never ending

So the fools works for us for free with irritating heart in search of peace never finding their way nor destination

We can never let them know the secret

There is no problem till you realize it.


We put labels and describe conditions, we call them symptoms, grouping together calls illness

Learn earn heal is a circle of con

Creations solutions experience is media for profits and enjoyment

Enjoy is key

The key is enjoy.

Nothing is a problem till you realize it

Nothing is a problem till you realize it

Nothing is a problem until you realize it 唔係問題,不問不題 我欣賞

Nothing is a problem until you realize it



Saturday, March 18, 2017

Hong Kong 180317

Hong Kong 180317

Hong Kong the exchange

Hong Kong is a place with developed systems of business and law, account finance banking and is a perfect place and platform for dealing and exchange

The exchange is a great idea adopted by mat from the apple apps store and from the Hong Kong healing solutions columnist yim ho

The exchange can be done in both digital data way and a practical way

Trading and business is about dealing and exchange of creations solutions and experience

To exchange with peace, we need a place protected with law and with products and services supporting and succeeding us in dealing exchange

The exchange is a project for Hong Kong and for the world

The exchange is an opportunity for learn earn heal

The exchange is about creating a platform sustaining dealing and exchanging of original creations solutions and experience

The exchange is a platform for solving problems and reaching peace by exchanging original creations solutions and experience for everyone around the world 24 hours round the clock with a data exchange and a practical exchange working together connecting and exchanging with everyone anytime anywhere with a digital device or visiting Hong Kong

Hong Kong charges a small fee for every deal and for every exchanging or can charge for a day or monthly pass providing large sums for the Hong Kong government treasury serving Hong Kong citizens and ones in need.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Computer data 160317

Computer data 160317

Present year 2017 computer data is a mess

It is easy to set up a brand new system to yield from data creations

I use mac since 2010 and use computer since 1995

The computer system has never changed nor developed from 1995 to 2017/3/16

I have over 97% of my files and data creations are repeated

We need a system and a platform for data creations that would auto backup our original data creations but these backup must not mix with the original data creations

Every original data creations is displayed in timelines in factors and statistics is presented in circles charts and diagrams

Every identity owns plenty devices, devices owns by the same identity shares an original data creations timeline

Every factor owns their own timeline eg identity mat using device code 897899 using application code77898978 practicing functions code8988 in time0800 gps location 888909

Every factor owns a timeline
Factor includes identity time location device application functions creations and you name it

Original data creations are displayed and can be found and searched in factors timeline transferring the physical world into data creations experience history and memories

We can learn earn and heal through exchanging original data creations solutions and experience through identities time and locations

Original data creations solutions experience and history exchange between identities time and locations for learn earn heal and peace.

病教懂我,一切自找 不要自取其辱 是種挑戰,是種刺激




Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Solution platform and politics 150317

Solution platform and politics 150317

Solution platform is an idea adopt from the apple apps store and the hong kong healing solutions columnist yim ho

Everyone needs and creates solutions for reaching peace during history and experience

We experience and creates memories

We creates healing solutions in history of experience and exchange our creations solutions and experience for learn earn and heal

To manage people place and time, we need to realize every soul is gifted and is a vital part of the magical crystal ball

We must appreciate and utilize gifts of every soul in order to rule

To rule, we need a platform for every soul to exchange experience creations and solutions for learn earn and heal

If everyone heals through this platform, the society have no problem, mankind has no problem, the world has no problem

Problems because we are ill
We need heal

We need healing solutions creations and experience exchange for learn earn and heal and for peace.

香港特首,三位都請,一份工資,三個人分,任何決定,或一對二,或零對三,各 有所長,一人價錢,三人同行,互相問責,互相付責


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Solution platform 140317

Solution platform 140317

We live on earth with problems of pain and illnesses in search of healing solutions for reaching peace from birth till death for all souls on earth

Learn earn and heal are three stages of life

Actually everything is about healing and balance

Healing is about balance input and output

We learn ways of balancing ourselves and others for earn and ultimately healing purpose

Creations of computers and mobile smart phone let mankind share their gifts for learn earn and heal

Electronics devices is about sharing data creations for learn earn and heal

Healing can be done through sharing data creations and data utilizations

Healing is about data

Data is about storing experience of history of souls

We see difference and common sharing between factors of data

Data is about factors of difference and common creating souls matters time place and identities

It is an unknown to me whether souls and DNA has limited or unlimited combinations of data factors

If unlimited, then souls is unique
If limited, mankind is another form of machine created by future mankind.

為何智商越高越容易遇到心病? 凡人事物,始終陰陽,陽中有陰,陰中有陽,周 而復始,生生不息,合規律生,違規律滅,平常之人,達一目標,已經滿足,一步 一步,走到終點。 失常之人,智商極高,他們能夠,同一時間,輕而易舉,達多 目標,但這生出,致命盲點,誤導他們,自以為可,一網打盡,一擊全中,但因陰 陽,絕不容許,全陰全陽,他們不甘,不能全中,而生心病。 解決辦法,就是明 白,不能全中,而安於在,第二之位,金字塔頂,留一缺口,符合陰陽,才能恆 久,平安自在。 天堂:第一塊錢,地獄:差一塊錢






Monday, March 13, 2017

不賭不毒,不煙不酒,不茶不咖啡不可樂,不辛辣,不咖哩,不補,不寒不冰不 冷,不煎炸,不熱毒,不刺激,不激素,不人工,不人造,不添加,不味精,不尖 碎骨,不鷄,不三文魚,可溫暖,能清涼,可平和,需油鹽糖醋,要天然咸甜酸


Balance healing 130317

Balance healing 130317

Ill is imbalance

Balance is health joy and peace

People with autism, OCD obsessive compulsive disorder, trauma and other major brain disfunctions and mental illness shares this below:

Prefrontal brain area always in hyper alert mode with red lights flashing, causing who ever they meet they have fear of others attack them so they protect themselves causing violence and strange behavior in rare cases

Due to alerts of fear of extinct, we explode full power as if every second is our last second survive on earth, burning ourselves and our love ones out, usually our love ones and ourselves is restless

Because of fear and sensitive of danger we cannot sleep well

But the good thing is our creations solutions is the best, because we invest full power for every second we live, so the quality of our creations is the best of the best, even we may not think so because we microscoped the problem, but the world see thing in blunt way and find our creations ultra fine and nice

Healing is to visit large and reliable hospitals in city of your country, visit consultant doctors of psychiatry, sometimes you need more than one doctor

If life is fine, you do not need doctor

Just that if your checking and fear and cannot sleep well do you need consult doctor

Sometimes you need to start with a family doctor referral from you local hometown and pointing in the directions I just mentioned

With the help of the right dose of psychiatric drugs prescribed from hospital, you need to feedback your reactions and conditions and feelings after taking the drug when you next appointment

With the help of prescribed and controlled dose of medications will help you sleep and rest in peace to calm you prefrontal area down, when prefrontal area is relax and cool, you would become relax and enjoy the peace

When you are in peace you would be able to spread and invest your energy all through your life

You would no longer invest total energy on every second

You would spread and invest energy through life with joy and peace

When someone bad to you, you no longer see it as deny of everything, you would see it as a dust in the air and gone with the wind and flow with water…

A box of matches, if you want to lengthen its life, you use it one by one
If you want to brighten its life, you burn them two matches in a go and the brightness doubles

If you burn a box in a go, it’s the brightest but shortest lifetime

For gifted one like bruce lee and jona lumu and many gifted and famous one in all areas no matter famous or not shares this little box of matches theory

Our live and energy is a box of matches
Would you like a bright life, or a relax life?
An extreme or an average life with evens?

Having said that, the choice is hardly ours
Flows naturally is the key to peace.

Kindness is for caring, learning and healing
Kindness is not for harming and earning

If anyone practice kindness for harming and earning, they would go to hell and experience pain always and forever.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Price 120317

Price 120317

Everything everyone and every solution there is a price

The price of solution is base on its power of bringing its practitioner from pain to peace

Pain and peace solutions and creations is generated by souls

As factories and machines introduced, comes pollution

We need green to balance

There are plenty wisdoms and wise men on earth but seems the silly and stupid ones gets in the way because of cash

Public has no wisdom in realizing beyond ethnics and money

For the educated and non educated we all look for cash rather than peace

The peace of mankind needs aid of machines

Mankind and machines lives together in harmony to achieve peace and green on earth and beyond

Let us look beyond cash and profits, to share solutions and creations to sustain green earth with physical training of mankind around 2 hours per person per day

There is a price for every solution, the price for solution of green and health is by far the most cherish for souls

For peace
Go green.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

善意能解任何難,敵對惡意創造難,善意凡事能解決,世上沒難事,只怕沒善 意,最怕你友善,友善無敵,友善凡事有可能,敵對凡事沒可能,敵對是最笨,惡 意製造困難,善意解決問題,敵意製造問題,明白難處,欣賞長處,對人己友 善,眾生平安




為何智商越高越容易遇到心病? 凡人事物,始終陰陽,陽中有陰,陰中有陽,周 而復始,生生不息,合規律生,違規律滅,平常之人,達一目標,已經滿足,一步 一步,走到終點。 失常之人,智商極高,他們能夠,同一時間,輕而易舉,達多 目標,但這生出,致命盲點,誤導他們,自以為可,一網打盡,一擊全中,但因陰 陽,絕不容許,全陰全陽,他們不甘,不能全中,而生心病。 解決辦法,就是明 白,不能全中,而安於在,第二之位,金字塔頂,留一缺口,符合陰陽,才能恆 久,平安自在。





Bully 110317

Bully 110317

We all experienced bully in our lifetime

Bully experience started with insult disrespect and discrimination and goes on with greed fear and hatred creating problems for all souls

No matter in hospital, jail, workplace or home, where there is people there is bully

Bully goes on between souls across species of the strong bully the weak

From family members to colleagues to people we share our time and place with

We love to share our experience on television or youtube

What we experience is valuable to ourselves and others for learn earn and heal purposes

Experience is creations and solutions of reaching peace

We must not be too peace because over peace makes us sensitive and lead us into pain

In the ocean there is waves, if you drop a stone in the waves, seems nothing happen relatively but if you drop a stone in a glass of water, it may spill

So we need physical training to keep ourselves mind and body occupied everyday

Along side with television and mobile phone, we can exchange our experience through electronic glasses, we can wear a pair of electronic glasses capturing our experience round the clock and exchanging our experience on the internet

This electronic glasses has all the functions of a mobile smart phone but takes the shape of a glasses of convenience of capturing what we see and hear and exchanging what we see and hear

This electronic glasses comes free with a monthly functioning fee of five US dollars

For five US dollars per month, you can join the game of experience creations and solutions exchange for learn earn and heal purposes for reach peace and stop bully

Only criminals and bullies would say no to it because they have everything to hide

For kind ones, we have everything to share and exchange for cash and have nothing to hide, we love protection and peace with the public

Only criminals and bullies would use privacy excuse to prevent this project

The truth is no one has privacy since the launch of computers and mobile phones

All of our experience is capturing through our own or others mobile phone lens and microphone transfer and transmit through and sold on the internet harming but without benefiting us

Someone is earning by exchanging our experience since 1995, so for the naïve, no privacy excuse, no lie, no con because we do not have privacy, it long gone

This project is about how to for us the individual to benefit and earn through exchange our experience

We been paying the price of losing our privacy, we are not knowing it, this project is to do something for let us enjoy the benefits for the price we paid for

We paid
Now enjoy…

Friday, March 10, 2017

What is IT? 100317

What is IT? 100317

IT information technology is electronics means of digital data healing solutions and creations exchange by mankind

IT is about exchanging healing solutions by mankind serving learn earn and heal purposes

Healing solutions is wisdom of mankind passing through time and history

Healing solutions is about how mankind reaching peace created and exchange by and with experience of mankind

Mankind record healing solutions started on stone walls in caves, later on with sheep skins, bamboos, papers finally recorded electronically and digital through computers and mobile devices

One thing unchanged is mankind is not yet found the solution of peace and balance health

From the start of time mankind is ever recording experience and memories through audio video photo and text notes storing sharing and exchanging healing solutions valuable to mankind

Healing solutions of mankind is the most valuable

Healing solutions is about formulas and way of reaching peace

Healing solutions is about peace

Digital data healing solutions is about peace

IT is about peace.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

太過得閒,太悶,無精神寄托,胡思亂想,鑽牛角尖,對感覺太敏感,因為太平 安,所以不安,need to keep occupy, need an occupation to occupy time to diversify sensitive feelings

太過得閒,太悶,無精神寄托,胡思亂想,鑽牛角尖,對感覺太敏感,因為太平安,所以不安,need to keep occupy, need an occupation to occupy time to diversify sensitive feelings 

善意能解任何難,敵對惡意創造難,善意凡事能解決,世上沒難事,只怕沒善 意,最怕你友善,友善無敵,友善凡事有可能,敵對凡事沒可能,敵對是最笨,惡 意製造困難,善意解決問題,敵意製造問題,明白難處,欣賞長處,對人己友 善,眾生平安


Pleasant 090317

Pleasant 090317

Pleasant but firm is wisdom and key for peace and success

For dealing, we need to tackle the problem with others not against others

No one we should against, everyone we should be with

How to do it

To make others feel pleasant but firm

If you just make them pleasant, they may bully you

You need ability and power to protect yourself by not doing things that leads others to thinks you are stupid to insult disrespect discriminate and bully you

Protect yourself sometimes you need force fight punishment and power by using the strong ones to protect you and that is call the boss

Respect is the key

When others feel respect and feel you are pleasant, they love to join you, because there is not much people around that are respect and pleasant

So if you are respect and pleasant to others, you will succeed

Respect pleasant and able to protect yourself from harm

So physical training comes along the way of the path of success

Respect pleasant and protection can wins anyone’s heart

Key to peace is flow with water, blow with wind

Flows naturally…

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Be pleasant to self n others is wisdom 善意敵對惡意 喜意什麼都行,敵對惡 意搵笨什麼都不行 每個行為決定,是賭博,是投資,是隨水,一切空 眾生萬 物,心念反射,所生幻象 心念幻化,眾生萬物 我們受者,內心反射 善念生善

Be pleasant to self n others is wisdom 








Tuesday, March 7, 2017

精神病患者行家,全部極之聰明,但欠缺靈活變通的智慧和能力,思想極快及極敏 感,大眾上課二十多年,我們不看也能幻想推理解決問題,常人世紀難題,我們立 即能解,餘下時間便不斷檢查,成引嗜好,因為我們的超級解難能力是人類文明及 社會文化所未發現,之前也沒有人題出這論點,連我們自己也被文明文化影響而忽 略及否定自己的超級能力而不斷檢查從而失了自信,誤當自己及行家患病,所謂病 就是解難能力太快精準及太厲害,勁得連我們自己也否定和歧視自己 如果我們可 以發揮長處得到認同和權力,問題不再存在 Steve jobs 是我們一份子,如果你用 智能手機,平板電腦,因為行家才存在 太快完成工作,所以太多空餘時間胡思亂 想



Steve jobs 是我們一份子,如果你用智能手機,平板電腦,因為行家才存在


集中不如意事一二 集中如意事一二, 集中一二,忽略八九 太過如意,太過平 安,所以不安 太易平安,所以不安,悶 精神病患者行家,全部極之聰明,但欠靈 活變通的智慧,思想極快及敏感,上課一小時,我們不看也能幻想推理解決問 題,常人世紀難題,我們立即能解,餘下時間便不斷檢查,因為我們的超級能力時 人類文明及社會文化所沒有,之前也沒有人題出,連我們自己也不相信自己的超級 能力而不斷檢查,誤當自己及行家病,所謂病就是太厲害連自己也歧視自己。



Lunatic definition 070317

Lunatic definition 070317

Lunatic is a person with great gifts and hyper sensitive brain

We usually allergic to what we take and wear and who we meet

We are extremely poor in communication

We have great gifts in creative arts

We have ultra high IQ but ultra low EQ

We take words seriously

We are seen as silly

We are kind but selfish

We love checking because our brain complete tasks in split seconds and even ourselves have no faith and cannot believe in our super power of solving problems

We usually not good with numbers

We have great memories

We remember things in stories

We love to help others

We love sex but cannot get it due to poor communication and got seen as weirdos

Even girls asks us out, we have no idea how to say yes and fear of losing her and end up losing her

We love to collect things

If others is good to us we amplify the results

If others is bad to us we amplify the results even more

We are sharp in things but blunt in some others

We are extremely polite

We feel helpless at most times but failed to communicate even to our love ones

We love to pursue what we love

We expect everyone is kind

We explode when others play tricky hearts on us on purpose

We wish peace to all souls

We feels and sees evil hearts and kind hearts

We feels when others is helping us or harming us

We feels when we are being pray or being played

We are being bullied, insulted, disrespected and discriminated

When wish everyone that harms us or helps us experience what we experience

We had tragedy experience

We were kind to the world but world is mean to us

We thought the world is a simple place but it’s a nasty place

We thinks people is simple but they are nasty

Our love turns hate with greed and fear

We are smart but not yet wise

We are mean to ourselves

We set impossible high standards for self and others

We are perfectionist but we don’t feel it

We are guilty and regrets for the past and worry about the future

We take everyone and everything extremely seriously

We do not sleep well because we failed to take balance diet from the kitchen and the cook

Chinese treatment says we have too much poisons in body with taking fried and poison food

We need to beware and stop intake of fried food, spices, poison, cola, coffee, tea, artificial addictives

We need warm water, warm food, fresh meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, suitable amount of salt, honey, olive oil and vinegar

Be kind to keep out being a lunatic
Be mean to keep on being a lunatic

We were mean before we become mad
We are kind when we mad

Be mean and you will join us
Be kind and you will help us

Listen to ocean waves new age relaxing music
Listen to relaxing jazz blues and soul music

Keep away from alcohol drugs and gamble
Suitable Protected sex with opposite sex helps

Thank you

Peace to all souls

Monday, March 6, 2017




善有善報 善報,a newspaper by mat 惡意敵意或善意,欺負欺凌或欺騙,感恩感 謝和幫助,自己利益,團隊借囗,必有惡報,善有善報


善報,a newspaper by mat




Privacy 060317

Privacy 060317

Do we have privacy?
I think not, why?
Current year 2017, if you have a passport, have an identity, have a mobile smart phone, own a phone number, a email address and address, you do not own privacy

Even if you don’t own any of these, the one next to you will track you down

With all the close circuit television CCTV, every mobile smart phone has two cameras a mic and a GPS locator

You carry a mobile smart phone, anyone can locate you with your identity with all your electronic history, they can listen to you and watch you through internet connect to your phone

We gave up our privacy for electronic products and services
We paid the price but we are not enjoying the priviledges

Our experience is value to ourselves and others, we can sell our experience and memories

We can sell copies of our experience and electronic memories for learn earn and heal purposes

Our experience is creating from birth till death with lots of memories and experience valuable to create and pass on solutions creations for learn earn and heal for a small fee

Let say pay five US dollars per month for a pass per person to enjoy all the priviledges to learn the healing solutions and creations of others around the world

If others enjoys our creations, we earn electronic points which can redeem for cash for products and services for other solutions and creations

The experience creations and solutions exchange with the 24 hours glasses electronic headwear device

We earn through selling original experience
No one would say no to cash
We paid for the experience, why not get some cash with it
We lost privacy already, why not earn with it
Ones that use privacy as an excuse are the bullies the criminals and ones got things to hide

No one has and no one should have any secrets
Secrets are for bullies, for crimes for cons and for the dark
I am sure none of you like bullies
So all of you supports benefits from exchanging experience

We paid the price
Now enjoy the privileges.

Mat: 耶穌有無讀過神學院 佛陀有無讀過佛學院 李嘉誠有無讀過商學院 開國王帝 又是誰教出來的 食飯痾屎使唔使人教先? Poon: 對的,孔子冇讀教育學院,華佗冇 讀醫學院.孫武冇讀軍事學院

Mat: 耶穌有無讀過神學院 佛陀有無讀過佛學院 李嘉誠有無讀過商學院 開國王帝又是誰教出來的 食飯痾屎使唔使人教先?

Poon: 對的,孔子冇讀教育學院,華佗冇讀醫學院.孫武冇讀軍事學院

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Saturday, March 4, 2017



這裡是10個扭曲的思維模式根據伯恩斯博士。 Burns寫道:

全或無 - 思考 - 你看到黑白類別的東西。如果你的表現不夠完美,你會認為自己是一個完全失敗。

過度概括 - 你看到一個單一的負面事件,作為一個永無止境的失敗模式。

精神過濾器 - 你選擇一個單一的負失敗,並專心地停留在它,使你的現實的視覺變得更暗,如墨水的顏色整個水杯的水滴。

取消積極的 - 你通過堅持他們“不計算”某些原因或其他原因而否定積極的經歷。以這種方式,你可以保持一個消極的信念,與你的日常經驗相矛盾。

跳到結論 - 即使沒有明確的事實,令人信服地支持你的結論,你作出否定的解釋。



放大(災難化)或最小化 - 你誇大了事情的重要性(如你的蠢事或別人的成就),或者你不適當地收縮東西,直到他們出現微小(你自己想要的品質或其他傢伙的瑕疵)。這也被稱為“雙目魔術”。

情緒推理 - 你假設你的消極情緒必然反映事情真正的方式:“我覺得它,因此它必須是真的。

應該聲明 - 你試圖用應有的和應該的動機,如果你必須被鞭打和懲罰,在你可以被期望做任何事情。 “必須”和“oughts”也是罪犯。情感的後果是內疚。當你直接向其他人發表言論時,你會感到憤怒,沮喪和怨恨。

標籤和標籤 - 這是一種極端形式的過度概括。而不是描述你的錯誤,你附加一個負標籤給自己:“我是一個失敗者。”當別人的行為磨擦你的方式錯誤,你附加一個負面的標籤給他:“他是一個玷污。”錯誤標籤涉及描述與高度色彩和情感加載的語言的事件。

個性化 - 你看到自己是一些負面的外部事件的原因,事實上你不是主要負責。



發表於:Book Nuggets,情緒智力

Distorted Thinking Patterns (Cognitive Distortions)

Distorted Thinking Patterns (Cognitive Distortions)

Here’s the 10 distorted thinking patterns according to Dr. Burns.  Burns writes:

All-Or-Nothing Thinking – You see things in black-and-white categories. If your performance falls short of perfect, you see yourself as a total failure.

Overgeneralization – You see a single negative event as a never-ending pattern of defeat.

Mental Filter – You pick out a single negative defeat and dwell on it exclusively so that your vision of reality becomes darkened, like the drop of ink that colors the entire beaker of water.

Disqualifying the positive – You dismiss positive experiences by insisting they “don’t count” for some reason or other. In this way you can maintain a negative belief that is contradicted by your everyday experiences.

Jumping to conclusions – You make a negative interpretation even though there are no definite facts that convincingly support your conclusion.

A. Mind reading. You arbitrarily conclude that someone is reacting negatively to you, and you don’t bother to check this out.

B. The fortune teller error. You anticipate that things will turn out badly, and you feel convinced that your prediction is an already-established fact.

Magnification (Catastrophizing) or Minimization- You exaggerate the importance of things (such as your goof-up or someone else’s achievement), or you inappropriately shrink things until they appear tiny (your own desirable qualities or the other fellow’s imperfections). This is also called the “binocular trick.”

Emotional Reasoning – You assume that your negative emotions necessarily reflect the way things really are: “I feel it, therefore it must be true.

Should Statements – You try to motivate yourself with shoulds and shouldn’ts, as if you had to be whipped and punished before you could be expected to do anything. “Musts” and “oughts” are also offenders. The emotional consequence is guilt. When you direct should statements toward others, you feel anger, frustration, and resentment.

Labeling and Mislabeling – This is an extreme form of overgeneralization. Instead of describing your error, you attach a negative label to yourself: “I’m a loser.” When someone else’s behavior rubs you the wrong way, you attach a negative label to him: “He’s a goddam louse.” Mislabeling involves describing an event with language that is highly colored and emotionally loaded.

Personalization – You see yourself as the cause of some negative external event which in fact you were not primarily responsible for.


My Related Posts

13 Negative Motivation Patterns
Motivation or Action First?
Coercion is a Deadly Enemy of Motivation
Little Steps for Little Feet
How To Use the TIC-TOC Technique
Learn to Endorse Yourself
How To Use a Daily Record of Dysfunctional Thoughts
Posted in: Book Nuggets, Emotional-Intelligence

Friday, March 3, 2017

Thursday, March 2, 2017

敵意惡意,善意友善善良 Smartness sends u to hell Wisdom sends u to peace 集中不如意事一二 集中如意事一二, 集中一二,忽略八九 太過如意,太 過平安,所以不安 太易平安,所以不安,悶


Smartness sends u to hell

Wisdom sends u to peace




